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I. Read the sentences and say if they are true or false. If they are false, correct them.

  1. Electronical systems of page planning scan the pictures, store the separation information on disk in digital form in order to print them.

  2. The page film consists of several pieces of film for each colour.

  3. The electronic page planning can now be carried out on work-stations using desk-top publishing software.

  4. By means of photoplotter you can create shapes and masks and lay tints.

  5. CAD system replaced facilities for drafting and masking.

  6. Nowadays there was very little direct communication between the reproduction house and the printer.

  7. The customer acts as a mediator between the reproduction house and the printer.

II. Find the equivalents of the following terms:

    1. proofing direction a) настільне видавництво

    2. photoplotter b) цифровий перетворювач

    3. imagesetter c) креслення

    4. drafting d) кут установлення растру

    5. computer-aided design e) фотоплотер

    6. tints f) напрям друку пробного відбитка

    7. proofing sequence g) комп’ютерне проектування

    8. masking h) растровий елемент

    9. desk-top publishing i) видавництво

    10. progressives j) лініатура растру

    11. digitizer k) відтінок, растровий фон

    12. screen ruling l) маскування

    13. screen angles m) креслення, штрихування

    14. dot n) шкальні пробні відбитки

    15. reproduction house o) фотонабірна машина

III. Fill the gaps using the following words:

scalpel, reproduction, page, specification, layout

  1. A complete … consists of several transparencies output on to film in position.

  2. The operator can visually assess the … and colour values before being committed to film.

  3. Before CAD systems were developed, masks had to be cut by hand with a … .

  4. It is usual for modern … house to work to a detailed specification.

  5. In … there is information about progressives, viewing standards and types of proof.

IV. Which term does each definition refer to?

Computer-to-Plate, electronic printing, dot gain, masking, DTP

  1. Blocking out an area of an image with simulated opaque material to prevent editing actions or to allow for modifications such as adjusting the values of colour and tone.

  2. The tendency in printing for dots to be printed larger than they should. The increased dot size causes darker tones or colours, and an increase in the density of light reflected by the image.

  3. The technology of electronic publishing that made typesetting easier. Entire layout pages are created on a PC or an Apple computer with the aid of word and image processing software like Quark XPress, PhotoShop and Illustrator. The output is either on a laser printer, an imagesetter, a CD or transmitted directly to a digital press.

  1. Those are systems which do not output paper nor film, but a printing plate to be used on the offset printing press

  1. A printing method that creates images using electrostatic charges, rather than by pressing ink onto a plate. Photocopiers and inkjet or laser printers use electronic printing.

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