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Учебное пособие (задачи и практикум).doc
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V. We use “will” for an instant decision or agreement to do something. “Be going to” means that we have already decided. Complete the conversations choosing one of the suggested variants.

1) – Have you got a ticket for the play? – Yes, I will / am going to see it on Thursday.

2) – The alarm’s going. It’s making a lot of noise. – OK, I will / am going to switch it off.

3) – Did you buy this book? – No, Emma did. She will / is going to read it on holiday.

4) – Would you like tea or coffee? – Oh, I will / am going to have coffee, please.

5) – I’m going to miss a good film on TV because I’ll be out tonight. – Don’t worry. I will / am going to video it for you, if you like.

6) – I’m just going out to get a paper. – What newspaper will / are you going to buy?

7) – All this talk about aliens is complete nonsense, isn’t it? – Is it? I think they will / are going to land on the earth in the next ten years!

8) – Did you know Ilona will be in town next weekend? – No, I didn’t. I will / am going to invite her for a meal then.

9) – Have you decided about the course? – Yes, last weekend. I will / am going to apply for a place.

10) – It’s a public holiday next Monday. – Yes, I know. Will / are you going to do anything special?

VI. Translate the sentences paying attention to expressing the future.

  1. – Что ты собираешься делать после окончания института? – Ну, сейчас я думаю, что стану адвокатом, потому что мне хотелось бы представлять дела (to plead cases) в суде. А ты? – Я буду работать на большую корпорацию и консультировать их по правовым вопросам в качестве штатного юриста.

  2. Начальник юридического отдела улетает на конференцию в Англию в следующий понедельник. Он еще посетит заседание национальной ассоциации адвокатуры (the bar).

  3. – Завтра у меня встреча с адвокатом. – Правда? О чем вы будете говорить? – Мы будем обсуждать иск против нашей компании по нарушению контракта.

  4. Я думаю, коррупция в России не исчезнет даже через сто лет.

  5. – Завтра я представлю иск вашей компании на рассмотрение в суд. – Рады это слышать. Чем скорее, тем лучше. Как Вы полагаете, мы выиграем дело? – Несомненно!


Task 1. Read the text and underline the verbs in the Past Continuous, then answer the questions.

Jim’s father was driving him to school when the accident happened. They were waiting to turn into the road that led to the school when a lorry hit them. They were both rushed to hospital, and taken to the operating theatre. The doctors called a famous surgeon, who hurried to the hospital. The surgeon walked into the operating theatre where the boy was lying, then stopped and said, “I can’t operate. That's my son on the operating table!”

  1. Where was Jim’s father driving him?

  2. Which road were they waiting to turn into?

  3. Where were they rushed into?

  4. Who did the doctors call?

  5. What did the surgeon do?

  6. Who was lying on the operating table?

  7. Why couldn’t the surgeon operate?

  8. How is it possible?

Task 2. Read the following text and complete it with the verbs in the Past Continuous.