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What were they like? - Что они из себя представляют? So much for today.- На сегодня достаточно.

If I'm not mistaken - Если я не ошибаюсь B.C. (Before Christ [ai]) - до н.э.

A.D. (Anno Domini) - н.э. Exactly so - Совершенно верно to represent - представлять

4. Listen to the dialogue, and then take the part of the 3rdyear student.

At the University Applicant: What department do you study at?

The 3rd year student: I'm

a 3rd

year student of the History Department. I've

already passed my


exams and soon I'll have my museum practice.

A. I am going to take entrance exams this summer. I've chosen History as my future


I hope to

pass the exams successfully but many applicants failed

last year.



S. It depends

on your

knowledge. If you study well and if you're fond of History,

you'll be enrolled in the University.

A. Is it difficult to study at the History Department?

S. If you work hard at all lectures, tutorials and seminars, if you read a lot of

specialized literature and analyze it,

then I hope you'll be a good historian.

A. What subjects did you study when

you were a first-year student?

S. We studied Archaeology, Ancient History, Latin, Russian History (the period of feudalism), English and some other subjects. At the end of each term we took tests and exams. Each year we present an essay to our scientific adviser and make contributions in class and sometimes at the students' conferences on historical themes/ topics.

A. It sounds attractive.

S.I'm sure you'll enjoy your studies at the University. I wish you good luck at your entrance exams.

A. Thanks a lot.


applicant - абитуриент

department - факультет, отделение, кафедра to take (pass) an exam - держать (сдать) экзамен to fail in (at) - провалиться на экзамене

to be going to - собираться (намереваться) что-либо сделать entrance exam - вступительный экзамен

success [sək'ses] - успех successfully - успешно

to depend on (upon) - зависеть от to be fond of = to like

to be enrolled in - быть зачисленным в hard [ha:d] - зд. усердно

archaeology [,a:ki'ɔləʤ i]

to present an essay - представить курсовую работу test - зачет

scientific [,saiən'tifik] - научный

adviser [əd'vaizə] - руководитель

it sounds attractive - звучит привлекательно

to enjoy [in'ʤɔi] - получать удовольствие luck - удача

5 a) Do the following two-way translation:

On the History of Saint Petersburg University

-Как преподаватель (a lecturer from) Лондонского университета мне хотелось бы узнать как можно больше об истории СанктПетербуржского (Saint Petersburg) университета. Это старый университет, не так ли? Разве его история не восходит ко

временам Петра Первого (Peter the Great)?

= Yes, the university dates back to 1724, annually marking January 28th as the day of its foundation. It resumed its activities as an educational and scientific centre on February 19th, 1819. It's well known that the building of "Twelve Colleges" was designed in the time of Peter the First by architect Domenico Tresini. At that time it was composed of three departments: Philosophy and Law, History and Philology and Physics and Mathematics. In 1854 a fourth department was added to these three - the Department of Oriental Studies.

-Это старейший университет в вашей стране?

=No, it isn't. It's younger than the universities of Moscow, Kazan. In terms of fame and scope it is second only to Moscow University. Even during the early years of its foundation, the university was famous for its high intellectual standards.

- Не могли бы вы напомнить (mention) некоторые известные имена, связанные с университетом. Хотелось бы уточнить (I wonder), знаю ли я их.

=You're sure to. You've certainly heard of Dmitry Mendeleyev, a world famous chemist and founder of the Table of Periodic Elements.

- Конечно же, я знаю этого ученого. И как преподаватель истории я знаю имя Евгения Тарле, выдающегося и наиболее одаренного (gifted) историка. Я также слышал, что изобретатель радио в России работал в Санкт Петербурге. Он работал


=Yes, both of them, worked here - Evgeny Tarle and Alexander Popov. You've probably also heard of Ivan Sechenov - world famous physiologist, Ilya Mechnikov and

Kliment Timiryazev, outstanding biologists.

- Я уверен, что многие известные писатели (men of letters), также работали


=The university owes much of its fame to such celebrated writers as Turgenev, Gogol, Pisarev, Chernyshevsky, Uspensky, and Block who either studied or lectured there.

- Да, действительно, я могу понять, как достопримечательности (the sights)

вашего прекрасного города вдохновляли (inspired) Блока. Очевидно (Obviously), вы

очень гордитесь тем, что такие великие имена связаны с этим университетом.

=You're quite right.

5 b) Speak on the history of the university you are studying at and the prominent people whose life or activity is/was connected with the university. Do it in pairs.

6. Read the text and find the information about a) the methods of teaching in

the UK; b) the peculiarities of climate in the UK;

c) the advantages of getting

education in the UK; d) some strict regulations;

e) tell your friends the necessary

information (from your point of view) about studying in the UK.


Studying in the UK can be exciting and challenging. It is an opportunity to get to know a different culture, make friends from many countries, gain new insights, stretch yourself academically and develop skills that will be beneficial to your society as well as to yourself.

The experience can enrich your life and enhance your career in many ways.

The academic facilities available to students are of the best modern standards and include laboratories, libraries, computing facilities and study areas.

To get the best out of your study period, however, it is important to plan and prepare carefully. Once you have decided to study in the United Kingdom and have been offered a place at a college, ensure that you:

#have enough money for the course and your living expenses;

#have somewhere to live and know how to get there;

#have obtained entry clearance for the UK, if necessary, and can meet the requirements of UK immigration control;

#know when you have to register at your college;

#know when you have to pay your fees;

#have made all the necessary arrangements for your family, including

accommodations, if they are coming with you.

Once you are in the UK, it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to obtain extra funds, and you will not be able to pay for your study by working in the UK.

The climate in Britain might be quite different from your own and can be very unpredictable. The temperatures are not generally extreme, averaging between 5 C in the winter and 19 C in the summer. You will need warm clothing and an umbrella! From

October to March the weather is often cold and wet, with the possibility of freezing temperatures, frost and snow. Rain is common throughout the year.

UK universities and colleges use a range of teaching methods. You might find a combination of:

LECTURES - given to large groups of students, sometimes up to 200.

SEMINARS - discussions between one member of staff and a small group of students on a previously arranged topic, which everyone has prepared. Often, one student reads out an essay or seminar paper, then everyone joins in the discussion.

TUTORIALS - discussions between a member of staff and two or three students, sometimes only one.

7 a) Read the text and define the character of this text (scientific, popular science, or biographical) and say whether there is some new information for you.

The "Father of History" Part I

Herodotus (485 - 425 B.C.), Greek historian, called the "Father of History", was born at

Halicarnassus [,hжlika:’nжsəs] in Asia Minor ['ei∫ə 'mainə]. Herodotus was thus born a Persian subject and as such he continued until he was 30 or 35 years of age.

The family of Herodotus belonged to the upper rank of the citizens. It is clear from the extant work of Herodotus that he has devoted himself to the literary life. It is probable that from an early age he was interested in travels both in Greece and in the foreign countries.

He traversed Asia Minor and European Greece, he visited all the most important islands of the Archipelago ['a:ki'peləgou] - Rhodes [roudz], Cyprus ['saiprəs], Delos ['di:ləs], Crete,

Aegina [i:'ʤ ainə]. He undertook the long and dangerous journey from Sardis ['sa:dis] to the Persian capital, Susa, visited Babylon, and the western shores of the Black sea - as far

as the estuary of the Dnieper; he travelled in Scythia ['siрiə] and in Thrace, explored the antiquities of Tyre, coasted along the shores of Palestine ['pжlistain], and made a long stay in Egypt. At all the more interesting sites he examined, he enquired, he made measurements, he accumulated materials. Having in his mind the scheme of his great work, he gave much time to the elaboration of all its parts, and took care to obtain by personal observation a full knowledge of the various countries.

Part II

The great work of Herodotus has been called "a universal history", "a history of wars between the Greeks and the barbarians", and "a history of the struggle between Greece and Persia". But these titles are too comprehensive. Herodotus, who omits wholly the

histories of Phoenicia [fi'ni∫iə], Carthage ['ka:θiʤ] and Etruria [i'truəriə] - three of the most

important among the States existing in his day - cannot have intended to compose a "universal history", the very idea of which belongs to a later age.

He speaks in places as if his object was to record the wars between the Greeks and the barbarians; but as he omits the Trojan ['trouʤən] War, the wars connected with the Ionian

[ai'ounjən] colonization of Asia Minor and others, it is evident that he does not really aim at embracing in his narrative all the wars between Greeks and barbarians with which he was acquainted. Nor does it ever seem to have been his object to give an account of the entire struggle between Greece and Persia.

His intention was to write of a particular war - the great Persian war of invasion. In tracing the growth of Persia from a petty subject kingdom to a vast dominant empire, he has occasion to set out the histories of Lydia, Media, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Scythia, Trace; and to describe the countries and the people inhabiting them, their natural productions, climate, geographical position, monuments, etc.; while in noting the contemporary changes in Greece, he is led to tell of the various migrations of the Greek race, their colonies, commerce, progress in the arts, revolutions, internal struggles, wars with one another, legislation, religious tenets and the like.


cannot have intended – не мог иметь намерений

Nor does it seem to have been his object - Он также не ставил себе


7 b) Read, translate the second part of the text and be ready to fulfil the assignments.


1. The idea of “universal history” belonged to

a) later historians, b) Xenophon, c) Herodotos

2.Herodotus’ great work is connected with

a)a history of wars between the Greeks and the barbarians.

b)a history of the struggle between Greece and Persia.

c)a history of a particular war - the great Persian war of invasion.

3.In this text ‘universal’ means

a)system of suns and stars,

b)general (history),

c)history of university.

3.Herodotus devoted himself to studying

a)Phoenicia, Cathage, Etruria;

b)Persia as a great power;

c)Scythia, Babylon, Assyria.

5.Tracing the history of Persia, Herodotus paid attention to

a)geographical position, climate, the people inhabiting Lydia,

Egypt, Media.

b)describing all the wars between the Greeks and the barbarians.

c)three of the most important states existing in his time.

6. The word “subject” means in this text

a)grammar term (подлежащее),

b)something to be studied,

c)under foreign government, not independent.

7 c) Explain (in your own words) to a non-historian student why Herodotus was called the "father of history".

Vocabulary Study

8. Write out all the words from the texts grouping them under the headings: 'History as a scientific study', 'The profession of a historian', 'University education'.

Speech Practice

9.Choose one of the topics for a short talk to be given in class:

•The history of your university.

•The present day of our university.

•The famous people whose names are associated with the university.

•Tell your classmates the biography of the most prominent scientist (from your point of view).

10. Have a round-table discussion on one of the topics given above.


11.1. Excite your friend's curiosity of historical science.

2.Write your friend a letter informing him about your first impressions of the university.

3.Write a paragraph about one of the ancient historians.

4.Study carefully this paper and make up your own Curriculum Vitae.


Date of Birth: May 5, 1972

Address:199/5,Stachky Ave., Apt.17,Rostov-on-Don, 344090 Russia Sex: Male

Marital Status: Unmarried Native language: Russian


School: 1980 - 1990 Secondary School # 95, Rostov-on-Don (Honour Degree).

University: I entered the Physics Department of Rostov State University in 1990 and now I am a 5th-year student. My major is radio-physics. The area of my research is the

physics of lasers and optical electronics. I am expecting to receive my Diploma


in June

1995. In 1995 I graduated from the Military Department of




as a 2nd Lieutenant of radio-communication troops.






During the 1993/94 academic year, I worked as an assistant at the school

computer lab.

From October 1993 to February 1994 I worked as a typist and operator editing systems for a private company.


My main interest is connected with electronics and computer technology. In sports, I like running, swimming, and gymnastics.


I have completed 8 years of study of the English language at School # 95 (1984-1990), and at Rostov State University (1990-1995).

In 1990 I completed 2-year Computer Science courses. I have experience of working with computers.


Student A: Look at the text about Christopher Columbus. Can you choose the correct version of the story?

Student B: Check A’s answer.


Christopher Columbus was born in Spain/Portugal/Italy in 1451.

AI think it was in Spain where Christopher Columbus was born.

BNo, it wasn’t Spain.

A OK. Was it …?


Christopher Columbus was born in Spain / Portugal / Italy in 1451. He believed that he could reach India / China / America by sailing west. Manuel I of Portugal / Ferdinand of Spain / Henry VII of England eventually agreed to pay for a voyage, and in August 1492 / 1494 / 1496 he set sail on the Santa Maria / Hispaniola / Mayflower and two other ships. They reached the coast of Labrador / the West Indies / New England on October 12, and took the news back to Europe. After three more voyages to America, Columbus died in poverty in Spain /Italy /Portugal in 1506.


















Before you start:











What do you know about primitive people?









From what sources can people today find









out the information about the past?










1. Read and translate the text. Consult a









dictionary. Learn the text by heart.










Compare the primitive community with the











utopian society.












The Primitive Community












history of mankind begins

with the











The appearance


new tools

and new

methods of labour led to

the replacement

of the human herd

by the

clan. Several




is communities,


related individuals formed a tribe.

Both the tribe and the



governed by elders who were


for their

life experience


knowledge. The

human herd

and the clan were two consecutive

stages in the development of primitive







The related members of the

clan jointly owned their hunting grounds and the lands


they tilled. They lived and worked together, and consumed in common





labour. Since

they lived together in groups, they could


themselves with food and keep fires burning.






The primitive human herd possesses the simplest tools: a hand-axe, a digging stock

and a wooden club. Thousands

of years passed before stone tools were replaced by

those made of metal (bronze, iron). When

people invented the harpoon, they took up

fishing. The invention of bows and


helped to start cattle-breeding, and axes made

it possible to go over to farming.



In primitive society there was no private property, therefore there were no classes and no

exploitation -

that is, appropriation by the rich of the fruits of other


labour. Since

there were no

classes, there

was no state system, that is no armed forces, no prisons,

no courts, no overseers, no government bodies.






2 a) Consult the text and find the English equivalents of the following:



Первобытная община,

первобытное общество,


стадо, род,


образовать племя,


орудия труда (металлические,




каменные), дубинка,








рыбной ловлей,






владеть, обеспечивать, изобретать,


еда, огонь, совместно, сообща.

2 b) Sum up the contents of the text by answering the following questions.

1.What does the history of mankind begin with?

2.What led to the replacement of the human herd by the clan?

3.Who governed the clan?

4.What tools had the people?

5.What was their main occupation?

6.What was the structure of primitive society?

There are some original American texts about American Indians.

Remember as many facts about their life as you can.

You'll need the information in your future work.

3. Listen to the text, entitle it and answer the question: What holiday do the people of North Carolina celebrate during the 3rd week in September and why?

Indians were the first people to live in our country. That is why they are called Native Americans. Because they were here before the white settlers, it is important to remember and thank the Indians. Indians gave modern Americans many gifts and taught the settlers many new ways of doing things. Each year in North Carolina

[‘kжrəlainə], we celebrate Indian Heritage Week during the third week in September.

Notes: gift -дар

Heritage -['heritiʤ] – наследие

4. Read the text, entitle it and see whether you can answer the following questions:

1.Did the Indians live in caves?

2.What materials did they use for their dwellings?

3.Could one find any pieces of furniture there?

Indians in North Carolina

did not


in teepees. Most of the Indians in North

Carolina lived in small buildings made


wood and reeds. The frame of the house was

made from wooden poles

that were tied

together. The walls and roof were made from

reed mats or sheets of tree bark. Long tables or benches were usually the only furniture in their structures.


teepee = wigwam - дом, помещение reed = rush - тростник, камыш pole - кол, жердь, столб

mat - настил

sheet of bark - полоска коры

5 a) Read and translate the text. Dress

Indians wore clothes made from deer skins. It took many days to prepare the skin before it was ready to be sewn. First, the hair had to be scraped off the skin. Then the

excess flesh had to be

removed. Next the hide was stretched and softened. The final

step was to smoke the

hides to give them a golden brown color. Earrings, necklaces

and bracelets were worn by men and women. This jewelry was made from bone, copper, shell and polished-stone beads.


men wore

their hair long. Women usually had long

hair with bangs across

the forehead. Both men and women would use braid wraps

that were decorated with


beads. This

is one way that showed which tribe they belonged to.


sew (sewed, sewn) [sou], [soud], [soun] - шить to scrape off - очищать

excess - излишек flesh - мясо

hide - шкура

to soften ['sɔfn] - смягчать necklace ['neklis]- ожерелье bracelet ['breislit]

jewelry ['ʤ ju:əlri] - драгоценности bead [bi:d] - бусинка

bang - челка

forehead ['fɔ:rid] - лоб

braid wrap - шаль, плед из тесьмы to belong to [bi ‘lɔ:n] - принадлежать

5 b) Express agreement or disagreement with the following. Begin your answer with: 'Certainly you are right' or 'I am afraid you are wrong'.

1.The usual dress for men and women was the same.

2.There were no special preparations for the skins to be sewn.

3.The jewelry was made of silver and gold.

3.There was no way to determine which tribe the people belonged to.

4.It took no time to prepare the skin for dress.

5 c) Consult


text and find English

equivalents of

the following:






(2 значения);


много дней;


очищать; приходилось устранять; смолить

(коптить шкуру); придать

им золотисто-коричневый

цвет; серьги; ожерелье;

челка; лоб;


принадлежать; украшения делались из кости (меди, раковин, бусинок).


6 a) Read the text, and find the key words in each passage and use them to review the text.








Indians taught the

settlers new ways to hunt and fish when they came to North

Carolina many years ago. The Indians caught their fish in



weirs that were


from reeds woven

or tied together. Another way



caught fish is

with spears. The Indians hunted big animals mostly with bows and arrows. They hunted deer and bear.

The Indians cooked the fish and meat over a grill of reeds or sticks. But most of the cooking was done in clay pots. They would put the pot on a fire and boil different foods.

In this way they would cook vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots and meat.

Native Americans planted gardens much like gardens are planted today. They grew beans, peas, melons, pumpkins, sunflowers, potatoes and other foods. The men took turns guarding the fields and scaring away the birds and wild animals. They were probably some of the first scarecrows!

Notes: net - сеть

to catch (caught) [kжt], [kɔt] - ловить reed - тростник

to weave [i:] (wove [ou], woven [ou]) - ткать to tie - связывать

spear [s'piə] - копье stick - прут, палка clay [ei] - глиняный

would put - обычно ставили pot - горшок

to boil - кипятить beans [i:] - бобы peas [i:] - горох melon - дыня

pumpkin - тыква

take turns guarding - поочередно охраняя scare [skɛə] away - отпугивать

scarecrow [skɛəkrou] - пугало

6 b) Translate the following word combinations and use Participles in the sentences of your own:

a) nets called weirs; reeds woven and tied together;

b) nets were made from reeds; the cooking was done in pots;

c) the men took turns guarding the field and scaring away the birds.

7 a) Read and give the main idea of the text in 3 sentences.

Indians Today

Did you know that there are many Indians still living in North Carolina today? In fact North Carolina has the largest Indian population east of the Mississippi River. There are more than 65.000 Native Americans living in North Carolina. The state of

North Carolina recognizes 6 tribes. They are: Cherokee [,terə‘ki:], Coharie [,kou’nжri],

Haliwa-Saponi [,hжliwa:sə ‘pouni], Lumbee [‘lʌʌmbi], and others.

Indian children today look and live very much like other children. They live in houses and go to school. They wear jeans, shorts, shirts and shoes like those you wear. Native

Americans drive cars,

go to

church and enjoy sports and entertainment like everyone

else. Like other people, they

are very

proud of their heritage and ancestors. To help

remind them of their past, the Indians have special holidays and celebrations.

The Indian way



was to

live in harmony with nature. Many of today's

organisations are


by the arts, crafts and culture of Native Americans.


entertainment [entə 'teinmənt] - развлечение

ancestor ['жnsistə] - предок

to help remind - зд. чтобы не забыть way of life - образ жизни

harmony [‘ha:məni]

influence ['influəns] - влияние craft [kra:ft] – ремесло

7 b) Take notes of the usage of the word 'like' in this text and compose your own sentences with this word.

Now you'll get acquainted with the way of life of the Ancient Slavs.

Discuss similarities and differences between ancient people: the Americans and the Slavs.

8. Read the text, put in the correct articles and say: a)who the ancestors of the Russians were; b) what their main occupation was; c) whether tilling the land was an easy task for men; d) what other occupations ancient Slavs possess.

Long, long ago there dwelled in … Eastern

Europe … Eastern Slavs, … ancestors

of … Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian

peoples. Excavations of Slav villages as

well as ancient manuscripts and folklore have helped us to learn much about their life and occupations.