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In the Class-room

Student: Professor, I can't go to class today.

Prof: Why can't you go?

Student: I don't feel well.

Prof: Where don't you feel well?

Student: In class.

III.Supplementary reading

  1. How we choose our friends

A survey conducted by a telephone helpline in the USA found that young people today rely less and less on their families and more and more on their friends. Why so?

A friend is a person you know and like well. How do we choose our friends?

The words friend and free come from the same root word suggesting that the main thing in a friendship is the freedom to be ourselves in the company of another person.

Most friendships begin with shared interests or activity which gradually develop into mutual trust, openness, affection and loyality. We like people who share our attitudes and values. When someone agrees with us or makes the same choice that we have made, we gain confidence in our own views.

There is also a tendency to enjoy the company of people of the same economic status and level of education.

Most young people say that they have a main group of about fifteen close friends, not just one or two best friends as was the case long ago.

It seems more secure to have a close group of people than to have exclusive relationship with one person. Friends share problems, gossip, jokes, concerns and hobbies. This is all young people need and want.

2. The throw-away society

Many countries bury and forget millions of tons of rubbish every year.

How do we get rid of this rubbish? We find or dig huge holes in the ground and fill them with this stuff. These are known as "landfill sites"(место для сброса отходов).

These 20 million tons of rubbish perform major environmental problem polluting big cities. It is a slow and unseen threat. Methane gas given off by decaying organic matter can build up and explode. Toxic materials poison the water and air and pose a long-term threat to our food chain. But a lot of what we throw away is still useful. The glass, plastic, metal, oil, textile, paper, cardboard, battery content which we send to landfill is potentially very valuable because it is a concentrated source of many raw materials. Rubbish can be also burnt to generate electricity and heat our homes. But we don't have to throw away all our waste paper, glass, metal, plastic. We can recycle a lot of it. In fact waste can be very useful stuff.

1.2. Простое прошедшее время

The past simple (indefinite) tense (active)

Формула образования: v(ed)




I invented it.

You invented it.

He invented it.

She invented it.

It invented it.

We invented it.

They invented it.

I didn't invent it.

You didn't invent it.

He didn't invent it.

She didn't invent it.

It didn't invent it.

We didn't invent it.

They didn't invent it.

Did I invent it?

Did you invent it?

Did he invent it?

Did she invent it?

Did it invent it?

Did we invent it?

Did they invent it?

Неправильные глаголы образуют Past Simple путем изменения корневой гласной. Эти формы следует заучивать наизусть. (2-я форма глагола).

Используется для выражения:

  1. действия, свершившегося к моменту речи

He compiled a programme yesterday.

  1. повторяющегося действия в прошлом

He usually took a computer.

Индикаторы времени: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last year, in 1999, a year ago, etc.

  1. Grammar Practice Section

1. Определите правильные и неправильные глаголы. Назовите их вторую форму

To be, to study, to work, to rest, to write, to come, to make, to do, to sit, to meet, to know, to walk, to say, to play, to speak, to stand, to read.

2. Прочтите, переведите и проанализируйте времена глаголов

Yesterday I saw an accident. It took place not far from my house. The van crashed into the car. It all happened very quickly. The car came straight out of the side road and the van went into the back of it. The van driver did not have a chance. It was the car driver's fault as he did not look to his right and the car did not stop in time. I called the police and they arrived very quickly.

3. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы

You got up late yesterday. You spent too much money at the shop. He rang me up in the evening. They told us about the marriage. We invited them to the concert.

4. Раскройте скобки, употребив Past Indefinite.

My name is Robinson Crusoe and I (to be born) in the city of York. When I (to be) eighteen years old I (to go) to the city of Hull and there I (to meet) a boy whom I (to know). His father (to be) the captain of the ship. This boy (to say) to me, “Will you come with us, Bob?” After five days we (to come) to a land and (to stop) in the mouth of a little river. Then a huge wave (to come) upon us, (to turn) over the boat, (to throw) us all into the water.