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Англ.Куклина А.И. Киреева Л.В. Английский язык.doc
1.19 Mб

8. Используйте данные слова в притяжательном падеже.

second, minute, hour, day, week, year.

Пример: Who was it? I asked. There was a pause before she answered. a second’s pause

1. After university Eric took a course to become a teacher.

2. Lin had a holiday with her mother earlier this year.

3. Oxford is nearly 600 km from Edinburgh – that’s a journey.

4. Ann’s new job will mean a drive to work every morning.

5. There was a wait while the company started up.

9. Как мы это называем? Напишите словосочетания (сущ. + сущ.).

Пример: soup with chicken in it. chicken soup

1. A box made of metal. …

2. cakes with chocolate in them. …

3. A fork made of plastic. …

4. soup made of vegetables. …

5. a jacket made of leather. …

6. salad with tomatoes in it. …

7. a piece of furniture for books. …

8. the clock in the station. …

9. a frame for a picture. …

10. a wall made of stones. …

10. Как мы называем этих людей или вещи?

Пример: This person drives a bus. a bus driver

1. This person manages an office. …

2. This machine makes coffee. …

3. This person drinks coffee. …

4. This person loves animals. …

5. This person plays tennis. …

6. This thing opens letters. …

7. This person smokes cigars. …

8. This person climbs mountains. …

11. Составьте пары словосочетаний.

Пример: story: Helen, the Civil War

Helen’s story; the story of the Civil War

policy: the firm, full employment

ideas: modern physics, my daughter

arm: the chair, John

file: your secretary, your documents

view: the scientist, the sea

rules: the company, hockey

12. Поставьте существительные в скобках в притяжательный падеж.

1. Does your library often organize … disputes? (readers) When will the next … dispute be held? (readers) – It’ll be held in … time. (a week)

2. What’s her occupation? – She works at the … theatre. (children)

3. … children went to the shore to wave good-bye to their fathers. (fishermen)

4. I’ll be through with your book in … time. (a month)

5. What are you looking at? … nest. (a swallow)

6. … parents were killed in a car accident. (the girl)

7. Why is the boy crying? – Ask … friend. (the boy)

8. They were frightened by a dog. They thought it was … dog. (a watchman)

9. Where is your brother? – He has gone to … swimming pool. (the children)

10. What are they going to do? – They are going to organize their … club. (students)

11. What do you see in the can? – I don’t know what it is. But it looks like … food. (a cat)

12. What is there under the table? – I think it’s … sock. (a child)

13. It isn’t … job. (a woman)

14. She is holding … mitten in her hand. ( a child)

15. … cloak-room is on the right and … cloak-room is on the left. (boys, girls)

16.They looked into the canteen and saw a man in … cap. (a cook)

17. We want to know where the … fitting-room is. (ladies)

18. I heard … voices in the distance. (men)

19. Where is the … hat? (doctor) He doesn’t remember where he put it.

20. He likes to sing and we always ask him to sing … songs. (students)

13. Закончите рассказ, используя (-’s) или (-s’).

The two girls disappeared from 1) their grandmother … garden in Ilkley yesterday evening.

Josie and Cara Sharp, aged 7 and 9, were staying at 2) their grandparents … house for a week. They were in Ilkley for a 3) children … theatre course. The police have asked the course teachers for 4) the other hildren … names and addresses, and they have also put 5) Josie and Cara photos on local television. 6) The two girls … mother, Mrs Jenna Sharp, has appeared on TV as well. A shopkeeper thinks she saw Josie and Cara getting into 7) a man … car; police officers have asked for 8) the shopkeeper … help with a photofit picture of the man. The police have also got 9) local people … help in looking for the girls near the town.