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1 курс.Самойленко_Пособие по англ яз.doc
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Laboratory Exercises

10. Listen and read the following word combinations:

the nature of light, sources of light, two schools of thought, tiny particles, straight lines, the whole of space, behaviour of light, miles per second, thin tungsten wire, ordinary elec­tric lamp, the bombardment of gas molecules, a discharge lamp tube, invisible radiation.

11. Listen and repeat in pauses:

Light is a form of radiant energy, just as is the heat radia­tion. But light is a special form of radiant energy that can cause the sensation of light. Light, in common with the other forms of electromagnetic radiation, is given out in the form of waves. Light spreads in every direction. The waves which cause the sensation of light are very tiny indeed. At present light is supposed to consist of streams of tiny wave-like pack­ets of energy called "quanta". Atoms emit light at the high temperatures produced by different kinds of energy. The sun is the chief source of light and heat.

12. Listen to these questions on the above text and answer them:

1. What is light? 2. What can light cause? 3. What is light supposed to consist of? 4. When do atoms emit light?

13. Ask questions using the model.


Model : When light strikes matter, there can be three possible effects.

When can there be three possible effects?

1. When the temperature of a body is raised, the body emits invisible radiation. 2. When a body becomes red-hot, visible radiations begin to be emitted. 3. When tungsten is surrounded by nitrogen it can be heated to a high temper­ature.

14. Suggested topics for oral narration:

1. What is light? How do we see objects?

2. Tell about natural and artificial sources of light.

Additional Material

1.Read the text and get its central idea. Give the physical difference between light and sound waves:

Difference Between Light and Sound Waves

We are now in a position to distinguish fully between light and sound waves. The physical difference, of course, is that light waves are due to varying electric and magnetic forces, while sound waves are due to vibrating layers or par­ticles of the medium concerned. Light can travel through a vacuum, but sound cannot travel through a vacuum. An­other very important difference is that the vibrations of the particles in sound waves are in the same direction as that along which the sound travels, whereas the vibrations in light waves are perpendicular to the direction along which the light travels. Sound waves are therefore longitudinal waves, whereas light waves are transverse waves. As we have seen, sound waves can be reflected and refracted, and can give rise to interference phenomena; but no polarization phenom­ena can be obtained with sound waves since they are lon­gitudinal waves, unlike the case of light waves.

2. Read the text and speak of the time light travels from the sun to the earth:

Velocity of Light. Light is an electromagnetic wave mo­tion. It travels through empty space, as well as through trans­parent substances as air, glass and water. Its velocity, which is 186,000 miles per sec, is so great that in 1 sec. it would travel more than seven times around the earth at the


equator. Light travels from the sun to the earth in a little over 8 min., but it requires 4 years for light to travel from the nearest star to the earth.

3. Read this text and describe a simple experiment which reveals how light travels:

Light Travels in Straight Lines. Under ordinary circum-stances light travels in straight lines and does not appre­ciable bend around objects. A simple experiment which re­veals how light travels can be performed with three card­board or metal screens having small holes in their centres These are adjusted so that the holes are in a straight line by threading a string through the holes and putting it taut. The light from a candle flame placed at A can then be seen through the holes by an eye at B. If, however, one of the screens is moved so that the holes are no longer a straight line, the light is cut off. We therefore conclude that light travels in straight lines.