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1 курс.Самойленко_Пособие по англ яз.doc
7.14 Mб


1. Listen, read and translate the text.

2. Answer the following questions in a written form:

1. How can heat be transmitted? 2. Where does convec­tion take place? 3. What is conduction of heat? 4. What is radiant heat? 5. Through what can radiation travel? 6. What does radiant heat warm?

3.Make up and write 8 sentences using the words given in the table:


Solutions of sodium salt

Many metallic compounds





are decom­posed

is hardened

is found

will be trans­formed

electromag­netic induc­tion

into steam

on heating.

upon being heated.

to a high temperature.

on carrying out his experiment.

by being mixed with a little copper.

by dividing the velocity by the cor­responding time.

by boiling.

4. Make up and write all possible questions to the following sentences:

1. Increased kinetic energy of the atoms (their energy of movement) becomes manifest as a rise in temperature. 2, The heat energy, which is after all only the kinetic energy of the vibrating particles,


gets transferred along the rod. 3. The circulating currents set up are called convection currents and this method of heat transference is called convec­tion.

5. Copy these sentences selecting the proper word in the blanks:

1. ... take place only in liquids and gases. (radiation, convection, conduction) 2. Transmission of ... from molecule to molecule is called conduction of heat. (light, sound, heat) 3. Radiation can ... through a vacuum. (absorb, travel, warm) 4. Convection currents may be set up by ... (trans­mitting, falling, heating).

6. Make up and write 8 questions using the words given in the table:

What Where When


What sub­stance What state of a body






can travel


one end of an iron rod

much better conduc-tors of heat


the denser water


take place?

become too hot?

become less dense?


receive heat from?

through space as wave? through a vacu­um?

7. Copy these sentences, putting "radiation", "electric", "could", "carries", "gases", "motion", "vacuum", "trans­ferred", "direction" in the blanks:

1. Heat can be ... by material substances: by solids, liquids and ... .2. Heat can also be transferred by wave ..., even across a .... 3. This is called ... .4. Hold your hand under an unlighted ... bulb, palm upward. 5. The heat ... not have reached your hand by conduction or convection. 6. Radiation ... heat in every ... from the source.

8. Substitute the infinitive by the proper form of the verb (active or passive):

1. When heat (to add) to a substance, that substance (to get) hotter and its temperature (to rise). 2. If heat (to remove), the temperature


(to fall). 3. The fact that such temperature (to change) can be brought about (to show) that heat exchanges (can take place) and that heat (can be transferred) from one region to another. 4. There (to be) three ways in which this transmission (can occur).

9. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations:

происходить, передача теплоты, тепловая энергия, от молекулы к молекуле, дно сосуда, менее плотная, с противоположной стороны, создавая конвекционные потоки, в жидкостях или газах, при помощи таких потоков, теплоизлучение, поглощение теплоты.