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Англ.Куклина А.И. Киреева Л.В. Английский язык.doc
1.19 Mб

2. Употребите следующие существительные в притяжательном падеже ’s (s’).

Пример: the book of my sister – my sister’s book

the friends of my sisters – my sisters’ friends

The sister of my mother, the brother of my mother, the daughter of Ann, the friend of my sister, the son of her brother, the husband of her daughter, the house of my parents, the room of Pete, the table of my father, the photo of my grandmother, the work of my mother, the notebook of this student, the sister of my friend, the books of these students, the son of his aunt, the wives of his brothers, the best suit of my husband, the novels of Dickens, the hat of my sister-in-law, the answers of the students, the tools of the workers, the dress of the girl, the dresses of the girls, the toys of the children, the voices of the men, the coats of the passers-by, the faces of the women, the study of my father-in law.

3. Измените предложения, используя ’s (s’).

Пример: The classes are using the new books. (the French teachers).

The French teachers’ classes are using the new books.

1. The car is parked in front of the house. (the builder; Anna)

2. Do you know the address? (the tall woman)

3. Their bedtime is eight o’clock. (the children).

4. The brothers are both in the army. (Alice and Pat)

4. Перефразируйте, употребляя –’s.

1. The sister of my mother is my aunt.

2. The brother of my mother is my uncle.

3. The father of my wife is my father-in-law.

4. The sister of my wife is my sister-in law.

5. My mother has a sister, her son is the nephew of my mother.

6. My father has a brother, his daughter is the niece of my father.

7. The mother of my wife is my mother-in-law.

8. The brother of my wife is my brother-in-law.

5. Напишите предложения, используя ’s (s’) или of.

Пример: Is the door open? (Paul, the library)

Is Paul’s door open? Is the door of the library open?

1. What’s the name? (your brother, that book)

2. Is there anything in the pockets? (the children, that coat)

3. You can see the church from the window. (Emma, the living room)

4. Why are the arms so dirty? (John, your child)

6. Закончите предложения, используя –’s или of.

1. I like …. (the camera / Ann)

2. What is …? (the name / this town)

3. When is …? (the birthday / your sister)

4. Do you like …? (the colour / this coat)

5. Write your name at …. (the top / the page)

6. What is …? ( the address / Jill)

7. What was …? (the cause / the accident)

8. … is near the city centre. (the house / my parents)

9. … is very good. (the spoken English / Maria)

10. For me the morning is …. (the best part / the day)

11. … is very interesting. (the job / my brother)

12. The car stopped at …. (the end / the street)

13. … is blue. (the favourite colour / Pat)

14. … are very thin. (the walls / this house)

7. Перефразируйте, используя -’s со словами, обозначающими время.

the paper of today the news of yesterday

the holiday lasting a month the atmosphere of the town

the weather for tomorrow the timetable for the next week

the delay for three hours the party which took place last night