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II. Put the verb in brackets in the appropriate form:

1. If we increased production volume we (benefit) from a more economic batch size.

2. If we had installed the equipment, we (become) more competitive.

3. If a government cuts taxation, it (gain) a lot of popular support.

4. We (beat) the price increases if we made the investment now.

5. If the radicals (make) the government more responsible they would have wasted their time.

6. If the market for our products (expand) we will have a 20 per cent increase in turnover next year.

7. We would have to reduce our workforce if the bank (refuse) to extend our credit.

8. If wages rise, unemployment (increase).


III. Paraphrase the sentences:

1. Were I in the city, I would attend the lecture.

2. Had he pointed out all the drawbacks, we should have found ways to solve the problem.

3. Had the agent defaulted on the agreement, we would have taken legal action.

4. Had I known that I wouldn’t have said anything.

5. Should the guests come earlier, no one will be here to greet them.

6. Were I responsible for this job, I would do it another way.

7. Should the supplier raise the price we would have to buy from another one.


IV. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Если они предложат мне эту работу, я соглашусь.

2. Если затраты на энергию возрастут, нам придется поднять цены.

3. Если вы заплатите заранее, мы снизим цену на 2 процента.

4. Если бы мы заказали больше товара, мы получили бы скидку.

5. Если бы мы использовали более дешевые компоненты, мы бы сэкономили деньги.

6. Если бы он не опоздал вчера на собрание, он бы знал, о чем там говорили.

7. Если бы ты проверил счета, у нас бы не было проблем.

8. Я бы не купил акции этой компании, если бы знал, что у нее проблемы.


V. Rewrite the following as conditional sentences:

1. The government must take appropriate measures to decrease the unemployment.

2. He was always late for work, that is why he was sacked.

3. The company lost a lot of money because their competitors reduced prices.

4. We should spend more on advertising, then our products will sell better.

5. The workers went on strike because their wages were inadequate.

6. We can order more goods, they will give us a discount.

7. He refused to take the job because the salary was not high enough.

8. He would sign the agreement but he does not like some of the terms.