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III. Give the corresponding passive constructions.

  1. Congress represents the legislative power of the USA.

  2. She will appeal the case to the Court of Appeals.

  3. The President appoints members of the Court with the advice and consent of the Senate.

  4. Central and local governments finance the police authorities.

  5. Lawyers could reach the settlement of the dispute only by court.

  6. Did they discuss this problem last meeting?

  7. The Constitution refers to the President as the executive body of the State.

  8. He chose criminal law to specialize in.

  9. The judge interrogated three witnesses yesterday.

  10. Police officers don’t generally carry guns while patrolling streets in the UK.

IV. Translate into English using the passive voice where possible.

  1. Когда был принята конституция США?

  2. Новые члены кабинета и главы государственных департаментов назначаются президентом.

  3. На принятие законопроекта было наложено вето.

  4. Специальные судебные слушания иногда проводятся без присяжных заседателей.

  5. Отношение между законодательной и исполнительной властью регулируется Конституцией.

  6. Юрисдикция определяется, как полномочие суда слушать и выносить решения.

  7. Героин переправляется в Россию через границу с Казахстаном.

  8. Где обучаются американские полицейские?

  9. Дело не было расследовано должным образом, и невинный человек был осужден.

  10. Когда будет закончена реформа судебной системы в России?

V. Translate from English into Russian the sentences from newspaper articles.

1. Inmates of Maricopa County jails are often housed in unsanitary conditions with inadequate food and health care.

2. The aid, A. Belyayev, was found stabbed to death in his apartment on Tuesday night.

3. A lawsuit was filed to reform the jails, as a US judge has ruled.

4. Both suspects are accused of murder for personal gain.

5. The trial is scheduled to begin on Monday in US District Court in San Francisco.

6. The justices are supposed to hear the case, concerning dirty words on television.

7. Police said the fans were held for petty crimes and no serious attacks were reported.

8. Prosecutor General Yury Chaika said Friday that thousands of people are wrongly charged every year because of poor work by prosecutors and an over reliance on witness testimony rather then hard evidence.

9. Two rebel aircraft were spotted on the radar and ground troops fired at them with anti – craft guns.

10. In Tbilisi expensive apartment buildings are built as the Georgian authorities attempt to transform their capital into a modern, European- style metropolis.

Legal professions


Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. All the sentences are present.

  1. The police usually ……….. (to question) the suspect in the police station.

  2. A judge ………….. (to find) a person guilty or not guilty at the end of a trial.

  3. A shoplifter ………… (to steal) things from shops.

  4. Men or women who ………. (to look after) prisoners in prison are called prison officers or wardens.

  5. If a person ………. (to die) in unusual circumstances, an investigation is held at a special court.

  6. Jim Crawford is a student of Law. He ……….. (to study) Administrative Law at Cambridge.

  7. Who usually ……….. (to make) false money and documents in your town? – Mr. Brown …… (to do).

  8. Crime ………… (to violate) the laws of a community.

  9. The jury ………. (to listen) to the case and …………(to make) a verdict.

  10. The accused usually ………… (to deny) their guilt.

Task 2. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

  1. An assassin kills for political reasons or reward. - An assassin doesn’t kill for political reasons or reward. Does an assassin kill for political reason or reward?

  2. During the first year the students usually take major courses.

  3. The students work under the close supervision of a legal research and writing instructor.

  4. An embezzler steals from his own company.

  5. Criminology deals with crime and its various aspects.

  6. A lawyer always studies the case thoroughly before the trial.

  7. The police keep law and order in towns and cities.

  8. The laws set down the punishments for various crimes.

Task 3. Put special questions to the following sentences.

  1. It takes 7 years to become a lawyer in the USA. (How long?)

  2. The students usually attend the library, write legal memoranda, draft documents, and prepare briefs. (What?)

  3. Some vandals often break the windows in our school. (Who?)

  4. A lot of people take drugs nowadays. (What?)

  5. If you want legal advice in Britain, you go to a solicitor. (Where?)

  6. This lawyer speaks in court almost every day. (How often?)

  7. A detective investigates serious crime. (What?)

  8. He goes to the custody to speak to his client on Tuesdays. (When?)

  9. A lawyer earns more money than a teacher. (Who?)

Task 4. A. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Caller: Good morning, 1) is (be) Mr. Green there?

Man: No, he 2) ….. (not / be) here. He 3) ….. (work) at the moment. He usually 4) ….

(work) until 4 p.m.

Caller: What about Mrs. Green? Where 5) ……. (be) she?

Man: She 6) ….. (do) the shopping. She always 7) …. (do) the shopping on Thursday


Caller: Where 8) ….. (be) the children?

Man: They 9) ……. (play) football. They always 10) ….. (play) football after school.

Caller: How 11) ….. (you / know) all this? Who are you?

Man: I 12) ……(be) the burglar!

B. Choose the correct form of the verb.

  1. We usually (have / are having) exams at the end of each term.

  2. Look! Somebody (breaks into / is breaking into) the house.

  3. The judge always (decides / is deciding) the law during the trial.

  4. Who (speaks / is speaking) in court now?

  5. Sam Smith is happy. At last he (represents / is representing) a client in court.

  6. The jury (listen / are listening) to the facts. It is their duty.

  7. What (do you do / are you doing) now? – I (draft / am drafting) a will. - It’s funny. As far as I know you usually (provide / are providing) expertise.

  8. Andrew Lloyd is a judge. He (sees / is seeing) into the evidence and (administers / is administering) justice. Now he is on holiday. He (doesn’t preside / isn’t presiding) in a court, he (relaxes / is relaxing) on the beach.

C. Translate into English.

  1. Автор пишет, что убийца скрывается где-то, а полиция разыскивает его.

  2. Мой секретарь обычно печатает такие письма, но сейчас она в отпуске, поэтому я сам печатаю письма, контракты и другие документы.

  3. Уголовный розыск (the CID) собирает улики, чтобы доказать вину или невиновность подозреваемого.

  4. Кто расследует ограбление банка? – Mr. Downy. – Но он же обычно занимается поиском пропавших. – Да, все меняется.

  5. Как поживает брат твоей жены? – О, он открывает свою юридическую контору.

  6. Смотри, она играет в компьютерные игры на рабочем месте. Но она всегда играет, когда начальника нет в офисе.

  7. Завтра в 15.00 я встречаюсь со своим адвокатом.

  8. – Кто обычно выносит вердикт? – Присяжные.

  9. Чем вы занимаетесь? – Я работаю в юридической фирме и консультирую граждан по юридическим вопросам. – А чем вы занимаетесь сейчас? – Я составляю завещание для своей клиентки.


Task 1. Read the dialogue to find out the difference between the professions of a solicitor, a barrister and an attorney. Speak on their responsibilities.

A.: I have some problems and need to consult a lawyer. Can you tell me where to find a good attorney?

B.: Attorney? You see, here, in London, we have solicitors or barristers.

A.: Solicitors and barristers… Which one is better to approach?

B.: A solicitor will help you from the start. But solicitors can’t represent you in court. This lawyer deals with clients, advises them and prepares legal documents. Barristers speak for clients in court. Solicitors do most of the paper work for them.

A.: I see. In America counseling and advocacy in law court is performed by attorneys.

B.: What is your problem? Anything serious?

A.: Yes, rather. I think of bringing the action to court. So, I’d like to find a good barrister.

B.: We’d better visit my solicitor first. He will have an interview with you, look into the matter and then introduce you to a barrister, if necessary.

A.: Of course it will be necessary!

B.: Is it a criminal case?

A.: No, why?

B.: Because barristers speak in higher courts. Solicitors can speak for their clients in lower courts. Minor civil cases are decided in lower courts.

A.: I see. Then we’d better make arrangements with your solicitor as soon as possible.


Solicit – ходатайствовать, хлопотать.

So, a solicitor is a lawyer who solicits for the client.


Bar 1) барьер, за которым находится суд;

2) суд в полном составе;

3) коллегия адвокатов.

So, a barrister is a lawyer who is a member of the bar and who can speak before the bar.


Attorn – передавать кому-либо права, поручать

So, an attorney is a lawyer whom a client attorns the case, or transfers the right to deal with the case.

Task 2. Work with the dictionary to find out the meanings of the following legal job titles. Study the vocabulary.

  1. A judge

  2. A solicitor

  3. A clerk

  4. A detective

  5. A juror (jury)

  6. An advocate

  7. An attorney

  8. A prosecutor

  9. A sheriff

  10. A notary

  11. A barrister

  12. An in-house counsel / corporate lawyer

  13. A jurist / a lawyer

Task 3. Complete the sentences with appropriate job titles. Mind there are four legal professionals under one item number that have similar job responsibilities. The first item is done for you.

  1. A jurist is a person who has legal background and does research in a legal area or history of law, he writes articles or books on legal issues.

  2. …….. presides in the courtroom and administers justice, resolves disputes between the parties, decides the case during the trial, directs the jury and gives the judgment.

  3. …….. investigates a criminal case, aims to discover the criminal, collecting evidence and tracing him.

  4. ........, ……..., ………., or………… advises the client on legal matters, prepares a case or documents, briefs a case, presents the case in a law court, acts and speaks for the client, mediates a case, brings an action when somebody breaks law, drafts legal documents.

  5. ……….usually initiates a criminal case and conducts criminal proceedings, presents the evidence of the committed crime.

  6. …….. are elected community members who during the court proceedings carefully see into the evidence, determine the facts of the case, then accept the law given by the judge and apply that law when reaching a verdict.

  7. …….. supports and counsels the business he works for, provides expertise in corporate, commercial, tax, insurance and other legal issues, drafts documents and contracts, acts for the company in negotiations, deals and lawsuits, or brings a legal action against those who break law.

  8. ……… keeps law and order in the community or a region protecting the citizens from law-breakers; he is ready to find and arrest the criminal.

  9. ……… is a court officer who files papers and keeps records of court proceedings.

  10. ……… is a public officer who certifies the document’s or its copy’s authenticity and witnesses official acts: wills, commercial papers, etc.