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5. Translate the text from English into Russian. What is going on?

Paul: Our reporter, Julia Partlin, is waiting to describe the scene as the president begins

his visit to Dallas.

Julia: The whole city is waiting for the president’s car to appear. There are many people waiting by the side of the road, some waving flags. And here he is, I can just see the car, it’s turning into the main road. The president is sitting in the back seat beside the First Lady. They are both smiling and waving to the crowds. She is wearing a ……….( shots)…… There’s……..There’s…..It’s a shot…….. I can’t see……….I think….yes, the president has been hit. He is slumping forwards……

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Что сейчас делает инспектор? - Он патрулирует центральный район города.

  2. Я не могу пойти с тобой. Я готовлюсь к экзаменам.

  1. Тихо, пожалуйста. Выступает судья.

  2. Сейчас 12 часов. У них занятия по криминалистике.

  3. В этом месяце наш отдел расследует дело о мошенничестве.

  4. Что вы делаете сегодня вечером? – Мы идем в кино.

  5. Где сержант? – Он осматривает место преступления с двумя экспертами.

  6. Наш репортер берет сейчас интервью у известного писателя.

  7. Извините, но директора нет на месте. Он выступает на конференции.

  8. Подождите немного. Она разговаривает со свидетелями.

  9. Не могли бы вы мне помочь? – Я пытаюсь открыть дверь, но не могу.

  10. Послушай, они передают последние новости из Государственной Думы.

Grammar Revision 2

This/These and That/Those

1.Choose the right variant.

  1. 1.This/these are good books

  2. That/those is my house.

  3. This/these is Kate’s mug.

  4. Whose hat is that/those?

  5. This/these are her children.

  6. How much is this/these hamburger?

  7. Are this/these cups made of glass?

  8. Is this/these your coat?

  9. Where is this/these CD player from?

  10. This/these sandwich is very tasty.

2.Put this, these, it, or they into the gaps.

E. g. A Bob, this is my mother.

B Hello, Mrs Smith.

  1. Take ____bags into the kitchen.

  2. I don’t like______music.

  3. Is _____book John’s? Yes, ____is.

  1. Are______books Mary’s?


  1. How much are______glasses?

_____’re very chip.

  1. ______exercise is very easy.

No,____isn’t. _____’s difficult!

3.Put that, those, it, or they into the gaps.

  1. Is____your brother over there?

  2. Look at____fine flowers!

  3. What’s_____in your bag?

  4. Is_____house Ann’s?


5. Are_____boys your brothers?


6. How much is_____camera?

______’s $150.

7. Do you like_____shoes?

No, I don’t. _______’re horrible.

4.Use is/are, isn’t/aren’t where necessary.

  1. This book____mine, it’s hers.

  2. These_____new English-Russian dictionaries.

  3. What ___ this? It ____ my umbrella.

  4. These textbooks _____ easy, they are rather difficult.

  5. What country _____ these students from?

  6. These sunglasses are very fashionable. They _____cheap.

  7. That news _____ too sad, I’m afraid.

  8. What _____ these called in English? I think they’re chopsticks.

  9. _____this your pad? No, it______.

  10. This coffee _____ hot, I can’t drink it.

5.Make these sentences plural.

  1. This cafe is so nice.

  2. This is our new colleague.

  3. That house is far too expensive.

  4. This lady is our friend’s wife.

  5. I like that picture very much.

  6. This company is a world leading steel producer.

  7. That student is from our group.

  8. You can order this electronic address book on-line.

  9. This cell phone I bought at the sale.

  10. This book is in English and that one is in French.

  11. That e-mail message is from Spain.

  12. Let him put this catalogue on my table.

  13. This is our new Japanese TV set.

  14. That computer is out-of-date.

  15. Let’s take a photo of that famous London sight.

  16. Don’t keep this file any more.

  17. I’m not sure this book is worth reading.

  18. Pass me that price list, please.

  19. Why not invite this girl to dinner?

  20. This love story is so exciting!