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Power Makes Car Go

The world's first sun-powered car has appeared on the roads in Amer­ica. The car is an electric 1912 Baker (название фирмы) and it gets its power from a screen of silicon (кремний) solar cells on its roof.

Scientists in California, USA, have mounted a panel of 10,640 sil­icon solar cells on the roof of a 1912 Baker electric automobile to make the ancient car the first world's solar-powered high-way car in his­tory.

Specialists said that they had chosen the car in order to demonstrate the panel because its large roof area provided proper placement for the panel and because the Baker was a completely reliable and perfect example of an electrically powered automobile.

The very old and the newest have met in this first solar-pow­ered car. The scientists have designed the car to point out the possibilities in using sun-shine not only to drive cars, but also to power various devices now using other forms of energy.

In order to power the car sunlight energizes electrons in the silicon solar cells, which are wired together in a circuit. It charges the car's 72 volt battery system. The car then works from the batteries.

Since silicon solar cells are made from rock and ordinary beach sand (песок), the solar car uses some of the earth's most abundant compounds. The car is of special interest to cities with atmospheric problems such as the smog in London, Los Angeles and Tokyo. Soon the company will have manufactured the first consignment (партия) of goods of cars.

3. Time for fun

A correction

Teacher: Jimmy, why have not you washed your face? I can tell you what you have eaten for breakfast this morning.

Little boy: What was it?

Teacher: Eggs!

Little boy: You are wrong, teacher, that was yesterday.

III. Supplementary reading

  1. New York

New York City is a colorful city filled with contradictions. New York City is happy and sad; rich and poor; brilliant and drab; historic and modern.

History never has known a city which has grown to its proportions in so short time. New York City has rapidly flourished to become the financial, commercial and cultural capital of the continent. It has developed a unique lifestyle which has become known throughout the world. Henry Hudson, an Englishman had explored the Hudson River which now bears his name. It was in 1609. The harbor is considered to be one of the world's largest ports.

With the establishment of the new nation, open immigration began. By that time more than 27 million immigrants had arrived to the city. Each group of immigrants had brought with them a special way of life from their homeland.

New York City is a composite of many different sections which largely have retained the names of their original independent communities or derived their names from their geographical location.

New York is a city of a glorious history, but fortunately it is too young for traditions. Today New York is called the «salad bowl», because time has taught while cultures and ethnic groups have mixed, each has maintained a separate identity. These differences in culture create a changing aura and give the impression of being in several or more different cities at one time.

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