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1 курс.Самойленко_Пособие по англ яз.doc
7.14 Mб

1. The twitching of; the reading of...

I like the reading of books aloud. The teaching of English is a very interesting occupation.

2. have prepared, have been prepared, had prepared, had been prepared....

He has made a battery. A battery has been made by him. They had finished the making of cells by the end of the day.


1. Listen, read and translate the text.

2. Answer the following questions in a written form:

1. What did Galvani notice? 2. What did Volta conclude? 3. When had an electric current been generated in the muscle? 4. When did Volta make a great discovery? 5. How can a sim­ple cell be made?

3. Make up and write 8 sentences using the words given in the table:



The students

An experiment

An important work

had noticed had made

have produced

had been car­- ried out

has been ful­filled

have transla­ted

many experi ments ­

a simple cell the twitching of a leg

a great disco­very

by the stu­dents

by him

by them

by the end of the experi­ment.

when he con­cluded.

by the end of the last cen­tury.

by the end of the day.


4. State the forms and functions of "-ing" forms in the fol­lowing sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. You have made progress in reading and speaking English. 2. He likes the reading of newspapers. 3. The making of a simple cell has taken him two hours. 4. Having lost an electron the atom becomes positively charged. 5. In testing an apparatus in which insulation is used, or in condenser circuits, the maximum voltage is applied. 6. If the force causing the electron flow is unidirectional, the current is called direct. 7. Having been rubbed many substances become elec­trified.

5. Make up and write 8 questions using the words given in the table:

What Who Whom


had have has



the stu­dents


noticed translated prepared discovered rubbed




his friend?

a simple cell?

by the end of the last century?

by 5 o'clock yester­day?

by the end of their work?

pencil marks?

6. Copy these sentences putting "terminal", "tending", "bod­ies", "negative", "concluded", "resistance", "electro­motive", "electricity" in the blanks:

1. Benjamin Franklin, in his experiments with static ..., noticed that there are only two kinds of electrical ..., and as a means of distinguishing these, he named the one ... and the other positive. 2. Early investigators ... that a current of electricity consisted of the movement of positive charges. 3. The practical unit of ... is the ohm. 4. In the primary, however, the induced ... force is a counter e.m.f. ... to pre­vent current entering the primary. 5. In the usual transfor­mer, the ... voltages of primary and secondary differ from induced e.m.f. by only a small percentage.

7. Read and analyse the text. Translate it into Russian in a written form:


Electromotive Force

Inside the cell a current must also flow, replenishing the electrons lost from the zinc plate as they flow away towards the copper plate round the external circuit. There must be a force causing these currents to flow — the electron current round the external circuit and the other current through the internal circuit of the cell. This force is called the electro­motive force (e.m.f.) generated by the cell. Since current flows between two points due to a potential difference, this force is measured in the same units as potential difference, namely, in volts. (The unit has been named in honour of Volta.)