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Grigoriy Grabovoy - Resurrection and Eternal L....doc
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4.7.1. Information archive in space-time point

I created supplementary device for information archive in any space-time point (see Appendix E).

The matter can product from the information, which archive in some point of space-time. That point can assign in any material, in air, in vacuum, or in any place.

Let us explain method of that device. We consider space as time structure manifested in perception. We consider time as space function, and matter production - as time reaction of space transformation. We can calculate the points of space and time interaction. These points are the information archives.

Knowledge of the information archive points creates the possibility to development the computer technological system, which will be able to archive the necessary information in any point of space-time. Based on these points we can create a form of mind, which we can consider as Machine-sapiens by analogy with Homo sapiens.

Information archive of the past is static construction of this machine. Information archive of future is its dynamic construction. Area of the present manages that Machine-sapiens. Thus, we can create new form of mind, which manages and controls the Machine-sapiens based on human’s consciousness.

That form of mind will not destroyed its creator and other objects because in current time it always realizes the creative function of management. That machine is safe for human being, animals, and other objects.

Important feature of information archives is possibility to store those in any information devices and even in vacuum. I create these archives via impulses of special device, which connected to computer.

It is possible to store the information in air (or in any another information storage) via reflection of impulse from diskette.

Information archive can be stored in small area with diameter less than 3 mm.

Method of creation the information archives provides new possibility to development new computer architecture of new mind form in any material and environment.

Analogically, it is possible to develop the device for read the information from archives. Thus, we will get in point of space-time machine-sapiens as consciousness form. We can create with that machine the matter, space, or time.

4.7.2. Computer technology of distant control

We described that discovery in Appendix E. I had developed that method, and we will talk about the method assigned to transformation any event in geometric form. That transformation creates a possibility to manage the event via changes the geometric form. That management accomplishes in any distance.

Particularly, via computer we can create form of mind in some assigned point. Impulses from special device, which connected to computer, create that mind.

I developed several devices with such functions. Those have worked fine. Based in interaction space and time the devices will create the matter (That certificate – license “Time is form of space” is provided in Appendix E).

Certificate described the computer technologies, which transform time in any sort of matter. These new possibilities for creation matter are following: restoration of organs, fast production any sort of matter, creation the mechanisms and machines, the buildings construction, control of the machines, etc.

Thus, we can forget forever about the energetic crisis and problems. Energy we can get from the past events. This source is non-restricted source of energy.

How we can make the information archives in unusual storage, even in vacuum? Remember, that the space-time is consciousness construction, and; thus, we can implement the information in any point of space-time. Vacuum as empty space is also consciousness construction. That is the reason of recognition of many scientists that from vacuum we can get everything. They are beginning to call the vacuum as physical vacuum. Correspondently, new term just covered up the real problem. We will never solve that problem that way, because the physical reality created by consciousness.

Indeed, the core of problem is simple; vacuum, like any another object, is the consciousness construction. In addition, from it we can get everything, because it is real consciousness construction. Everything has coming from consciousness.

Nothing amazing is in the possibility to get and store the information in any space-time point, and; therefore, to create any form of mind in some such point.

Based on these discoveries I created computer program, which work according to principle of extrasensory action. That program fills up the management information and helps to construct the matter, and to restore the destroyed cells.

The matter, which created by the organs and physical body restoration, connects with soul. One of the soul manifestations is highly concentrated information. The connection between soul and matter realized via that information.

If we remark that the soul is infinite structure and one of its manifestations is information, we will recognize the archives of information, and; therefore, that the information archives is one of the fundamental principles of the world. Therefore, our technology based on that principle is completely natural.

We are able to create form of mind in any space-time point. That will be a natural form, which constantly will restore a human being – even resurrect and heal any her/his organ.

Technical devices will accomplish that work of restoration/resurrection as supplementary devices of the human’s consciousness areas, which bad-structured or concentrated in that time on the different aspects. My devices worked exactly in that style.

Identity of restored organs or resurrected person is quite complex problem. Resurrected person must be the same person who is gone; he/she must have the same inner organs, same physical body, and authentic manifest that person in physical reality.

My discovery “Reproductive, self-developing system, which reflect inner and outer areas of the manifold of the creative spheres” is basis for that management of resurrection (see Appendix E).

The essence of that discovery is constructive information area. Basing on knowledge of the soul, I discovered that area, which restores the authentic object. Fully identity of the restored object and its original was notary certified by UNO.

I developed the technologies of detection and usage the constructive information area. Idea of procedure is following. Past events and information objects will pack in sphere. On inner surface of sphere we will get the reflection of the objects of current time (according to the law of everything connections). Now, let us select the object for restoration, and its reflection on inner surface of sphere (it is easy, because we already know its past). That is creative information area of that object. As result of that detection, the object will fully restore.

That is the exact principle according to which are worked my technologies. These technologies restore whole human being, or his/her organ and cells. Technical devices work based on the special computer programs and optical systems.

These results are presented in my book “Applied structures of creative information area” and in patent “Method and device of prevention the disaster” (see Appendix E).

We already discussed that device in topic of the earthquakes prevention. Earthquake is only one sort of the catastrophes. Cancer and AIDS are also the catastrophes. Thus, the catastrophes have very different scales.

We create our device on base genuine science, and; therefore, it has universal application. We can use that device for prevention illnesses of the human’s organism and for resurrection the people who have gone.

That device works in following way. Firstly, it decreases the power of disaster, or fully liquidates it. In case of partial disaster liquidation, the device will predict place and time of its appearance. If we will concentrate on the crystals with thought of disaster prevention, then device resource will increase in several times.

We implemented same principle in the device of human’s health restoration and people resurrection.

That device is an optical system with crystals, and for restoration is enough to position it near to a patient or orient it perceiving surface in direction to the patient. By the way, that device works also with photos or X-Ray pictures, and is able to accomplish the resurrection too.

Device is able to normalize the events of activity also via schema, or plan, and has universal quality to normalize the events.

What is a normal development of events? How the device recognizes that? Answer is simple: device read the information of harmonic form from the Information Field, which created by God. The device configures the events toward that norm. By the way, information about norm exists in any point of space.

Well such devices managed by the consciousness already have worked. The future devices will create by the same principles.

Based on these principles I had created the device for transfer the information (Patent #2163419 “System of information transfer,” see Appendix E).

The device has worked following way. You thought some sentence. That sentence is the message, which transfers via device. The destination device will get your message, and transform it in words or images according to your wish. This is new sort on information connection without electro-magnetic waves. That device named the telepathy transmitter. In that transmission, you will play the role of operator (source). Instead of operator can be used video or audio devices, or laser. Thus, the radio translation or television show can transfer in same manner. I have developed the technology with possibility of sending and receiving devices. Miniature crystal system, which can be set on bracelet of watch, will restore human’s health. These systems are able to connect with central powerful system with big crystals. That system will increase the power of healing, when it will need. Such technologies can expand on any information object.

Information transferring accomplishes in one moment. Distance not influents on transmission. You can send your thought in any point of space (in any galactic). That message impossible to stop, and in nature is not existed challenges, which can stop the message. The message always will be authentic to your traits. Thus, the messages will be ideal by transferring and authentication. Such devices have worked under full control like the devices for restoration and resurrection.

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