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Text 5 Washington

The United States of America comprises 51 states and District of Columbia.

Washington, the capital of the USA, occupies the whole of the area of District of Columbia. Therefore the capital of the USA is called Washington D.C.

It would be appropriate to note that the state of Washington is located on the opposite coast of the country. It borders on the Pacific Ocean. The capital of the state of Washington is Olympia and one of its largest cities is Seattle.

The city of Washington was laid out by a French architect in the late eighteenth century. It was built in 1790-1800 and it took its name after the nation’s first president George Washington.

The famous buildings of Washington D.C. are the White House, the residence of the President; the Capitol, where Congress meets; Pentagon, the seat of the military administration and many other buildings of political, historical, and cultural value.

It is a very green city situated on the Potomac River which runs to Chesapeake Bay.

Washington is not the largest city in the United States, as it cannot compare in size with cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit. The population of Washington is 723 thousand people. The main part of the population is busy with the administrative activity and in the field of service, trade and commerce.

  1. Check if you remember:

  1. How many states are there in the USA?

  2. What is the official name of the USA?

  3. Whom was the city named after?

  4. What famous buildings are there in the capital?

  5. How big is the city?

  6. What much larger cities are there in the States?

  7. Where is the state of Washington located?

  1. Translate the words into English, using the text:

Администрация резиденция

Административный торговля

Политический население

Исторический основная часть

Культурный область

Военный государство

Известный штат

Противоположный ценность

  1. Sum up what the text says about:

∙ Washington D.C.

∙ the state of Washington

∙ the occupation of its citizens

Grammar revision (time expressions)

Task 1.

A. Use the correct preposition (at / on / in) where necessary.

_____ 10 September _____ 8 o’clock

_____ Wednesday _____ 11.30 a.m.

_____ Christmas _____ next Friday

_____ August _____ 12 February

_____ Sunday _____ this week

_____ 1825 _____ half past two

_____ Christmas Day _____ last year

_____ winter _____ the evening

_____ the morning _____ night

_____ Saturday night _____ Monday morning

_____ 1987 _____ the weekend

_____ Tuesday afternoon _____ the end of my holiday

B. Write at, on or in to fill in each gap.

  1. I’ll be 100 years old _____ the year 2095!

  2. Sally is not going to have a party _____ her birthday this year.

  3. See you _____ January!

  4. See you _____ Thursday!

  5. See you _____ seven o’clock!

  6. See you _____ the morning!

  7. See you _____ a couple of hours!

  8. It’s difficult to sleep ____ night ____ the summer because of the heat.

  9. My grandfather left home _____ the age of fourteen!

  10. My birthday is _____ March 1st. And yours?

Task 2.

A. Read the information about John F. Kennedy and answer the questions. Begin each answer with in, on or at.

John F. Kennedy was born into a famous American family. His date of birth was 29 May 1917. The year 1961 saw him become the 35th President of the US. Kennedy was killed as he drove in an open car through the streets of Dallas, Texas. Friday, 22 November 1963 was a sad day for America. It was 12.30 when a gunman opened fire and shot the President dead.


  1. When was John F. Kennedy born?

  2. When did he become President?

  3. When was he killed?

  4. What time was he shot?

B. Mark is arranging a meeting with his solicitor. Decide if you need in, on or at. If you don’t need a preposition, put a cross (χ).

Mark: I’m sorry I was out when you called (1) _____ yesterday morning. Look, I’m free (2) _____ the fifteenth of March. Can we meet then?

Solicitor: I’m pretty busy (3) _____ next week. I’m afraid. I can’t see you (4) _____ Friday.

Mark: I’d like to have a meeting (5) _____ this month if possible. I’ll be very busy (6) _____ April.

Solicitor: I’m going away (7) _____ Easter, so how about the week after? Shall we meet (8) _____ the twenty-seventh? That’s a Wednesday.

Mark: I’ve got an appointment (9) _____ the morning but nothing (10) _____ the afternoon. Let’s meet (11) _____ Wednesday afternoon (12) _____ half past two.

Task 3. Look at the sentences below. Which ones are true? Number these phrases 1 – 12, starting with the most recent.

  1. I started learning English 6 months ago.

  2. The weather was hot last weekend.

  3. I had an English lesson on Monday morning.

  4. I began school in the 1990s.

  5. My birthday was in November last year.

  6. I was at home two hours ago. 1

  7. I was in bed at eight o’clock this morning.

  8. I played football yesterday afternoon.

  9. I was born in 1985.

  10. I went to a party on January 1st this year.

  11. People started using mobile phones 100 years ago.

  12. Our teacher was born in the nineteenth century.

Rewrite the sentences so they are true for you.

Task 4. Decide which of the two words in brackets best completes the following sentences.

  1. Queen Victoria reigned (for / during) 64 years.

  2. The Prime Minister changed 27 times (for / during) Victoria’s reign.

  3. (While / Meanwhile) she ruled her empire, her heir, Edward, was preparing to become King.

  4. (While / Meanwhile,) he gained a reputation as a playboy.

  5. Edward VII (lately / eventually) became King on her death in 1901.

  6. Film of his coronation has (lately / eventually) been discovered in an attic.

  7. He died in 1910 (after / afterwards) a short but popular reign.

  8. (After / Afterwards,) his son became George V.

Task 5. Each of these sentences contains one mistake. Can you correct them?

  1. I saw him on the day before yesterday.

  2. He made a lot of friends during he was at university.

  3. I’ve been learning English since four years.

  4. Would you like to come to dinner the next Friday?

  5. They were delayed during six hours.

  6. We bought this flat before five years.

  7. He’s going to retire in three year’s time.

  8. We got to the airport until 4 o’clock.

Task 6. Fill the gaps with expressions from the box.

in time at the same time for a time

on time after a time at the time

some time from time to time at one time

  1. I don’t see them very often, but they drop in _______________.

  2. Her great-grandfather emigrated to America _______________ during the 1890s.

  3. The train was exactly _______________.

  4. They were very happy at first, but _______________ they began to drift apart.

  5. It was a stupid thing to do, but I was only 15 _______________.

  6. If you want to get there _______________ for the fireworks, you’d better hurry up.

  7. The trouble was, he thought he could ride a bike and read a comic _______________.

  8. _______________, dinosaurs used to roam the Earth.

  9. I have to go away _______________, but I promise I’ll write to you every day.

Task 7. Translate the sentences into English, paying attention to time expressions.

  1. Когда состоится судебное заседание? – Насколько я знаю, оно назначено на среду, 11 августа.

  2. Мой старший брат работает в адвокатской конторе, его рабочий день начинается в 9 утра и заканчивается, как правило, в 17.30, с получасовым перерывом на обед.

  3. Надеюсь, автобус придет вовремя. Я не хочу опаздывать на встречу с адвокатом.

  4. В прошлый четверг грабителям было предъявлено обвинение, на следующей неделе пройдет предварительное слушание дела.

  5. Ты не сможешь получить ордер на обыск в субботу, потому что судья Майлз всегда уезжает за город на выходные. Придется подождать до утра понедельника.

  6. Известно ли, когда было совершено убийство? – По заключению патологоанатома, смерть наступила между 10 и 12 часами ночи.

  7. Мата Хари, одна из самых известных шпионок, была казнена во Франции в октябре 1917 года.

  8. Комиссар Мегрэ был создан французским писателем Ж. Сименоном в 1931 году.

  9. Адвокат Пери Мэйсон, герой детективных романов Э.С. Гарднера, стал широко известным благодаря телесериалу в 1960-х.

  10. Джек Потрошитель – таинственный убийца, который держал в страхе лондонский East End осенью 1888 года.

  11. Римский император Юлий Цезарь был заколот на ступенях Капитолия 15 марта 44 года до нашей эры.

  12. «Пороховой заговор» (Gunpowder plot), планировавший взрыв в британском парламенте 5 ноября 1605 года, был раскрыт в конце октября, когда было перехвачено письмо одного из заговорщиков (conspirator).