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5. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова, данные в скобках, в притяжательном падеже.

1. Whose car is in the street? (my father).

2. Whose bag is this? (her friend).

3. Whose newspapers are you reading? (my brother).

4. Whose books have you brought? (our teacher).

5. Whose hat is this? (my sister).

6. Whose diary is there in your bag? (my friend Peter).

6. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление притяжательного падежа существительных. (см. Ключ)

1. Моего брата зовут Петр. Дом моего брата находится около стадиона. Сын моего брата любит играть в футбол. Мы часто видим друзей моего брата на стадионе. Родители его друзей также часто приходят на стадион. Учителя Петра любят смотреть на их игру. Ребята тренируются в школьном спортив­ном зале и на спортивной площадке. 2. Мы получили месячный отпуск и ре­шили путешествовать пешком. Каждые десять километров мы делали часовой отдых.


Работа с текстами

Прочтите тексты. Обратите внимание на притяжательный падеж. Передайте содержание прочитанного на родном языке.

At the Greengrocer’s

Ann. Where's Mary gone?

Kate. She's looking at something in the bookshop.

Ann. Just let me have a look at my shopping list. I don't think we've forgotten anything. We've been to the fishmonger's, the butcher's, the grocer's and the baker's. So we have finished our shopping. Come along, Mary. It's time to go home and have lunch.

Mary. Here comes the bus.

About Einstein

It is the pride of many people never to have any time. It was Einstein's pride always to have time. Once he agreed to meet a friend of his1 on a certain bridge. The man said he could not promise to be there at the appointed time.

"Oh," said Einstein, "it makes no difference,2 then I shall wait on the bridge." The friend suggested that he might lose too much of his time.

"Oh, no," answered Einstein, "the kind of work I do can be done anywhere. I can think about my problems on the bridge as well as3 at home."


1. a friend of his — one of his friends

2. it makes no difference — не имеет значения

3. as well as — так же как

Edison's First Invention

When Edison was a boy of fifteen, he worked as a tele­graph operator. He had to be on duty from 7 p. m. to 7 a. m.1 and give a signal every hour to prove that he did not sleep. The signals were made with astonishing exactness. One night an inspector arrived and saw Edison sleeping in a chair.

He was about2 to shake him when he caught sight3 of a mechanism on a table near the telegraph instrument. He wait­ed to see what would happen. When the hand of the clock pointed to the hour, the instrument got busy4 and one lever threw open the key while the other sent the signal over the wire.

The inspector seized the sleeping boy, roused him and "fired"5 him. That is why the first of Edison's numerous inventions was never patented.


1. p. m. — после полудня днем, вечером; a. m. —до полудня,


2. was aboutсобирался, намеревался

3. to catch sightувидеть

4. to get busyзд. заработать, начать действовать

5. to "fire" —зд. выгнать