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Grigoriy Grabovoy - Resurrection and Eternal L....doc
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Commentary to second declaration

First part of this declaration we already considered. Let us consider following.

My daughter Katya tells me that at beginning of April 1999 Valentine visited her and says that for us will be happen good changes.

This is very important sentence. Here reflects that the resurrection is always sign of good changes in the future. This is principle. If happens the resurrection then events develops in good direction.

Katya remembered his touching. Valentine asked her to make one phone call and ask somebody with her voice

Here in Valentine’s actions we see one more principle. After first contact with somebody from living people (or resurrected person after fifth level of resurrection), the resurrected will contact with somebody indirectly. For example, from his name somebody of his relative or friend, or UNISEF representative will call to somebody. In this case, Valentine wants to do that from Katya.

Valentine asked her to make one phone call and ask somebody with her voice.

She remembered that she sits on bed, take phone, called to number but nobody answered on this call. Valentine said that it is not urgent and leaved.

The resurrected after resurrection must official registered. It is exists department in which created system of registration of resurrected.

These department offices with phones, waiting rooms work for registration. The resurrected can arrive here and register. The special nature of these offices is existence in different space. Resurrected people can see these offices but the other people mainly not. These offices can see with camera photos.

The people not created these offices. The people not involved in that at all. Buildings of these offices have the same architecture like the building created by people.

In these offices worked special human like beings. They have the same outlook like the people and inner organism function also simile to human organism. Nevertheless, this is different beings and they are invisible for people. The resurrected can see them.

Sometimes these offices and these beings are beginning to be visual from people. This happen when it needs to register how many people can see the resurrected and with how many people he has contact. Then such office appears. The around going people naturally not pays attention on it, but they meet the resurrected which stay here at sidewalk. They can ask somewhat, or just going around him or resurrected can ask somewhat. Person walking by not recognize that they see the resurrected and in this moment register how many people saw the resurrected and how many people contacted with him. Therefore, during some period this office is visible for people, but after registration it beginning to stay invisible again. Material nature of these offices changes very rare.

This system with working beings and sometimes human beings is opening for people right now. However, creation of this system was beginning long time ago.

In connection with such registration building, let us remember story of Herbert Walls “Magic shop.” Let us note how that story beginning.

Man and his son walk on street. Suddenly son pulled his father to some shop. The father saw at shop and amazed, he never saw on this street that shop with toys. That is understandable father crossed that street thousand times and never saw that shop. They step in that shop and saw really wondering toys.

This story included in volume with title “Fantasy story.”

Indeed, our living reality immeasurable surpasses any fantasy. Moreover, if keep in mind what people will be recognized soon.

Therefore, after resurrection a man need to register. Beings meet the man they know all and have full information about resurrected. They give that him numbers of office phone and provide his accommodation in case if he needs that.

The resurrected has free will opportunity and decides to live with relatives or separated. He makes his choice. This choice depends on relative behavior and their reactions on resurrection.

It is desirable to perform registration near to person was contacted first. Less important is distance to the place of first contact from registration office. However, it is better to perform registration near to place of first contact.

Fact of resurrection fully recognized after meeting with somebody of living people. For example photo of resurrected is only preliminary evidence of resurrection. Personnel contact with living people is important. After that can be accomplished registration.

If resurrected can confirm contact with two of living people he will be registered at place and after can remain in office or went back to relative. If the resurrected has only one contacted person, he must call at office and ask about further actions. Final step of registration is documents performing. With documents, the resurrected can continue his contacts on another level.

Here is needs to say that the resurrected at first period interacts with organizational offices. The program is that the resurrected involves in common process of resurrection.

Therefore, when Valentine asked Katya to call at phone, he performed his mission.

Further Svelana had written that at April 11, 1999 at the orthodox Passover she had talked with granddaughter Masha at phone. Masha informed that Valentine visited her home where she lived with mother Marina former wife of Valentine. Marina and her friend travel at cemetery where was grave of Valentine. However, they not detected the grave and in registration book; the record about Valentine funeral disappeared.

Let us count how many relative saw Valentine. Dmitry and Michele were first relative, next was Svetlana (conversation at home phone). Visit to former wife was the last where Valentine meted with daughter and former wife. Therefore, it is happens four contacts on level physical vision.

Let us consider for the moment numerology based on fact that any object has his reflection on information level. Subsequently in information control structure in control is exist principle of double information increasing. Four contacts multiply at two it will be eight.

Therefore, we have eight. If eight spins at horizontal axe then eight transforms in infinite sign 8. That means space-time dimension shifted.

Fourth contact with relative happens at Passover. Passover is celebration of Jesus Christ resurrection. At this time channel of resurrection simplifies for space-time regulation and in this time is opened natural knowledge about resurrection everybody who is gone.

One more thing is here. Passover at this year happens at April 11, 1999. 04/11/1999 we present as 4+11+1+9+9+9=34 then 3+4 = 7. Therefore, date of fourth contact has vibration structure of Jesus Christ birthday. This is very power support. Here is clearly seen immortality realized through birth and resurrection.

Once again, we can see that numerology confirms legitimacy of resurrection events from World Construction Laws.

Disappearance of grave and death record illustrated one of fundamental law: Events possible to remove from existence in some conditions. That means event possible to remove in past and then this event will not present in present. In that case, space-time shifts in area, when Valentine was alive. This is the reason of disappearance of grave and record in registration book. This is natural if space-time shifted in area where Valentine was alive.

Notice to, that disappearance of grave depends of wish of resurrected. Whole information of death is fully vanished in several cases of my practice. Therefore, the people even not remember about death.

Therefore, surrenders accept Valentine as the man who not died. That is the reason for additional registration.

First registration on physical level approved that Valentine resurrected. Second registration approved that Valentine not died.

Notice to, that after resurrection Valentine remembered his resurrection, his registration as resurrected, and what was happen before disappearance of his grave and record in book. He remembered also all events after grave disappearance.

Therefore, Valentine knows that he was going through resurrection structure and through structure non-existing fact of death.

Here we can see example of practical accomplishment of principle resurrection without reincarnation. Some of reincarnation theories explain that memory of previous life cleaned up for accumulation new experience. Nevertheless, considered example shows that come in new practice; the memory accumulates facts of one life, and another parallel life based on shift space-time dimensions. This is principal of new knowledge that it is possible to know about any number of life. That means now is possible eternal live. Moreover, it is possible to choose better variant of live.

With any changes must be steady principle of murder taboo. Apparently, any destruction is meaningless because we can restore everything.

In conclusion needs to say that at Valentine was everything fine. He started to work and normalized his personnel life. He lives like a man who not died.

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