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Grigoriy Grabovoy - Resurrection and Eternal L....doc
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Commentary to case 1

Thus, these are descriptions of this case was provided with witnesses of these events. In these descriptions illuminated several interesting moments, which need to consider in details.

Let us consider declaration of Emily A Rusanov. In fact at the beginning of Emily A Rusanov declaration is talking that after beginning my work of restoration her son he become feeling of spiritual attendance in home.

Actually, when the man died and tomb in his consciousness stored all his knowledge and this consciousness kept connection with his body in which missing life. However, this body, even with missing life processes, adequate reacted on touching from outer consciousness in our case from consciousness of his mother. Body reacted not only on consciousness but also on information in impulse of it and answered on that. Here is seen that if imagine the body, then possible to transfer knowledge about resurrection to soul.

Further, after resurrection, when we talking with resurrected man we discovered that in the moment of thinking from outer consciousness he accepted information and his physical body identified with own “I.” Keep in mind that physical body was in grave and was restricted in it possibilities in several sense. Moreover, resurrected man speaks that his body continue to exist and has all possibilities for continue to be part of society. This fact is well known. Important to remark: knowledge contains the previous information according to physical body, and contains new information about biological death.

Let us continue to read the declaration. When Emily Rusanov arrived on cemetery and neared to grave of son, she saw the crack along grave and hole in middle with earth ejection from inside.

Explanation of that is following. Ejection from inside should be considered as materialization of consciousness, which is inside of physical body. After beginning of my work of resurrection the consciousness materialized in spherical form and bringing out to information carcass of planet. Then start creation the material structure around the soul. This is structure, which the people usual see. In theoretical and practical aspects possible to say following: the man is a structure of consciousness wrapped in body.

Let us make one more notice. I talk about first step of consciousness materialization in sphere form. Therefore, after transition this sphere through information carcass of planet can be occurred it projection or in new fetus (and then born new child) or in structure of resurrection. In this case through the management was accomplished projection in structure of resurrection. That means was recreated the same body and was recreated the same man. Therefore, here was made the same resurrection as made Jesus Christ when resurrected Lazar. However, in this case resurrection accomplished several months after death.

Next topic Emily Rusanov wrote that once close to midnight she clearly saw with closed eyes when two white twists from her breast connected to grave of her son to the hole in grave. Then she pulled twists and feel heaviness. This continued during several seconds. From declaration, we see that son of Emily Rusanov was tomb at cemetery of VOSTRYAKOV of Moscow, but the vision of grave was at the level of her window at seventh floor.

Therefore, two twists described transition period. First twist appeared when her son was born. This is structure of birth. Second twist is structure of possible prolongation, continuation, extension consciousness of son or his core. As considered above it is possible two variants: or reborn in new body - reincarnation, or resurrection (recreation the same body and the same consciousness structures). In this case based on outside control accomplished variant resurrection.

Appearance of two twists and acceptance the grave of son on the level of apartment on seventh floor mean the connection between structure of son consciousness and environment.

In practice of resurrection exists special moment which characterized as connection between body and structure of place where is tomb the body after biological death. That means the place of grave is place of link. Primary link represented in radius of two meters from physical body. Whole area of link extends in radius 50 meters around the grave and then placed information carcass of outside World. Knowledge of place of link is important for procedure of resurrection, because the transition to life means transition through this structure of link. By the way, if explain the vision of Emily Rusanov from this point of view, then possible to say that she saw form of grave like variant of link from physical body.

Further text of declaration based on information of Tatyana Kozlov. Our commentary based on her descriptions.

From declaration known that after meeting with me and ask for resurrection, Emily Rusanov informed about that former wife of her son Tatyana Kozlov, which meted the people simile to her former husband Rusanov A.E. Thereafter, Tatyana Kozlov traveled in one compartment of train “YANTAR” from Moscow to Kaliningrad with the man similar to Rusanov A.E.

It looks like the behavior of Tatyana Kozlov was too passive. Nevertheless, assume that yourself traveled in train and suddenly meted your relative which you tomb several months ago. Moreover, this man not pays attention to you. What you think if you say to him “Hello!” Are you recognized me? May be you just wondering, freezing and cannot say anything. Tatyana Kozlov not written about her senses, but we can imagine what storm of senses seized her: wonder, confusion, destroy and suddenly appeared though that the resurrection realized, in the face of all. In face of all while at present time, resurrection accepts of people as miracle. The people did not have knowledge that the resurrection is a standard procedure and soon it will accept as natural, as norm of life. Therefore, right now when the man suddenly saw the relative who was tomb cannot make any conclusion. He cannot accept the miracle or aware to make something wrong. Then need to considered state of the man in this situation. This book exactly pointed for people to understanding reality and explained how to manage this situation. From first meeting with resurrected is important to talk with him and propose him your help.

Let us going back to declaration of Emily Rusanov where she talk that Tatyana Kozlov beginning to meet people simile to A.E. Rusanov at streets, and in train Moscow-Kaliningrad in compartment.

In connection with that, we can say that the people who were gone and then resurrected have very good reception of relative people and never distress them. Thus, firstly, A.E. Rusanov appear at some distance from wife, and stepwise leaded to acceptance his resurrection.

When she written that she meted people simile to A.E. Rusanov indeed she saw him.

Resurrected people behave so accurate because their consciousness transferred elements of resurrection. Then because this consciousness changes they have another psychic structure of reality perception. They, for example think, and this confirmed with their experience, that the life is eternal. They also have special feeling of macro-cosmos laws. Many laws are for they exact and they never step out of these.

They also know about 50 meters link, and after resurrection, they keep this distance from relative people.

After first contact, when resurrected man accepted on feeling level achieved second step, step of visualization, when resurrected man can contact with people more closely. We can see that A.E. Rusanov appear in train compartment in directly nearness of his former wife.

Pay attention that resurrected man has technique of situation control. This technique gave the resurrected man during the resurrection. As result he can by himself find and create situations, which he needs for contact with his relatives, with people who know him, or with people to whom he intend went back.

Emily Rusanov written about impression of Tatyana Kozlov: The man was simile to Rusanov A.E. in manner, behavior, vacant look. He traveled with man who controlled him, but never call Rusanov A.E. by name.

Here we can see in action of resurrected man one more element of knowledge: understanding feeling of his former wife. If he will appear alone, then concentration of his former wife will be too strong and; therefore, hampered planning development of events. Thus in situation implemented another man partially required attention of Rusanov former wife. This man can be not real man in usual sense; he has only visual nature, this details we not consider in this book.

We were talking above about primary link in radius two meters around the physical body. So partial concentration of former wife on second man removes primary link from grave and set this link to second man. That can any object of concentration, not only the man, for example car in which travel the resurrected man or anything. Here is important principle of unlink from primary zone.

Further in this situation second man never call A.E.Rusanov by name, because this action can caused shock state of former wife Tatyana Kozlov and Therefore, to destroying some of her cells. We know that resurrected man feel well state of people, because he has experience about deep destruction of consciousness and after that restructure of consciousness. Therefore, he moved forward carefully.

We can bold following base element in declaration of Emily Rusanov. She written: Tatyana Kozlov was wondering when my son Rusanov A.E. Here she says about her son and not about the man who is simile to Rusanov A.E. Here we see that after information from Tatyana Kozlov, Emily Rusanov had fully identified her son resurrection. Notice to, that this resurrection fully confirmed and this case happily ended.

Here must be illuminated that spiritually identification is main criterion of resurrection exactly this person.

Next phrase in declaration: When he saw money (banknote of 1000 rubles), he not recognized it.

When the same way will behave usual man? For example, the man traveled far away when new money issued. Then he will wonder if first time he will see it. A.E. Rusanov was in restraint space of grave when new money issued and his consciousness was restricted with this space. Here can be seen that the consciousness of people who gone in practice the same like at alive people. Therefore, we saw the same reaction on the same situation.

From this explanation is not correct to conclude that this schema of resurrection is standard. For now, this schema is quite typical, because society not accepts yet the resurrection. Mainly schema illustrates base laws of resurrection. Actually, this depends from relation of relative people to resurrected people. Whole process of resurrection takes short time period. Later it will be much faster when the people understand resurrection process. Evidences of resurrection we collected special way for explain schema of resurrection and teach the people for resurrection based on general analysis of facts.

In second section, we will talk about instantaneous resurrection if person, who control the resurrection, has high level of spiritual development.

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