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Інструкція 1

Як ви вже бачили з попереднього матеріалу, майже кожне з модальних дієслів має кілька значень. Щоб під час читання правильно зрозуміти речення, в якому міститься модальне дієслово, необхідно брати до уваги увесь контекст.

*Вправа 1. (Робота у невеликих групах). Користуючись у разі необхідності інструкціями попередніх етапів, вкажіть значення підкресленої частини присудка у реченнях.

  1. Jane should get good results in her exams.

A - порада;

Б - припущення;

В - докір.

  1. You can see the sea from your room window only in our hotel.

А - здатність;

Б - дозвіл;

В - припущення.

  1. She spoke in a low voice (тихим голосом) but I could understand what she was saying.

А - здатність;

Б - припущення;

В - дозвіл.

  1. The telephone rang, but I didn't hear it. I must have been asleep.

А - обов'язок;

Б - докір;

В - припущення.

  1. Bob has three houses, six cars, a yacht (яхта), and a helicopter. He must be rich.

А - обов'язок;

Б - наказ;

В - припущення.

  1. Jack may be in his office.

А - жаль;

Б - дозвіл;

В - припущення.

  1. Could you tell me how to get to the station ?

А - здатність;

Б - прохання;

В - сумнів.

  1. You can't drive a car in Britain if you are under 17.

А - заборона;

Б - відсутність уміння;

В - недовіра.

  1. Passengers may smoke once the plane is airborne (to be airborne - знаходитися у повітрі).

А - припущення;

Б - дозвіл;

В - здатність.

  1. The government must do something about unemployment (безробіття).

А - обов'язок;

Б - докір;

В - припущення.

  1. What do I have to do to get a driving license (шоферські права)?

А - необхідність;

Б - прохання;

В - володіння.

  1. Whatever you do, you mustn't touch (to touch - торкатися) that switch (вимикач). It is dangerous (небезпечний).

А - відсутність необхідності;

Б - заборона;

В - припущення.

  1. It was a mistake to get rid of (позбутися) those shares (акції). You shouldn't have sold them.

А - порада;

Б - докір;

В - припущення.

  1. Because she was Spanish, she didn't need to get a visa to visit Britain.

А - відсутність необхідності;

Б - заборона;

В - жаль відносно минулої дії.

  1. I needn't have hurried (to hurry - поспішати) to the airport as the plane was late.

А - відсутність необхідності;

Б - заборона;

В - жаль відносно минулої дії.

  1. In the next few months, the price of oil (нафта) may rise (to rise - зростати).

А - дозвіл;

Б - припущення;

В - здатність.

  1. Jane can't be looking for a new job already. She only started work a week ago.

А - відсутність уміння;

Б - недовіра;

В - заборона.

  1. You can't have seen David at the sales (продаж) conference, because he was in Mexico at the time.

А - відсутність здатності;

Б - недовіра;

В - заборона.

  1. The children ran away laughing. They might have been doing something naughty (пустотливий).

А - дозвіл;

Б - припущення;

В - докір.

  1. We are to solve (to solve - вирішувати) this problem in the near future.

А - частина іменного присудка;

Б - місцеперебування;

В - обов'язок.

  1. He arrived here this morning. He must have been waiting for hours.

А - обов'язок;

Б - докір;

В - припущення.

  1. Could they have been to Rome?

А - подив;

Б - здатність;

В - прохання.

  1. Where shall we go for the holiday?

А - пропозиція;

Б - порада;

В - запропонування допомоги.

  1. After a few months on the training course I could speak Japanese quite well.

А - припущення;

Б - вміння;

В - дозвіл.

  1. May we smoke in here?

А - припущення;

Б - прохання;

В - запитання дозволу.

  1. Shall I carry your bag for you?

А - пропозиція;

Б - порада;

В - запропонування допомоги.

  1. You ought to be more careful (обережний) with your money.

А - порада;

Б - докір;

В - припущення.

  1. You'll have to study hard when you go to university.

А - володіння;

Б - обов'язок;

В - пропозиція.

  1. The lawyers think it could take quite a long time.

А - здатність;

Б - дозвіл;

В - припущення.

  1. It's too late to apply (to apply - звертатися) for shares now. You ought to have applied last week.

А - порада;

Б - докір;

В - припущення.

Вправа 2. Користуючись словником, перекладіть речення на рідну мову.

  1. I haven't been able to finish the work.

  2. Janet phoned the airline and managed to get me on the flight.

  3. I'm sorry but we aren't allowed to give you your bank balance by phone.

  4. In my last job I had to be at the office by 8.00 a.m.

  5. We didn't have to work very hard but we couldn't leave the office without asking for permission.

  6. James needs these documents urgently. You must fax them immediately.

  7. A lending officer working for a London bank has to discuss loans with clients, he doesn't have to do the financial analysis of the companies, he can authorize loans of up to £500,000, but he can't authorize anything greater than that himself.

  8. Jane might know the address of the company because she did some work for them a few years ago.

  9. I can't get through to our office in Milan. They may be having problems with their fax machine.

  10. He bought the shares when they were cheap and sold them at their peak, so he must have made a lot of money.

  11. I'm not sure why Mr Janseen wasn't at the meeting. He might have been delayed at the airport.

  12. They shouldn't have raised taxes.

  13. Soon people will be able to see videos by using ordinary telephone lines.

  14. I've phoned Jane three times this morning but there is no reply. She must be out seeing a client.

  15. They can't have sold much Fizzo soft drinks in July.

  16. They must have made a loss in October.

  17. They must have spent a lot of money on their advertising campaign.

  18. They might have been selling drinks at a discount.

  19. I need to have a word with you about the new project.

  20. You should keep an account of all your expenses.

  21. When you go to the conference next week, you ought to give Mr Franks a ring.

  22. You ought not to bring large amounts of personal cash or jewellery to the office.

Вправа 3 (контрольна). Прочитайте речення. Кому вони належать? Де перебувають ці люди?

Example: You aren't allowed to sit there. Get off the grass! - The park attendant in a park.

  1. You can't park there. I'll give you a parking ticket.

  2. I'm sorry sir, but customers aren't allowed in without a tie.

  3. You're allowed to bring in 250 cigarettes and a bottle of spirits.

  4. You can't talk in here. People are studying.

  5. You can take your safety-belt off now and walk around, but you aren't allowed to smoke in the toilets, and you can't use personal computers.

Вправа 4. (Робота в парах). А) Прочитайте текст і дайте відповіді на запитання.

How not to behave badly abroad

Travelling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village, but how well do we know and understand each other? Here is a simple test. Imagine you have arranged a meeting at four o'clock. What time should you expect your foreign business colleagues to arrive? If they're German, they'll be bang on time. If they're American, they'll probably be 15 minutes early. If they're British, they'll be 15 minutes late, and you should allow up to an hour for the Italians.

When the European Community began to increase in size, several guidebooks appeared giving advice on international etiquette. At first many people thought this was a joke, especially the British, who seemed to believe that the widespread understanding of their language meant a corresponding understanding of English customs. Very soon they had to change their ideas, as they realized that they had a lot to learn about how to behave with their foreign business friends.

The Japanese have perhaps the strictest rules of social and business behaviour. Seniority is very important, and you should never send a younger man to complete a business deal with an older Japanese man. The Japanese business card almost needs a rulebook of its own. You must exchange business cards immediately on meeting because it is important to establish everyone's status and position.

When you hand it to a person in a superior position, you must give and receive it with both hands, and you must take time to read it carefully, and not just put it in your pocket! Also the bow is a very important part of greeting someone. You should not expect the Japanese to shake hands. Bowing the head is a mark of respect and the first bow of the day should be lower than when you meet thereafter.

'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.'

Here are some tips for travellers.

  • In France you shouldn't sit down in a café until you've shaken hands with everyone you know.

  • In Afghanistan you should spend at least five minutes saying hello.

  • In Pakistan you mustn't wink. It is offensive.

  • In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating, drinking, or smoking. Also, you should take care not to admire anything in your hosts' home. They will feel that they have to give it to you.

  • In Thailand you should clasp your hands together and lower your head and your eyes when you greet someone.

  • In America you should eat your hamburger with both hands and as quickly as possible. You shouldn't try to have a conversation until you eat it.

to behave - поводитися; to imagine - уявляти собі; to arrange - домовлятися; to expect - сподіватися; business colleague - колега по бізнесу; bang on time - якраз у цей час; European Community - Європейська Співдружність; size - розмір; guidebook - посібник; to appear - з'являтися; advice - порада; etiquette - етикет; widespread - поширений; understanding -розуміння; corresponding - відповідний; custom - звичай; to realize - усвідомлювати; strict - суворий; rule - правило; behaviour - поведінка; seniority - старшинство; to complete - завершувати; business deal - ділова угода; to exchange - обмінюватися; immediately - негайно; безпосередньо; to establish - установлювати; position - положення, посада; to hand - вручати; superior - вищий; carefully - уважно; bow - уклін; to greet - вітати; to shake hands - потиснути руки; respect - повага; thereafter - після цього; tip - порада; to say hello - вітати; to wink - підморгувати; offensive - образливий; to take care - дбати, турбуватися; to admire - захоплюватися; host - господар; to clasp - стискувати; to lower - опускати.

1. Which nationalities are the most and least punctual?

2. Why did the British think that everyone understood their customs?

3. An American friend of yours is going to work in Japan. Give some advice about how he / she should and shouldn't behave.

4. Which nationalities have rules of behaviour about hands? What are the rules?

5. Why is it not a good idea to ...

... say that you absolutely love your Egyptian friend's vase.

... say 'Hi! See you later!' when you're introduced to someone in Afghanistan.

... discuss politics with your American friend in a McDonald's.

6. Do you agree with the saying 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'? Why?

Б) Яку пораду ви дасте людині, що збирається жити і працювати в Україні?

*Вправа 5. (Робота в парах). Допоможіть японському бізнесмену правильно поводитися під час його перебування у Великій Британії.

  1. I am going to visit Britain shortly on training course, and I may go out to the pub with my British colleagues. I am not sure what to do about buying drinks. Which option (вибір) is correct?

  1. I should only pay for the drinks I have.

  2. I should let other people buy me drinks.

  3. each member of the group should take turns (to take turns - чергуватися) in buying everyone a drink.

  1. They might invite me to an informal dinner at the house of a British business colleague in London. If the invitation is for 8 p.m., which of the following is more polite?

  1. I should arrive a few minutes early, and certainly no later than 8 p.m.

  2. I should arrive ten to fifteen minutes late.

  3. I should arrive about 45 minutes late.

  1. In Japan we often give business colleagues small gifts (подарунки) to show we appreciate (to appreciate - цінувати) their hospitality (гостинність). If I go to a British colleague's house for a meal, I don't know whether to take a gift or not. Should I:

A - not take anything?

B - take a bottle of wine or some flowers?

C - offer to pay for the cost of the meal?

4. I may attend a conference in London. I have read about 'body language', and I am not sure how close (близько) to stand when I am talking to British people. Should I stand:

A - about 30 cm away?

B - about 90 cm away?

C - about 2 metres away?

5. When leaving a group of colleagues after an informal evening out, we normally shake hands with everyone. I am not sure how to behave in England. Should I:

A - shake everyone by the hand?

B - shake the men by the hand and kiss the women on the cheek?

C - do nothing?

*Вправа 6.

А) Прочитайте текст і виберіть із запропонованих варіантів заголовок до нього.

This happened many years ago when the former Soviet Union was still a communist state. I was working in Malaysia, and I had to get back to London for an urgent meeting. I had to take an Aeroflot flight because all the others were full, and we flew to Moscow. Unfortunately we missed the connecting flight, so we had to stay in the airport hotel and wait. I wanted to make a phone call but they said that it was 'not possible in Moscow'. I wanted to transfer to a British Airways flight, but I couldn't do that either, because it was 'not possible in Moscow'. There were armed guards at the hotel doors, and we couldn't go outside or visit the city because we didn't have visas. On the other hand they were quite generous - we didn't have to pay for the rooms and we didn't have to pay anything for food either. So we just had to wait, and every morning there was a fight for tickets at the reception desk. In the end, after about five days, I managed to get a ticket and got back to London, but of course I had missed the meeting and I had to fly straight back to Malaysia - but not with Aeroflot!

to happen - траплятися; former - колишній; urgent - терміновий; flight - рейс; full - повний; to fly - летіти; to miss - спізнитися, пропустити; connecting flight - рейс, узгоджений за часом для пересадки з іншого рейсу; to transfer - пересісти; armed guards - озброєна варта; generous - щедрий; fight - боротьба, бійка; reception desk - стіл адміністратора.

  1. My travel about Moscow.

  2. My travel experience with Aeroflot.

  3. My travel experience with British Airways.

  4. My stay at the London airport.

  5. A wonderful Aeroflot flight from Malaysia to London.

Б) Виберіть з поданих нижче тверджень ті, які відповідають змісту тексту.

1. This story happened with a Malaysian businessman.

2. He flew to Moscow because he didn't manage to get a ticket for another flight.

3. He didn't transfer to the connecting flight because he had to stay in Moscow for five days.

4. He didn't change for a British Airways flight because he was not allowed to.

5. He had to get a visa to be able to do the sights of Moscow.

6. He could live and eat free of charge in the airport hotel.

7. He couldn't get a ticket to London earlier than the next morning.

8. He flew back to Malaysia after he had attended the meeting in London.

Вправа 7 (контрольна).

А) Прочитайте текст і придумайте заголовок до кожної з трьох його частин.

Living in the city

Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don't need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, and go to the theatre and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.

However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very well-paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheep accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays. Finally, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.

In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don't mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.

advantage - перевага; disadvantage - недолік; on the plus side - з позитивного боку; choice - вибір; what is more - більш того; to feed - годувати; duck - качка; all in all - у цілому; bustle - метушня; variety - різноманітність; to feel bored - нудьгувати; for one thing - по-перше; well-paid - добре оплачуваний; to afford - дозволити собі; particularly - особливо; accommodation - приміщення; crowded - переповнений; dirty - брудний; rush hour - година пік; finally - наприкінці; despite - незважаючи на; lonely - самотній; in conclusion - на завершення; appealing - привабливий; excitement - збудження, хвилювання; to mind - мати щось проти; countryside - сільська місцевість.

Б) Напишіть подібний нарис про переваги та недоліки сільського життя; використайте в ньому підкреслені слова та словосполучення з тексту.