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3.5. Thought control for people resurrection

This method calls for your long concentration, thinking on human resurrection. Your thoughts about resurrection must be fully concrete and clear; the thought should be connected with some object -- the best is the little finger on your right hand (next best is some flat object; next, some non-flat object).

You must concentrate on the little finger of your right hand, and see the thought. The thought is a concrete element of resurrection information. You must see the people who will resurrect as clear, living, and colored manifestation (in short: “watch the thought”).

If the image is not present clearly, then try simply to concentrate on the little finger of your right hand for just five seconds (gazing on the finger via direct, physical vision). As result of your concentration, you will achieve connecting the resurrected person with the physical object – the little finger of your right hand. In short: objectify the thought.

Here is the next question, “How to control that objectifying thought?” You must use your consciousness, which, in fact, is the management system. Your consciousness must surround the thought from the all sides. The thought will stay a part of your consciousness in the concrete area -- for example, in the area of your concentration.

Consider an egg: the yolk presents the thought, and the egg white - your consciousness. Like the yolk within the egg white, so a thought resides within consciousness.

Thought and surrounding consciousness are invisible when using normal vision. Therefore, it is with the essential yolk and egg white, too. We can see the shell only. The shell we can associate with the physical body of a resurrected person; only the body is visible when seen via physical vision.

We can observe the inner part of the egg with a special device. Similarly, we can observe the inner structure of a human being, his/her thoughts, and the whole resurrection process through direct vision.

Let us go back to our discussion of the management of objectifying thought. According to the analogy we have considered, we can split the resurrection process into two parts: the outer part, which can be observing through physical vision, and the inner part, which is invisible to physical vision. Management of an objectifying thought accomplishes in a manner that enables physical observation of that thought.

Pay attention: here are important, concrete laws of resurrection; thought management must correspond with these. The laws say that you should have your thought about resurrection be in the concrete physical area, and hold that thought in this area.

This situation is similar to the following: you take a book from a table, then take it into a neighboring room and put it on a bookshelf, where the book will stay put. Therefore, it is with thought. Remember, a thought is a real object.

Thus, if you are planning to resurrect somebody in a known area, then that area has to be located clearly in your thought concerning the resurrection. If the resurrected person intends to restore in another area, then you must place the thought about resurrection in that specific area where you will meet with that particular person.

How do you locate the thought in the specific area? This problem can be solving only through the practice of objectifying thought. Here are two distinct cases:

1) In your thought about resurrection, you objectify on some foreign object, for example a sheet of paper. On this sheet, you imagine the image of the resurrected person. You concentrate on that person by closely holding onto the thought about the resurrection. Then you move in thought to that sheet in the area where the resurrection accomplishes.

2) One objectifying object you can use is the little finger of your right hand (or any part of your body). In this case, the object cannot move in the area of the resurrection. We suggest moving some other object nearer to you. Trust your feeling when choosing that object. You fine-tuned to the transfer of information having your individual attributes; the obstacle accelerates the resurrection.

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