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3. Match the activity and the professional. Choose any three sentences and ask all types of questions to them

1. Lawyer a) gives evidence in court

2. Prosecutor b) break the law

3. Policeman c) answers phone calls

4. Secretary d) keeps public order

4. Criminals e) introduce new legislation

5. Witness f) search for criminals

6. Lawmakers j) advises people on legal matters

7. Detectives h) proves accusation in court.

e.g. Lawyer advises people on legal matters.- Does lawyer advise people on legal matters? Does lawyer advise people on legal or financial matters? What matters does lawyer advise people on? Who advises people on legal matters? Lawyer advises people on legal matters, doesn’t he?

4.Make use of the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. Pat’s favourite music is reggae. He……….(listen) to it all the time.

2. They have a friend called Fabrice. What country………….he (come) from?

3. Andrea is a tourist guide. She……….( know) everything about the history of the city.

4. The hotels here must be expensive. How much………….. (cost) the rooms?

5. The Strongs are farmers. They ………… …….(live) in the country.

6. He isn’t good at languages, so he ……….. (not speak) Spanish well.

7. My father is a businessman. He …………( travel) all over the world.

8. They live far from the college, so they ………..( not go) on foot there.

9. We live in Norway. Winters …………………..(to be) so long here.

10. His girlfriend is so slim. She……………….(do) a lot of aerobics!

5. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Полицейские поддерживают общественный порядок на футбольных матчах.

2. Им нравится жить в Испании, зимы там очень короткие.

3. Вы говорите по-итальянски? – Нет, языки мне даются плохо.

4. Чем занимаются обвинители? – Они доказывают обвинение в суде.

5. Королева Елизавета живет в Букингемском дворце.

6. Мой сын не читает классическую литературу, а предпочитает детективы.

7. Она не любит свою работу, т.к. очень часто ездит в командировки.

8. Какие предметы он изучает в университете?- Он изучает римское право и философию.

9. Она живет недалеко и поэтому ходит на работу пешком.

10. Какая погода в Англии? – Там часто идет дождь летом, а зимы не такие холодные как в России.

Grammar Revision 5 Perfect Tenses

  1. Use the given words in the sentences below.

haven’t seen has done had translated will have got has stopped

have been hadn’t met had left hadn’t studied will have graduated

  1. When I came to the office he …….. already…………. .

  2. The students ……………. the text long before the end of the lesson.

  3. They left late yesterday, but they ……………. all the materials for the case.

  4. By the end of the year the students ……………….. from the university.

  5. ………… you ………. to any foreign country?

  6. The judge in the court ……… just …….. cross-examining the witnesses.

  7. As for me, I was sure we …………….. before.

  8. The advocate………..nothing to change the situation.

  9. There is no doubt our department………….by the end of the day.

  10. Unfortunately, I ……………. this famous play in the theatre yet.

  1. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. He has called to the office.

E.g. Has he called to the office? He hasn’t called to the office.

2. He had retired when we met.

3. They have arranged another meeting.

4. I will have read his statement by 5 p.m.

5. The judge has appointed hearings to Monday.

6. The criminal lab had checked his fingerprints.

7. The jurors will have completed deliberations by the noon.

8. She has read many books in English.

9. The detectives had done much of the work.

10. He will have passed the exams.