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4.3.2. Second case of healing from “Cancer of colon”

Doctor made diagnosis of Michael Belyakov (see Appendix B). However, Michael does not know about diagnosis. His daughter, Nadejda Serbina, and his granddaughter Diana Serbin, have asked me about help in September 25, 1996. Diagnosis is “Fourth degree cancer of colon with metastasis in liver and kidney.” I made first session in the September 25, 1996.

Ultra-sound research accomplished in next day September 26, 1996 shows that the metastasis was fully disappear. Next research with computer tomography in September 30, 1996 confirmed that metastasis has fully disappeared.

Granddaughter Diana had watched the restoration process. Asking right questions and talking with her grandfather, she powered the restoration process and full healing succeeded in several days.

In addition, we can inform that shortly after help request Diana began to study and practice my technology of consciousness structure in salvation system. That makes a significant effect in healing process, and fully reflects the principles of new medicine. Anybody who involved in healing process can transfer the knowledge to a patient and via that knowledge help to restore patient’s health.

From orthodox medicine, a person with such illness -- cancer of fourth degree -- will die in several months. Healing process in that case proves that impulse of restoration had sent directly in patient’s future. Additionally, we transferred that impulse to patient in current time during a conversation with granddaughter Diana. Impulse realized in the words indirectly described such conceptions as “resurrection,” “eternal life,” etc. Daughter Nadejda had also helped in restoration process.

Transferring the impulse in the future in point where supposed to be a tragedy corrects the future, and always creates good health in the present. That is main reason of fast healing in this case.

It is highly important to propagate the knowledge about resurrection! More people getting that knowledge – more healthy and stabile environment will create.

That case clearly shows that even if a patient does not know about illness he/she still able to get fast and effective healing.

4.3.3. Third case of healing from “Cancer of pancreas gland”

Doctor made diagnosis of Vladimir Buza (see Appendix B). That cancer has metastasis in the duodenum.

Vladimir asked me about healing after getting the recommendations from his wife Ludmila. What we discussed? We informed about healing, which stimulated by the people from patient’s surroundings. These people can help to manage the events for patient in wealthy direction and even can initiate the proper event development.

In our case, Ludmila formed an impulse to the healing, which finally leaded to full restoration.

I developed that impulse in the future and restored Vladimir in the present.

In his declaration, Vladimir wrote, “In fact, Grigory Grabovoi had healed me from the non-surgical cancer of pancreas gland with metastasis in duodenum.”

That is really so. The only one session was enough for healing the person from the hopeless state.

Notice, that the impulse of resurrection and the impulse of restoration are the same. This impulse can use for restoration any matter, and this impulse is the consciousness impulse, impulse of the knowledge, and the form of knowledge and exactly corresponded with action of God.

This is spiritual approach. We will consider later another approach to healing.

Now we need to repeat some common conceptions of the healing process.

Orthodox science bases on existing of objective physical reality. Objective reality I associate with the static area of consciousness. Why it associates with static area? Let us remember how was created that reality.

Reality, which we perceive, created by collective consciousness. That reality is the result of averaging of imaginations, which have an innumerable different consciousness. Any consciousness has its own imagination. Averaging consciousness manifestation is stable (Are you remember the experiment with coin flip?). Stability is result of averaging.

Stable manifestation means permanent picture of perceived reality. Particularly, the nature laws as the law of gravitation. So created the space, and any space we can consider as static.

Well the orthodox science has operated with the static consciousness, which accepted as objective physical reality.

Practice of achievement the desirable reality (in our case that is healing from cancer) proves the objective existence of the desire in the level of understanding (existence of illness), and in the level of desire realization (healing process). Desire realization I identify as another consciousness form – the dynamic form.

The observed physical world events from static consciousness are only some part of the common world, which included the dynamic consciousness manifestation.

From that, conception will appear an objective law about consciousness influence on the existing reality. Transformation of thought changes the reality.

Let us give the concrete recommendations based on first case of this item. I will explain an idea of method and its realization.

From chemical perspective, my practice increases the magnesium (Mg) content in the head brain. Magnesium concentration increases in 0.5%. We converted the thought energy in the healthy cells in that process.

How we can get such receipt of healing? Changing my thought toward healing of Galina Antipova increases the Mg concentration in 0.5% according to the chemical analysis. So the healing of carcinoma accomplishes by increasing the Mg content. We can realize that method in any medical offices.

If we will monitor the changes of microelements in the patient’s organism in time of healing impulses, then we can detect the proper method of healing.

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