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Реферат ЭП. Джанаев

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Экологический ущерб часто связан с упущением выгоды, неполучением природопользователем доходов, которые он мог получить при обычных условиях. What d The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind o ESL and EFL mean? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language. ESL is used when people learn English in an English speaking country. EFL is used when people learn English in a non-English speaking country. Is this important?

Моральный вред может заключаться в нравственных переживаниях. В экологическом праве, например, уничтожение зеленых насаждений в городах может рассматриваться как фактор причинения морального вреда, что соответственно должно служить основанием для его возмещения. В суд могут предъявляться иски на основании нарушения права на благоприятную окружающую среду. What do ESL and EFL mean? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language. ESL is used when people learn English in an English speaking country. EFL is used when people learn English in a non-English speaking country. Is this important?

Закон «Об охране окружающей среды» предусматривает возмещение вреда, причиненного здоровью граждан неблагоприятным воздействием окружаю/щей среды. Вред окружающей среде согласно Закону «Об охране окружающей среды» причиняется ее загрязнением, истощением, порчей, уничтожением, нерациональным использованием природных ресурсов, разрушением естественных экологических систем и другими нарушениями экологического законодательства, В ст. 77 Закона «Об охране окружающей среды» говорится о том, что вред, причиненный окружающей среде, должен быть возмещен в полном объеме юридическими и физическими лицами, по вине которых был причинен вред окружающей среде, здоровью и имуществу граждан. Возмещение причиненного вреда производится добровольно или по решению суда или арбитражного суда в соответствии с утвержденными таксами и методиками исчисления размера ущерба, а при их отсутствии по фактическим затратам на восстановление нарушенного состояния окружающей среды с учетом понесенных убытков, в том числе упущенной выгоды. Законом предусматривается возмещение вреда в натуре путем возложения на ответчика обязанности по восстановлению окружающей среды за счет его сил и средств. What do ESL and EFL mean? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language. ESL is used when people learn English in an English speaking country. EFL is used when people learn English in a non-English speaking country. Is this important?

При определении ущерба учитывается прямой ущерб, связанный с разрушением и снижением стоимости строений, жилых и производственных помещений, оборудования, имущества, и упущенная выгода от потери урожая, снижения плодородия почв и иных вредных последствий.

Закон устанавливает, что юридические и физические лица вправе предъявлять иск в суд или в арбитражный суд, а граждане - в суд о прекращении экологически вредной деятельности, причиняющей вред здоровью и имуществу граждан, народному хозяйству и окружающей среде. Решение суда, арбитражного суда о прекращении экологически вредной деятельности является основанием для прекращения ее финансирования банком. What do ESL and EFL mean? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language. ESL is used when people learn English in an English speaking country. EFL is used when people learn English in a non-English speaking country. Is this important?

Дисциплинарное взыскание может быть применено к нарушителю не позднее одного месяца со дня его обнаружения. Наложение дисциплинарного взыскания не исключает возможности применения более строгих видов ответственности: уголовной, административной, гражданской.

Имущественная ответственность заключается в обязанности работника предприятия, организации возместить в установленном порядке и в определенных размерах имущественный ущерб, причиненный по его вине предприятию, организации в результате ненадлежащего исполнения им своих трудовых обязанностей. Работник, независимо от привлечения к имущественной ответственности, может быть привлечен к иным видам ответственности. What do ESL and EFL mean? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language. ESL is used when people learn English in an English speaking country. EFL is used when people learn English in a non-English speaking country. Is this important?

Лица, находящиеся в трудовых отношениях с предприятием, организацией, несут имущественную ответственность при определенных условиях:

наличие прямого действительного ущерба, явившегося результатом совершения работником экологического правонарушения;

противоправность поведения работника, т. е. неисполнение либо ненадлежащее исполнение работником своих обязанностей;

причинная связь между действием либо бездействием работника и причиненным ущербом; What do ESL and EFL mean? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language. ESL is used when people learn English in an English speaking country. EFL is used when people learn English in a non-English speaking country. Is this important?

вина работника в причинении ущерба своим действием либо бездействием.*

Трудовое законодательство предусматривает ограниченную и полную имущественную ответственность. При ограниченной ответственности работник обязан возместить ущерб в размере прямого действительного ущерба. Полная имущественная ответственность возможна тогда, когда в соответствии с законодательством либо договором на работника возложена полная материальная ответственность; когда ущерб причинен преступными действиями работника, установленными приговором суда; также в иных случаях. What do E The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind SL and EFL mean? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language. ESL is used when people learn English in an English speaking country. EFL is used when people learn English in a non-English speaking country. Is this important?

предусмотрена за следующие экологические правонарушения: The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

несоблюдение экологических и санитарно-эпидемиологических требований при обращении с отходами производства и потребления или иными опасными веществами; The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

нарушение правил испытаний, производства, транспортировки, хранения, применения и иного обращения с пестицидами и агрохимикатами, которое может повлечь причинение вреда окружающей природной среде;

невыполнение требований законодательства об обязательности проведения государственной экологической экспертизы; The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

сокрытие или искажение экологической информации; нарушение правил лесопользования; нарушение правил пожарной безопасности в лесах;

7 нарушение правил охраны среды обитания или путей миграции животных;

уничтожение редких и находящихся под угрозой исчезновения видов животных или растений; The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

нарушение правил охраны и использования природных ресурсов на особо охраняемых природных территориях; The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

"нарушение правил охраны рыбных запасов; The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

нарушение правил пользования объектами животного мира; The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

эксплуатация механических транспортных средств с превышением нормативов содержания загрязняющих веществ в выбросах либо нормативов уровня шума; The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

"нарушение правил охраны атмосферного воздуха; The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

"нарушение порядка предоставления в пользование и режима использования земельных участков и лесов в водоохранных зонах и прибрежных полосах водных объектов; The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

"нарушение требований по охране недр; The environmental proble The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind m arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

"использование земель не по целевому назначению, невыполнение обязательных мероприятий по улучшению Земель и охране почв;

А так же иные экологические правонарушения. The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

What do ESL and EFL mean? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language. ESL is used when people learn English in an English speaking country. EFL is used when people learn English in a non-English speaking country. Is this important?

Список использованной литературы: The environmental problem arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankindhe environmental arose with the advent of the person on Earth. The factor of economic activity of the person put in the natural which steadily brought an imbalance in environment in process of the development and balanced circulation of substance in the biosphere. as a problem of survival of mankind

1. Охрана окружающей среды

2. Учебник «Экологические основы природопользования»

3. Ивлев В.А., Гомзиков А.Л. Управление лесным потенциалом территории:

4. Боголюбов С.А., Галиновская Е.А., Емельянова В.Г. Экология: «Юридический энциклопедический словарь»

5. Колесников С.И., Казеев К.Ш., Вальков В.Ф. Экологические последствия загрязнения почв тяжелыми металлами.

6. Головин А.А., Морозова И.А., Гуляева Н.Г., Трефилова Н.Я. «Оценка ущерба окружающей среде от загрязнения токсичными металлами»

7. Экологические основы природопользования

8. Агаджанян Н.А., Гужвин А.П., Полунин И.Н. и др. «Экологическая безопасность и здоровье»

9. Нормативно-правовые акты.