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Етап V Формування навичок читання

В англійській мові the Passive Voice використовується досить часто, особливо в науковому мовленні. Отже, треба вміти розпізнавати пасивні речення під час читання і правильно передавати їх засобами рідної мови.

Інструкція 1

Основні засоби передачі англійських пасивних речень українською мовою:

  1. безособове речення

  • з пасивним дієприкметником:

A few experiments have been carried out this week. - На цьому тижні проведено кілька експериментів.

  • із сполученням дієслова 'бути' з пасивним дієприкметником:

This problem must be solved first. - Ця проблема має бути вирішена перш за все.

The law was formulated in 1932. - Закон був сформулюваний у 1932 році.

  • з дієсловом, що закінчується на -ся (-сь):

The changes are observed well enough. - Зміни спостерігаються достатньо добре.

  • з неозначеною формою дієслова:

These figures cannot be attributed to an occasional error in calculations. - Ці цифри не можна віднести до випадкової помилки у разрахунках.

  1. неозначено - особове речення:

This important fact has been ignored lately.- Цей важливий факт ігнорують в останній час.

  1. особове речення:

This airline is currently owned by the Australian government. – Цією авіалінією зараз володіє австралійський уряд.

*Вправа 1. (Робота у невеликих групах). Визначте предикативну синтагму в поданих нижче реченнях, а також часову форму присудка. Користуючись інструкцією 1, перекладіть речення на рідну мову.

  1. This fact is taken into account (to take into account – брати до уваги).

  2. This fact should not be underestimated (to underestimate – недооцінювати).

  3. Some additional (додатковий) calculations (розрахунки) are required (to require – потребувати).

  4. They had the order (замовлення) sent by courier (кур'єр).

  5. A brief (стислий) account (звіт) of the available (наявний) data (дані) will be given in chapter (розділ) II.

  6. The process may be affected (to affect – впливати) by other factors.

  7. Some improvements (удосконалення) are being introduced (to introduce – вводити) in the organization of research (дослідницький) work.

  8. This theory was developed (to develop – розробляти) in the early 1950s.

  9. It was soon proved (to prove – доводити) that this hypothesis (гіпотеза) had been based (to base - базувати) on the wrong assumption (припущення).

  10. Much attention is now being given (to give attention to – приділяти увагу) to the development of better research techniques (прийоми).

  11. All of these problems have been discussed lately.

  12. This question has not been raised (to raise – піднімати; порушувати) in literature until now.

  13. Originally (спочатку), this word must have been used (to use – використовувати) to describe (описувати) that process for want of (за браком) a better term.

  14. The model, which has been discussed here, does not readily (легко) apply (to apply - стосуватися, застосовуватися) to more recent (останній, сучасний) data.

  15. This problem was preliminarily (попередньо) discussed by a few research groups in various countries.

  16. This problem, which is currently (зараз) being considered (to consider - розглядати) by many economists, is closely (тісно) related (зв'язаний) to the consumption (споживання; споживчий) function.

  17. The first experiments were aimed (to aim - цілити) at establishing (встановлення) a correlation between these two mechanisms.

  18. These studies should have been resumed (to resume - відновлювати) when it became clear that the original assumption had been correct.

*Вправа 2. (Робота в парах). Визначте предикативну синтагму в поданих нижче реченнях, а також часову форму присудка. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.

  1. This formula is readily deduced (to deduce – виводити) from the equation (рівняння).

  2. Those data could have been used in our work but they lacked (to lack – бракувати) precision (точність).

  3. This problem was outlined (to outline - окреслити) in one of the papers (статті).

  4. All of these processes are regulated (to regulate – регулювати) by a common (загальний) factor.

  5. Some changes cannot be predicted (to predict – передбачати).

  6. Their requirements will be met (to meet the requirements – задовольняти вимоги) in this case.

  7. Some of our older conceptions are presently being revised (to revise – переглядати).

  8. I have had these figures checked.

  9. Several factors were involved (to involve – включати) in that process.

  10. The question hadn’t been raised before 1962.

  11. Some recent (сучасний) works should have been included (to include – включати) in the review (огляд).

  12. While the order was being executed (to execute – виконувати), the girl made several calls to her friends.

  13. Several attempts (спроби) have been made to classify (щоб класифікувати) these phenomena.

  14. It was pointed out (to point out - вказувати) that the question had been raised long before (задовго до) any actual (дійсний) work was started in this direction (напрям).

  15. Some contradictions (протиріччя) in the interpretation of these data have not been explained (to explain - пояснювати) yet.

  16. Therefore, this assumption should be reconsidered or the results re-checked.

  17. The introduction (вступ) will be followed (to follow - іти за) by a good deal of (значна кількість) calculations and an analysis of the results.

  18. The above (вищезгаданий) criterion is strikingly (напрочуд) well satisfied (to satisfy - задовольняти) in a comparatively (порівняно) large number of cases.

Вправа 3 (контрольна). Користуючись словником, напишіть переклад поданих нижче речень.

  1. Volvos are produced in Sweden.

  2. In Britain milk is delivered to your doorstep.

  3. You will be picked up by one of our drivers.

  4. We had the new furniture delivered yesterday.

  5. I am being asked to do a lot of extra work at the moment.

  6. I can assure you that your complaint is being dealt with.

  7. I didn't use the company car yesterday because it was being serviced.

  8. We only noticed the mistakes when the brochures were being printed.

  9. A design fault has been found on some of our washing machines.

  10. All of our machines have been recalled.

  11. Most of the senior managers were fired after the takeover.

  12. They will have their office repainted by Christmas.

  13. The shipment is going to be delayed.

  14. They faxed us to say that the shipment had been delayed.

  15. The factory has been modernized and computerized.

  16. Our factory is being taken over by an American company.

  17. About one thousand people are employed in that factory.

  18. These important facts might have been easily overlooked as they were published in a popular magazine.

*Вправа 4. (Робота в парах). Прочитайте підкреслені речення і вкажіть, яке речення - A чи B - повинно слідувати за кожним з них.

  1. Roche is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical groups.

  1. It manufactures vitamins, perfumes, and antibiotics.

  2. Vitamins, perfumes, and antibiotics are manufactured by it.

  1. Qantas is the second oldest international airline.

  1. The Australian government currently owns it.

  2. It is currently owned by the Australian government.

  1. Bass PLC is the largest global hotel operator.

  1. It owns Holiday Inns and a number of other hotel chains.

  2. Holiday Inns and a number of other hotel chains are owned by it.

  1. Australian born Rupert Murdoch is Chairman of News Corporation.

  1. He controls 39% of the company through Cruden Investments.

  2. 39% of the company is controlled by him through Cruden Investments.

*Вправа 5. Прочитайте речення, вибираючи правильну форму присудка.

  1. Tom's just promoted / 's just been promoted to area manager of Eastern Europe.

  2. I've applied / 've been applied for a new job.

  3. How many times have you made / have you been made redundant?

  4. Bob's wife has just lost / has just been lost her job.

  5. My father has taken / has been taken early retirement.

  6. My brother has given / has been given the sack. His boss said he was lazy.

  7. The number of people out of work has risen / has been risen to nearly 3 million.

  8. A strike has called / has been called by the air traffic controllers.

  9. They haven't offered / haven't been offered more money by the management.

  10. How much money have you saved / have you been saved for your retirement?

to promote – підвищувати; to apply for – звертатися за; to make redundant - скоротити; to lose – втрачати; to take retirement – піти у відставку; to give the sack - звільнити; to rise - зростати; to call – скликати; to offer – пропонувати; to save – заощаджувати.

*Вправа 6. (Робота в парах).

А) Прочитайте текст і скажіть, що становить його головний інтерес: а) д-р Джон Пембертон? б) Френк Робінсон? в) Кока-Кола? г) Аса Кендлер?

Coca-Cola is enjoyed all over the world. 1.6 billion gallons are sold every year, in over one hundred and sixty countries. The drink was invented by Dr John Pemberton in Atlanta, on 8 May 1886, but it was given the name Coca-Cola by his partner, Frank Robinson. In the first year, only nine drinks a day were sold.

The business was bought by a man called Asa Candler in 1888, and the first factory was opened in Dallas, Texas, in 1895. Coca-Cola is still made there. Billions of bottles and cans have been produced since 1895.

Diet Coke has been made since 1982, and over the years many clever advertisements have been used to sell the product. It is certain that Coca-Cola will be drunk far into the twenty-first century.

Б) Випишіть із тексту в 4 колонки дієслова в Passive Voice.

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Perfect

Future Simple

В) Не дивлячись у текст, спробуйте згадати речення з цими дієсловами.

Г) Напишіть запитання до поданих нижче відповідей.

  1. 1.6 billion gallons.

  2. In 1886.

  3. Only nine drinks a day. (How much...?)

  4. In Dallas.

  5. Since 1982.

*Вправа 7. (Робота в парах). У поданих нижче двох газетних статтях є шість випадків the Passive Voice, але всі вони переплутані місцями. Знайдіть їх і розставте на правильні місця (у письмовій формі).

Drugs seized at airport

A 40 year-old businessman from Birmingham was delayed last night at Heathrow airport. The substance cocaine was taken in his suitcase. He was derailed by customs officials before being taken to Acton Police Station.

Train crash

The London-Edinburgh express was found yesterday morning as it was passing through York station. Four people were questioned to hospital, but no one was seriously hurt. Trains were arrested for the rest of the day.

drugs - наркотики; to seize - конфіскувати; to delay - затримувати; substance - речовина; to derail - сходити з рейок; crash - аварія; to question - допитувати; to hurt - ушкодити; to arrest - арештовувати.

Вправа 8. Прочитайте текст і дайте відповіді на запитання.


Sydney is Australia's largest and oldest city, and it is built around the harbour, which was named Port Jackson by Captain Cook in 1770. Sydney wasn't planned from the start, as many Australian cities were. It has a tight, congested centre without wide boulevards. But it is a very modern city, with the most energy and style of all Australian cities.

North of the harbour is more residential, and the south is more industrial. The two shores are joined by the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was built in 1932. The city centre is south of the harbour.

Sydney's most famous building, the Opera House, was opened in 1973. It was designed by a young Danish architect, Joern Utzon, and it looks like sails in the wind. It took 16 years to build.

The best place to go shopping is George Street and Pitt Street.

The climate in New South Wales is generally warm, though it can get a little cold in winter. There are some of the best beaches in the world.

harbour - гавань; tight - компактний; congested - скупчений; residential - житловий; shore - берег; to join - з'єднувати; to design - проектувати; Danish - датський; to look like - бути схожим на; sails - паруса; wind - вітер; beach - пляж.

  1. What is Port Jackson?

  2. How does Sidney differ from other Australian cities?

  3. How is Sidney similar to other Australian cities?

  4. How can people get to the city centre from the residential district?

  5. What happened in 1973?

  6. Who designed Sidney's Opera House?

  7. What is special about this building?

  8. What's the weather in Australia like?

*Вправа 9.

А) Прочитайте текст і придумайте заголовок до нього.

Three armed men escaped yesterday with over $1 million in used European banknotes after an attack at Heathrow airport. The money was being transported from a Middle Eastern country to a London bank and was being carried by an unarmed courier. The three robbers, who were waiting for the courier in the car park, attacked the man and stole the money. A passer-by told the police that a man was being attacked, but when they reached the scene, the robbers had already driven off.

armed - озброєний; to escape - утекти; used - уживаний; attack - напад; to carry - нести; robber - грабіжник; to steal (stole, stolen) - красти; to reach - прибувати; scene - місце дії; to drive off (drove off, driven off) - поїхати.

Б) Напишіть запитання до даних відповідей.

  1. To a London bank.

  2. By an unarmed courier.

  3. In the car park.

  4. A passer-by did.

Вправа 10. Прочитайте текст і передайте його зміст від 1-ї особи.

Samantha Phillips said yesterday that she was 'delighted' with the decision of an Industrial Tribunal after she had been awarded ₤15,000 for unfair dismissal. Miss Phillips, a 28-year-old City worker, told the court that she had been sacked because she had rejected the sexual advances of her boss. Her former employers said that Miss Phillips had been dismissed because she had not done her job properly. The judge agreed that Miss Phillips had made some 'foolish' business decisions, but said that Miss Phillips had not been treated fairly by the company.

delighted - задоволений; decision - рішення; to award - присуджувати; unfair - несправедливий; dismissal - звільнення; court - суд; to sack - звільняти; to reject - відхиляти; sexual advances - сексуальні домагання; former - колишній; properly - належним чином; judge - суддя; to agree - погоджуватися; foolish - дурний; to treat - поводитися; fairly - справедливо.

*Вправа 11.

А) У поданому нижче тексті порушена логіка викладу. Прочитайте уважно текст і розставте абзаци у логічному порядку.

  1. Concorde flies at twice the speed of sound. This means that it takes only 3 hours 25 minutes to fly between London and New York, compared with 7-8 hours in other passenger jets. Because of the five-hour time difference between the USA and Britain, it is possible to travel west on Concorde and arrive in New York before you leave London! You can catch the 10.30 a.m. flight from London, Heathrow and start work in New York an hour earlier!

  2. Concorde is mostly used by business people and film stars. However, its oldest passenger was Mrs Ethel Lee from Leicestershire in England. She was 99 years old when she took off from Heathrow on 24 February 1985.

  3. Concorde, the world's fastest and most graceful passenger plane, is more than 30 years old. It first flew on March 2nd 1969, from Toulouse in France.

  4. Concorde was developed by both France and Britain. From 1956 these two countries had a dream of a supersonic passenger plane. In 1962 they started to work together on the project. The plane cost over ₤1.5 billion to develop. It is the most tested plane in the history of aviation. It was given over 5,000 hours of testing.

Б) Придумайте заголовок до всього тексту і до кожного з його абзаців.

В) Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.

  1. How old is Concorde?

  2. Did France develop Concorde alone?

  3. How many hours testing was Concorde given?

  4. How is it possible to begin work in New York before you leave London?

  5. Who are the typical passengers of Concorde?

  6. Why was Ethel Lee a special passenger?

Вправа 12. Прочитайте текст і придумайте заголовок до нього. Користуючись словником, зробіть письмовий переклад тексту.

Money is anything that is commonly accepted as a means of paying for the goods and services individuals need and want.

Money has not always been the coins and paper bills known to us. Throughout history, various things of value have been used as money. For example, in many parts of the ancient world, salt was used as money because it was rare and necessary to life. Among many early cultures, furs or pelts were used as money. Eventually precious metals became the most common type of money; in fact, gold coins were used as money in the United States as recently as 1933.

Currency, which is dollar bills and coins, fits most of the definitions of money. However, cheques are accepted as payment for purchases, and checking account deposits are considered money and not currency. So, currency and money are not considered the same by economists.

*Вправа 13. У поданому нижче тексті пропущені деякі слова. Прочитайте текст, заповнюючи пропуски словами зі списку в рамці.

Accounting is the measurement and interpretation of financial information regarding the economic activities of the firm. Accounting can be (1)______ into two major categories: managerial accounting and financial accounting.

Managerial accounting is used to provide (2)______ and analysis to managers within the organization. Managerial accounting is concerned with measuring and reporting costs of (3)______, marketing, preparing budgets, and designing tax strategies.

If you are a business major, you will be required to take a (4)______ in managerial accounting. With growing emphasis on global competition, managerial accounting (5)______ be one of the most important courses you study in your college career.

Financial accounting differs from (6)______ accounting because the information analyses are intended for people outside the organization - owners and prospective owners, creditors and lenders, customers and suppliers, governmental units and the general public.

Much of the financial information is (7)______ in the annual report, a yearly statement of the financial condition and progress of the organization. Financial accounting reports answer the following questions:

Has the company's (8)______ been satisfactory? Should we invest in this company?

Should we loan money to this company? Will it be (9)______ to pay the money back?

Can the company (10)______ to raise its salaries? Will it be able to provide permanent employment?

Thus, we may see that accounting is critical to business and to anyone who wants to understand business.

  1. afford

  1. income

  1. contained

  1. production

  1. may

  1. information

  1. course

  1. divided

  1. able

  1. managerial

Вправа 14. 1) Прочитайте текст і придумайте заголовок до кожного з його абзаців.

Outside assistance

Small business owners have learned that they need outside consulting advice early in the process. This is especially true of legal, tax, and accounting advice, but may also be true of marketing, finance, and other areas. Most small firms cannot afford to hire such experts as employees, so they have to turn to outside assistance.

A good certified public accountant (CPA) can help make decisions such as whether to buy or lease equipment and whether to own or rent the building. Help may also be provided for tax planning, financial forecasting, choosing sources of finances and writing up requests for funds.

Another necessary and invaluable aid is a competent, experienced lawyer - one who knows and understands small business. Sometimes partners forget agreements unless the contract is written up by a lawyer and signed. Lawyers can help in a variety of matters including leases, contracts, protection against liabilities, and more.

Marketing decisions should be made long before a product is produced and stored. An inexpensive marketing research study may help determine where to locate and whom to select as your target market. Thus a marketing consultant with small business experience is also valuable.

Two other very useful experts are a commercial loan officer and an insurance agent. The commercial loan officer can help you design an acceptable business plan and give you valuable financial advice as well as loan you money when you need it. An insurance agent will explain all the risks associated with small business and how to cover them most efficiently with insurance and other means.

In fact, much of the expertise could come from one small-business consultant who knows marketing, accounting and some law. It is wise to seek a lawyer, in any case. In short, small businesses need expert outside assistance in areas such as accounting, finance, and legal matters, and such assistance should be obtained as soon as possible, before any major decisions are made, including whether the business should be started or not.

2) Дайте відповіді на запитання:

    1. What kinds of advice do beginners in business need most of all?

    2. What matters does a CPA deal with?

    3. What does "a competent lawyer" in this text mean?

    4. What ought to be done before starting the manufacture of goods?

    5. Who can help a businessman who wants to borrow money?

    6. What expert is essential for a firm, according to the text?




Вправа 1(с.8)

  1. – 13

  2. – 2

  3. – 3

  4. – 10

  5. – 18

  6. – 1

  7. – 16

  8. – 12

  9. – 15

  10. – 14

  11. – 9

  12. – 8

  13. – 17

  14. – 4

  15. – 6

  16. – 7

  17. – 5

  18. – 11


Вправа 2 (с.11)

  1. He could ride a bicycle when he was 3.

  2. His daughter can read already.

  3. She can swim a kilometre. Or: She is able to swim a kilometre.

  4. Her parents have been able to come.

  5. I can sing and dance.

  6. We managed to finish the work by Monday. Or: We were able to finish the work by Monday.

  7. I don't think he could understand their conversation.

  8. You will be able to speak English if you practise every day.

  9. From where we were we could hear every word.

  10. I am sure I will be able to do it myself.

  11. The athlete was able to lift the weight only after the second attempt. Or: The athlete managed to lift the weight only after the second attempt.

  12. Cats can see in the darkness. Or: Cats are able to see in the darkness.

  13. I could play the violin when I was a boy.

  14. Last week Tom managed to beat Jim. Or: Last week Tom was able to beat Jim.

Вправа 3 (c.11)

  1. Ann can ski.

  2. In a year you will be able to swim like a fish.

  3. I can type 50 words a minute. Or: I am able to type 50 words a minute.

  4. We could smell coffee from the kitchen.

  5. Jack was a good tennis-player. He could beat anyone.

  6. Once he had a very tough game with Michael but he managed to win. Or: ... but he was able to win.

  7. At last we have been able to solve this problem!

  8. He managed to convince everybody at the meeting. Or: He was able to convince everybody at the meeting.

  9. When my mother was a girl, she could swim across the river.

  10. I can read this book within a night. Or: I am able to read this book within a night.

  11. I hope you will be able to get tickets for this flight.

  12. We managed to get to the station on time. Or: We were able to get to the station on time.

  13. I am glad you could remember this case.

  14. These students can cheer up anyone. Or: These students are able to cheer up anyone.

Вправа 4 (c.12)

  1. managed to

  2. could

  3. managed to

  4. could

  5. managed to

  6. could

Вправа 6 (c.13)

  1. My sister couldn't swim until she was 12 year old.

  2. He can't speak English well.

  3. I can't play volleyball.

  4. He couldn't meet us yesterday. Or: He did not manage to meet us yesterday.

  5. She won't be able to help you with this problem.

  6. A year ago, I could not translate such a text without a dictionary.

  7. A human being can't live without air.

  8. I'm afraid George won't be able to work very well in his new position.

Вправа 7 (c.14)

  1. I am sorry I didn't manage to come to you yesterday. Or: I am sorry I couldn't come to you yesterday.

  2. Unfortunately, my friend can't come in time.

  3. I can read but I can't speak Italian.

  4. Last year the sportswoman couldn't perform this element of the programme.

  5. My friends won't be able to go on an excursion with us.

  6. His daughter couldn't play the piano until she was 10.

  7. I am afraid Ann won't be able to skate as well as Kate can.

  8. Dogs can't climb trees.

Вправа 8 (c.14)

  1. be able to

  2. can't

  3. can

  4. can

  5. be able to

  6. been able to

  7. be able to

Вправа 10 (c.16)

  1. She could read when she was four, couldn't she? - Yes, she could.

  2. Did you manage to repair the car? - Unfortunately, I didn't. Or: Were you able to repair the car? - Unfortunately, I wasn't.

  3. Will you be able to write the letter by Monday? - Yes, I will.

  4. You've been able to read the book, haven't you? - Yes, I have.

  5. Kate will be able to book tickets for the flight, won't she? - I hope she will.

  6. When will they be able to fix the computer? - The day after tomorrow.

  7. Can he buy some books for us? - I am afraid, he can't.

  8. He can draw, can't he? - I don't think so.

  9. You can't come tomorrow, can you? - Yes, I can.

  10. Have you ever been able to speak French? - Yes, I have. Until I was 5 I lived in France.

  11. Tom won't be able to help us, will he? - Unfortunately, he won't.

  12. Can you develop computer programs? - No, I can't.

  13. Could your sister swim in her childhood? - No, she couldn't.

  14. Who can answer this question? - I can.

Вправа 11 (c.17)

  1. When will Tom be able to bring me his report? - On Monday.

  2. Jack has been able to buy a new house, hasn't he? - Yes, he has.

  3. Can he speak Italian? - Yes, he can.

  4. Your brother can help me with mathematics, can't he? - Yes, he can.

  5. Have you ever been able to dance? - Unfortunately, I haven't.

  6. Will she be able to do this task by the week-end? - I am afraid, she won't.

  7. Was she able to finish her report? - Fortunately, she was.

  8. Will you be able to find their house? - I hope I/we will.

  9. You brother could speak French then, couldn't he? - I don't think so.

  10. We will be able to win the Olympiad, won't we? - Of course, we will.

  11. Where can I book a ticket? - At the booking-office.

  12. His wife has never been able to cook, has she? - I think she hasn't.

  13. Your brother can't drive a car, can he? - Yes, he can!

  14. Your father won't be able to come tomorrow, will he? - Unfortunately, he won't.