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Chapter 3. Unit 6. The World's Best Hope for the Future

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Now the developing world is experiencing the same demographic change, only at a far faster pace. With the rapid growth of megacities, half the world’s population now lives in urban areas, where children offer little or no economic benefit to their parents. And like their counterparts in the industrialised world, women in the third world increasingly take jobs and so they, too, may lose income when they bear children.

The availability of television also seems to have a dramatic effect. Since 1975, for example, Brazil’s fertility rate has dropped to just 2.27 children per woman. This is not the result of a family planning programme, since Brazil has never adopted one. Today, the number of hours that a Brazilian woman spends watching telenovelas (domestically produced soap operas) strongly predicts how many children she will have. These soaps typically show wealthy individuals living the high life in big cities. The telenovelas have the same cultural message as many North American and western European cultural exports: that people with wealth are people who have at most one or two children.

At first, slower population growth, and the population ageing that goes with it, seems beneficial. Many economists believe that falling birth rates helped make possible the economic boom that occurred first in Japan, and then in many other Asian nations, beginning in the 1960s. As the number of children declined, so did the burden of their dependency.

Yet even if declining fertility rates bring a “demographic dividend”, that dividend eventually has to be repaid if the trend continues. At first there are fewer children to feed, clothe and educate, leaving more for adults to enjoy. But soon enough there are fewer productive workers as well, while there are also more and more dependent elderly, each of whom use up far more resources than a child does, mostly in health-related expenses.

This dynamic suggests one of the many ways in which population ageing may become a vicious cycle16. As the cost of supporting the elderly has risen, governments have already raised taxes on younger workers, and will have to do so much more often in the future. Younger workers will become less able to afford children, thus causing a new cycle of population ageing.

So where will the children of the future come from? Some biologists believe that modern human beings have created environment in which the “fittest”, or most successful, individuals are precisely those who have few, if any, children. So does the future belong to those who believe in large families out of religious or chauvinistic17 convictions?

It seems that those who oppose modern ideas will have an evolutionary advantage, whether they are clean-living Mormons(2), or Muslims who still live in comparatively large families, or members of new sects that believe in natalism(3).

Can secular societies avoid population loss and decline?

In his 1968 bestseller, The Population Bomb, Paul R. Ehrlich warned: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s the world will suffer famines — hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death.” Fortunately, Ehrlich’s prediction proved wrong, perhaps in part because so many people believed it would come true. The world now faces the unexpected challenge of population ageing and decline. We are in many ways lucky to have this problem instead of its opposite, but a problem it still is.

/after Philip Longman’s essay in New Statesman. May 2004/


1.Fertility — the ability of a person to produce babies;

2. Mormons believe that if husband and wife are healthy they should have as many children as God sends them;

3.Natalism — the belief in human reproduction as a central priority of life.

16 замкнутый круг



Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Read the text for detail and answer comprehension questions:

1.What is a widespread belief about the causes of many environmental problems?

2.What changes will have taken place in the world’s population by 2050?

3.In what parts of the world will the population age more quickly?

4.What is the main economic factor which contributes to the decline in the number of children?

5.Where is this tendency more evident: in cities or rural areas? Why?

6.In what way is television to blame for fewer births?

7.Why is population ageing likely to become a vicious cycle?

8.Who are the “fittest” individuals in modern environment?

9.Why does the author believe that in a way we are lucky to face the problem of population decline?

Read the text again and sum up the information relevant to a) the developed countries, b) the developing world.


Ex. 1. Study the Vocabulary List and translate all the examples.

1.pressing, adj. настоятельный, неотложный, безотлагательный

pressing problem / issue насущная, злободневная, актуальная, неотложная проблема

pressing need настоятельная необходимость

There is a pressing need to fight corruption.

What are the most pressing issues that face our planet?

press, v.

1) нажимать, надавливать


to press the bell / button / switch / pedal


Don’t wait until the very last second to press the bell for your bus stop.


to press smth against / to smth


The little boy walked to the aquarium and pressed his nose against the




She pressed her hand to her forehead and closed her eyes.


2) настаивать, требовать, уговаривать


to press smb to do smth


My professor pressed me to start my own research project.


to press (smb) for smth требовать (от кого-л.) чего-л.


They pressed me for a decision.


Они торопили меня с решением.



pressed, adj.

испытывающий нехватку в чём-л., ограниченный (во времени,


в средствах и т.д.)


to be pressed for time / money / space


Brian’s pressed for cash.


Брайан испытывает денежные затруднения.



pressure, n.



constant / considerable / great / growing pressure


political / economic / social / financial pressure


to put pressure on smb оказывать на кого-л. давление


It is time to put political pressure on our leaders.


under pressure from smb под чьим-л. давлением


She chose her college under great pressure from her parents.

Chapter 3. Unit 6. The World's Best Hope for the Future


Chapter 3. Unit 6. The World's Best Hope for the Future

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

2.disappear, v. исчезать, пропадать



to disappear from view исчезнуть из поля зрения



to disappear without trace бесследно исчезнуть



In the Bermuda Triangle hundreds of ships have disappeared



without trace.









Sudden disappearance of lakes is a rare and extraordinary occurrence.





appear, v.

1) появляться, показываться



A new computer has just appeared on the market.



2) представляться, казаться, производить впечатление



to appear (to be) healthy / strong / sad / ill



He appeared surprised at the news.





appearance, n.

1) появление



The pop star’s sudden / unexpected public appearance came as a



surprise to everyone present at the ceremony.



2) вид, внешность, наружность



She has a slightly foreign appearance.



Appearances are deceptive. Внешность обманчива.



to judge by appearance(s) судить по внешности





decrease, v.

1) уменьшаться, снижаться, убывать



Your hunger decreases as you eat.



Crime has decreased by 20 per cent.



2) уменьшать, снижать



to decrease the risk / pollution / military spending / etc.





decrease, n.

уменьшение, снижение



Because of the economic crisis, there is a decrease in the number of






a decrease of 40%



to be on the decrease



Marriage is still on the decrease. Количество браков все еще








increase, v.

1) увеличиваться, расти



The budget increased by more than a third.



to increase in amount / number / price / size



2) увеличивать, повышать



The president promised to increase health care spending. Президент



пообещал увеличить государственные расходы на здравоохранение.





increase, n.

увеличение, рост



Over the last five years there has been a significant increase in allergic






an increase of 40 %



to be on the increase



Are earthquakes really on the increase?





mean, v.

1) иметь в виду, намереваться



I didn’t mean to hurt you. Я не хотел вас обидеть.



He means well / no harm. У него добрые намерения. / Он не желает зла.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


mean, v.

2) предназначаться




to be meant for smth / smb




This land is not meant for sale.




3) означать, иметь значение






What does this word mean?




Your friendship means a great deal / everything to me.






meaning, n.

значение, смысл





One word can have several meanings.










1) значимый, важный





meaningful program / role / measures содержательная программа /




важная роль / конструктивные меры




a meaningful life жизнь, наполненная смыслом






2) многозначительный, выразительный




a meaningful look / smile










бессмысленный, бесцельный




meaningless words / statements




a meaningless existence / life









grow, v.

1) растить, выращивать




We grow vegetables in our garden.






Nancy’s grown her hair long. Нэнси отрастила волосы.




2) расти, вырасти, увеличиваться






Money doesn’t grow on trees.






His influence is growing.




My son has grown by 5 inches.




to grow in size / price / number / amount




to grow in popularity / confidence / importance / experience




становиться более популярным / уверенным / важным / опытным




The Internet has grown in popularity in the last few years.




3) становиться




to grow cold / dark / rich / fat / old




As people grow old, they grow wise, don’t they?







growth, n.

рост, прирост




economic / population / spiritual / personal growth




Reading stimulates / encourages spiritual growth. Чтение




способствует духовному росту.












the developing world / countries / nations развивающиеся страны







developed, adj.





the developed world развитые страны




highly / well / fully / poorly developed




Most animals have a very well developed sense of smell.







develop, v.

1) развиваться, развивать, превращаться




All children develop at different rates.




They’re developing their tourist industry.




Plants develop from seeds.




London developed into a huge city.







Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I



develop, v.

2) обнаруживать, проявлять, приобретать




He developed allergies / pneumonia / a cough, etc.




to develop an interest in smth / a taste for smth / a sense of smth



Patrick has developed an interest in international affairs.






1) развитие




Which is more important: moral or physical development?






an important stage in the development of Anglo-Irish relations



2) событие, обстоятельство







The use of computers in business is a fairly recent development.






benefit, n.


польза, выгода




It was done for your benefit.







mutual benefit взаимная выгода




for the benefit of mankind на благо человечества



to get benefit from smth извлечь пользу из чего-л.




to be of benefit to smb / smth




The book wasn’t of much benefit to me.



Did you get much benefit from your trip?








пособие, льгота



child / unemployment / sickness / disability benefit пособие на детей /






по безработице / по болезни / по инвалидности







Frank is on unemployment benefit at present.



Франк сейчас получает пособие по безработице.






benefit, v.

Ему очень помогло лечение.



1) извлекать пользу из чего-л.




He benefited greatly from / by the treatment.




2) приносить пользу кому-л.




Physical activity will certainly benefit you.







beneficial, adj.

полезный, благотворный




beneficial effect / influence




mutually beneficial взаимовыгодный




beneficial to smb / smth




Fresh air is beneficial to health.







availability, n.

наличие, доступность




Availability of water is important to all plants and animals.







available, adj.

имеющийся в наличии / в распоряжении / в продаже;








These shoes are available in size six.




to make available to smb предоставлять кому-л.




The information was not (made) available to us.




Эта информация была нам недоступна / не была нам








Are you available tomorrow? Вы свободны завтра?







dependence, n.

зависимость, несамостоятельность




The country needs to reduce its dependence on coal.




economic / psychological dependence




great / complete / increasing dependence







Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


depend, v.

1) зависеть, обусловливаться




His behaviour depends on his mood.




It / that (all) depends. Как сказать; посмотрим; как получится;




смотря (где, когда, что и т.п.)






She depends heavily on her friends. Она постоянно прибегает к




помощи друзей.




His wife and children depend on him.






2) полагаться, рассчитывать, надеяться




I depend on you to do it. Я рассчитываю, что вы это сделаете.






The reporter depended on the map, but it was wrong. Репортер






понадеялся на карту, а она оказалась неточной.








зависимый, обусловленный





Whether I get a job or not is dependent on the results of the interview.




to be heavily / greatly / very dependent on smth / smb






Although he is over 20, he is still very dependent on his parents.












dependable person / information / machine / etc.





You need a dependable car to travel long distances.










expense, n.

1) расход, трата




at my / public expense за мой / за казённый счёт




to go to great / considerable expense нести большие расходы






Tourist agencies go to great expense to attract people.






to spare no expense in doing smth / to do smth делать что-л., не




жалея расходов (не считая затрат)




The Mitchells spared no expense to entertain the guests.




business / travel / medical expenses




служебные расходы / дорожные расходы / расходы на лечение




2) счёт, цена




at the expense of one’s health / one’s life




за счёт своего здоровья / ценой своей жизни







expensive, adj.

дорогой, дорогостоящий




It was an expensive decision. Это решение дорого обошлось.







conviction, n.

убеждение, убеждённость




religious / moral / political convictions религиозные / этические /




политические взгляды




deep / strong / firm conviction(s) about smth




to have / to share / to express conviction(s)




He has a firm conviction that he’s done everything he could. Он твёрдо




убежден, что сделал всё возможное.




Voting is a way to express your convictions.







convince, v.





to convince smb of smth / smb that… / smb to do smth




John is trying to convince his parents to let him go to Australia.












a convincing argument / explanation / proof







Chapter 3. Unit 6. The World's Best Hope for the Future

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


convinced, adj.




a convinced pacifist / Christian / skeptic / feminist / etc.



I am convinced TV is harmful to children.









to win / to argue / to speak / etc. convincingly





Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. The fi rst letter is given to help you.

1.The economies of such countries as North and South Korea, and the Philippines d_______

heavily on fishing.

2.Harry Potter d_______ from Privet Drive when he was six years old.

3.“I’m so sorry I said those horrible things — I didn’t m_______ a word of it.”

4.In the 16th century, Maori villages on the coast g_______ in number, and population p_______

pushed many people inland.

5.Restrictions on the use of sugar may d_______ the risk of d_______ing diabetes.

6.Albert Einstein described himself as a c_______ pacifist and believed that humanity would choose the path of peace.

7.Olives are g_______ in many Mediterranean countries, where they have been cultivated for centuries.

8.Remove any dust so that your plants b_______ from all the a_______ light.

9.The Dead Sea salt keeps the skin young and has a b_______ effect on the body on the whole.

10.Some people will spare no e_______ in achieving their goals, especially if it is at someone else’s e_______.

11.People cannot play a m_______ role in the country’s political life unless they know the facts.

12.The unemployment of young people is a p_______ economic and social issue in both d_______ and d_______ countries

13.Patriotism is your c_______ that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it. (Bernard Shaw)

14.What infections can d_______ from animal bites and scratches?

15.If you are a megastar, you can earn thousands for a five-second a_______ in a television ad.

16.Over the years, I have done renovations and improvements that have i_______ the value of my home.

17.The number of new houses has increased rapidly, so the gap between need and a_______ has been narrowed.

18.He has led a lonely life and cannot d_______ on his relatives to help him now.

Ex. 3.

a)Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the verb RAISE. Memorize the word combinations.

b)What other nouns can go with this verb? If necessary, consult a good dictionary.

1.To help tsunami survivors, students raised money in many ways, including after school food and drink sales and a talent show.

2.The company’s aim is to raise safety standards of its automobile models.

3.The documentary raises the question why so many teenagers suffer from depression.

4.Charlie raised his voice as he always did when he spoke to the old man.

5.Two mysterious deaths have raised fears that another lethal flu epidemic may be on the way.

6.The twins were raised by their grandma.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

7.The rains raised hopes of putting an end to the four-year drought (засуха).

8.They raise sheep to feed the big family.

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the Active Vocabulary.

1.For many governments, poverty is a more pressing problem than the greenhouse effect.

2.Historians claim that our future depends on the understanding of the past.

3.If the meaning of a word cannot be understood from the context, consult a dictionary.

4.London grew in importance under the Tudor rule.

5.Many people appear happy on the outside but suffer in silence.

6.Many young people in Gateshead have grown up in families in which it is very rare for someone to have a well-paid job.

7.Microsoft develops and supports a wide range of software products for computers.

8.No one will ever be able to convince me that Madonna is worth listening to.

9.Oh, don’t be mad with Geraldine! She meant no harm; she was kidding.

10.Like many men, Warren didn’t care much about his appearance.

11.It is a mistake to suppose that all animal life exists only for man's benefit.

12.Regular exercise may decrease the risk of colds.

13.The UK has 3 million people on disability benefit, which makes 5% of the population.

14.What are the latest developments in e-learning (электронное обучение)?

15.There are wind-surfers and catamarans available for rent on the beach.

16.Both countries depend on tourism for their economic survival.

17.There have been a lot of rumours about the disappearance of the famous actress.

18.Many scientists believe that red wine or grape juice can decrease the risk of developing heart diseases.

19.Residents of big cities are always pressed for time.

20.Many teens have developed psychological dependence on the Internet.

21.I don’t want to be one of those who think only about their career at the expense of their family life.

Ex. 5. Make up sentences about the things / people in A using an appropriate suggestion from B. Use the pattern GROW IN + NOUN. Add a sentence or two to expand on the situation.


stay-at-home mothers — number → Stay-at-home mothers are growing in number because the child benefit has been increased dramatically, and more women can afford not to work.







online degrees

complexity (сложность)

stay-at-home mothers


Chinese language courses


this political party




the city


the Internet



computer games


the university


my friend





Chapter 3. Unit 6. The World's Best Hope for the Future


Chapter 3. Unit 6. The World's Best Hope for the Future

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Ex. 6. For each word given below fi nd at least three words from the box that can go with it. Some words from the box can go into several groups. Can you continue the lists? Use the expressions in sentences of your own.





































































Ex. 7. Think of a phrase with an Active Vocabulary word that means the opposite. When in doubt, consult the Vocabulary List.

to do harm to eyes

a catalogue that cannot be found on-line questionable source of information

to play the role in such a way that nobody believed the acting to be unwilling to pay for the repairs of the apartment

the factory is declining a senseless job

an unimportant question to become unseen

a slight salary rise

Ex. 8. Odd one out. Find in each set one word that does not go with the main one.

BENEFICIAL: relationship, development, drug addiction, cooperation, influence; DEPENDABLE: babysitter, pressure, conclusions, company, web site; EXPENSIVE: city district, sport, clothing, sufferer, camera, medicines; CONVINCING: evidence, speaker, argument, hunger, victory;

CONVINCED: atheist, reformer, liberal, supporter of ..., management.

Ex. 9. Short story contest.

Make up a short story (10–12 sentences) with the Active Vocabulary words and present it in class. Don’t read when making your presentation. Choose the best story using the following criteria:

1.interest of the plot;

2.use of the Active Vocabulary (the number of words and their acceptability);

3.grammatically correct sentences.

Ex. 10. Pairwork. Make up and answer questions using the Active Vocabulary and the following suggestions.


companies, employees, work under pressure → Why do you think some companies are looking for employees who can work under pressure?

2.no expense to …;

3.an important test, to be pressed for time;


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

4.age; to be dependent on your parents, till;

5.singer(s), popularity, the increase / decrease;

6.to increase one’s vocabulary;

7.humanity, will benefit, global warming;

8.dependable, sources of;

9.to judge, appearance, you;

10.how, convincingly, to lie.

Ex. 11. Translate the sentences using the Active Vocabulary.

1.Существует настоятельная необходимость повысить качество медицинского обслуживания по всей (throughout) стране.

2.Я выполняю свою работу не на благо какой-то организации, а на благо всей страны.

3.Если вы будете удерживать (давить на) кнопку в течение нескольких секунд, компьютер автоматически отключится.

4.Ричард начал проявлять (приобрёл) интерес к математике, когда учился в школе.

5.Муж Луизы, убежденный атеист, не разрешает детям ходить в церковь.

6.Не судите о людях по внешности.

7.В современном английском языке очень многие слова потеряли свои старые значения и приобрели (gain) новые.

8.В будущем зависимость человека от компьютера возрастет.

9.Томас может убедить кого угодно в чём угодно.

10.Власти города надеются установить взаимовыгодные отношения с городом-побратимом (sister town) из США.

11.Новый фильм предназначается для детей младше 12 лет.

12.К сожалению, численность населения в стране снижается.

13.Ему было очень трудно убедить своих друзей, что он выполнит обещание.

14.Можем ли мы рассчитывать, что ты придешь в воскресенье?

15.Шло время, и его популярность среди читателей росла. Он больше не испытывал нужды в деньгах и был убеждён, что его жизнь наполнена смыслом.

16.Результаты экзамена будут известны через два дня.

17.В развитых странах тучность (obesity) стала насущной проблемой.


Ex. 12. Forming nouns. Analyze the following patterns. Form nouns from the suggested words using the appropriate suffix and explain how the resulting noun is connected with the original word.

Pattern 1

N + -(c)ian

music + -ian = MUSICIAN

skilled in / connected with smth





Pattern 2


zoology + -ist = ZOOLOGIST

studying smth

N + -ist

practicing smth

essay + -ist = ESSAYIST



producing smth








Pattern 3

V + -(e)r /

to bake + -(e)r = BAKER


to act + -or = ACTOR

smb /smth that does smth



to mark + -er = MARKER









A.to achieve, archaeology, art, to believe, to collect, to design, economics, electricity, humour, mathematics, to manage, philosophy, physics, politics, racism, science, solo, tactics, tour.

B.to blend, to cook, to cool, to compress, to freeze, to highlight, to mix, to print, to toast.

Chapter 3. Unit 6. The World's Best Hope for the Future


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