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1 курс.Самойленко_Пособие по англ яз.doc
7.14 Mб

4, .,. Er than, more ... Than

smaller (hotter, larger, louder) than... , more sensitive (attractive, difficult, beautiful) than

5. At, on, over .., etc.

at: at that point, at the Institute, at the edge, at the corner, at 9 o'clock, at Moscow, at the theatre ...

on: on the earth's surface, on the table, on the ground, on Sunday...

on, over: The table is on the floor. The lamp is over the table.

The second floor is over the first floor.

between, among: Our physical laboratory is located between two classrooms. The teacher is among his students.


1. Listen, read and translate the text.

2. Answer the following questions in a written form:

1. What do we mean a) by the mass of a body? b) by the weight of a body? 2. How can we measure the mass of a body

3. When do you use a balance and a box of weights? 4. When is a) the object to be weighed? b) standard masses placed in

3. Make up and write 8 sentences using the words given in the table:

The teacher's ques­tion

My friend's answer Beam balances

The mass

The weight of a body

respond remains varies was



will be

inure sensitive.

to much smaller changes of weight.

about the earth's pull. slightly.

of the unit of mass. about mass and weight. constant.

4. Copy these sentences putting "at", "on", "over" in the blanks:

1. The chair is ... the floor. 2. The cloud is ... the house


3. I shall study ... the Pedagogical Institute. 4. They were ... the cinema.

5. Copy the following sentences selecting the right preposition for each blank:

a) among, between

1. The teacher stands ... two students. 2. Put that chair ... the table and the window. 3. We see her ... lots of other students.

b) on, over

1. The boat is ... the river. 2. The bridge is ... the water. 3. The beam balance is ... the table. 4. The lamp is ... the beam balance.

6. Write the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives wherever possible:

gentle, difficult, little, low, big, complete, short, electric, stony, attentive.

7. Answer the questions given in the table in a written form:


Full answers

Short answers

Which is larger: a sea or a lake?

Which object contains more mass: a house or a table?

Which is more sensitive: a beam balance or a fine balance?

Which gives bright light: an electric lamp or an oil lamp? What are the greatest achieve­ments in technics nowa­days?

Which is the highest boiling point of water?

A sea is larger than a lake.

A house contains more mass than a table.

A sea is.

A house does.


8. Translate the following sentences and explain the use of tenses in them:

1. One of Newtion's great discoveries was that all mass­ive objects exert forces of attraction on each other. 2. These forces are called gravitational forces. 3. The gravitation pull or force which the earth exerts on any object is given a spec­ial name. 4. It is called the weight of that object. 5. The weight always acts downwards, towards the centre of the earth. 6. If no other forces hinder it, any object will there­fore be pulled as close to the centre of the earth as it can get, i.e., it will fall to the ground. 7. Newton discovered that the pull of the earth on an object, i.e. the weight of an object, is directly proportional to the mass of the object.