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I. Read the sentences and say if they are true or false. If they are false, correct them.

  1. QuarkXPress and PageMaker are the most widely used applications for page layout.

  2. You can perform different operations with the various elements within the page.

  3. Pictures are scanned one by one and called in as separate files.

  4. Proofs can be produced on all sorts of printing units.

  5. The digitised file can be sent for output on an imagesetter or platesetter.

  6. They use different software to process the texts for DTP.

  7. PostScript is a page description language developed by Microsoft Inc.

  8. You can use Applications such as Illustrator, CorelDraw and PhotoShop to produce the pictures.

  9. Digital proofing systems produce the proofs of a very high quality.

  10. In many countries, the transfer of DTP files for printing causes big problems .

  11. PostScript converts the DTP files into bitmap format for further processing.

  12. You don’t use film to produce the printing plate.

II. Find the equivalents of the following terms:

    1. Approximation a) прикладні програми

  1. page layout b) редагувати

    1. lint c) процесор растрування зображення

    2. solid-state laser d) формат з бітовим відображенням

    3. platesetter e) мова опису сторінок

    4. direct to plate f) нанесення зображення на форму

    5. to retouch g)цифрова мережа з комплексними послугами

    6. applications h) гарнітура шрифта

    7. imaging i) проміжна ланка

    8. bitmap format j) обробка текстів

    9. digital proofing system k) перетворювати

    10. page description language l) фотонабірна машина

    11. gas laser m) електронний лазер

    12. typeface n) наближення

    13. intermediate o) верстання

    14. to edit p) паперове волокно

    15. Raster Image Processor q) ретушувати,

    16. ISDN r) цифрова система пробних відбитків

    17. to convert s) газовий лазер

    18. word processing t) перенесення зображення на форму

    1. Fill the gaps using the following words:

digital, word processing, laser, platesetter, importation, bitmap , positioning, page description, resolution, imaging, input

  1. QuarkXPress and PageMaker allow………….. the of text, the selection of typefaces and the ……………of the various elements within the page.

  2. Proofs can be produced on a…………… printer

  3. The final corrected text file is used as………… for DTP and doesn’t need to be retyped.

  4. Most text used in DTP is supplied as files created with ………………software.

  5. Most high………………… scanning of colour pictures is done by repro houses.

  6. PostScript is a …………….language developed by Adobe Systems Inc.

  7. DTP files can be proofed as black and white or colour laser proofs, or on more sophisticated.

  8. Iris and Digital Cromalin are the …………….proofing systems.

  9. RIP is a computer device that converts the PostScript data to …………..format for ……………on an imagesetter or platesetter.

  10. The ……………… uses a laser to produce the image in the same way as an imagesetter.

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