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SPORT (1).doc
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I. Starting Points

  1. Do you go in for sports? If so, what kind of sport is closer to you? Are you an amateur or a professional?

  2. Do you follow any sports events (watch them on TV, online, go to stadiums, etc.)? How actively were you following Euro 2012 in Kiev? Discuss the results of the football championship, your impressions of the matches, the behavior of the fans, etc.

  3. The names of which world-known sportsmen/sportswomen are familiar to you? Experts say that sportsmen are becoming more popular than singers or movie stars? Do you agree?

  4. Check the initial level of your topical vocabulary: write the word SPORT vertically and think of as many topic-related words on each letter as you can.

E.g. Soccer, _______________________________________________________

Play, _________________________________________________________

Olympiad, _____________________________________________________

Rugby, _______________________________________________________

Tennis, _______________________________________________________

II Speech Patterns

1. There were no eager crowds to groan with dismay.

a) Did the ball fly down the fairway straight and true, to land within an easy mashie shot of the fourteenth green? (The Adverbial Modifier of attending circumstances expressed by the Infinitive).

b) There’s nothing to be done for him, I suppose? (The Infinitive is a part of the Subjective Infinitive Construction).

c) He was the first scientist to discover and to develop this theory. (Homogeneous Attributes expressed by infinitives).

d) She glanced at the mirror to check her hairdo. (The Adverbial Modifier of Purpose expressed by the Infinitive).

2. He had some difficulty in finding it, but ran it to earth at last.

a) She had some difficulty in translating the article. (The Attribute /the Object expressed by the Gerund).

b) He always finds pleasure in travelling and seeing new countries and places. (Homogeneous Attributes / Objects expressed by gerunds).

c) I see no reason in going there so late.

d) We got an opportunity of attending1 a couple of his lectures.

3. It was a man of about forty, and he was still breathing, though unconscious.

a) Tired though happy, we reached home late at night (Detached Adverbial Modifier).

b) She had lived with her husband twenty-four years, though unhappy, and they had two children.

c) We spent the whole day at the seaside, though windy.

d) She lay in bed smiling at the visitors and seemed getting better, though pale.

4. The pallor of approaching death couldnt disguise the deep tan of the skin.

a) The nervous beginning of her speech couldn’t spoil the general impression of the presentation. (The Modal Verb with the Non-Perfect Infinitive; the meaning of the absence of possibility with a feeling of admiration).

b) Her dress couldn’t be smarter and more suitable than that night; it was just perfect.

c) The child is so preoccupied with2 the new toy – he couldn’t behave3 better than now.

d) He couldn’t ever play the piano better than at that moment.

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