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Grigoriy Grabovoy - Resurrection and Eternal L....doc
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3.6. Thought formed by consciousness

We live in a world of relationships -- everything links to everything else. If, for example, you walk across a street and think about some problem or other, various links inevitably will be forming. During the walking, you have seen some buildings, cars, events. You perceive the environment and, possibly, analyze it. Even if you perceive only vaguely, still that will affect your consciousness. If you perform an action, that then works on another consciousness level -- the level of consciousness development.

When you observe your surroundings, different thoughts engage you. The core of this resurrection method is the conversion of an action into development. You must form a thought that has the necessary form and content – the form and content that causes resurrection.

How this be achieved in practice? Consider your surroundings and the nearest object: you will this principle illustrated simply. Let us consider this further.

When you have considered your surroundings, you can observe existing connections, independent of where you are. For example, the connections may express the subject layout -- some are near to you, others quite far away. The distance between objects can be measuring not only in feet, but also as perception or image. When you transform the distance in image, you will get the resurrected person. Such is the nature of this principle.

You should find the location where you can create the resurrected person as an image. Once the person’s image creates, you should move it to the nearest location – to the consciousness level with the most comfortable conditions for the resurrected person. That level of consciousness creates your thought.

When you form such consciousness, the form of thought will be created a few seconds later (occasionally, days later). Notice that when we are talking about thought formation through consciousness, we mean that the consciousness develops the thought having the necessary quality. Contrarily, in concentrating on consciousness, the consciousness itself forms the thought, and locates it in the proper structure. When your consciousness works in such a manner, you can see the process indirectly.

3.7. Consciousness development for self-understanding

As your consciousness has developed by itself, it is up to you to set the necessary attributes of that development. Based on infinite consciousness, you will be able to process the information at very high speed; then any action can be realized (resurrection is one of these). Note that a resurrection can accomplish in the time, which you assign. You control the time of a resurrection.

Consider consciousness as a self-developed system. It is important, that the development accomplish in harmony with one’s individuality. This means that though you are in your regular, familiar social situation and surroundings, operating from your regular, normal social behavior, still your consciousness must be expanded to include the information about the particular person to be resurrected; this information has to be infinitely small and totally in focus in comparison with your larger consciousness.

Infinity is relative here, denoting only that the volume of consciousness information is many times bigger than the volume needed for resurrection (even when the volume of resurrection information is infinitely large). We know already that even an infinite volume of information can be processing by consciousness in a finite time. The speed of processing is independent of the volume of information.

The most important thing for you to consider is, “What is management by itself?” When we say that consciousness develops in an infinite manner, we mean that your soul knows this and is able to do it, and control it, and be in alignment with it. In fact, your target here is to achieve inner harmony, agreement -- agreement within yourself. Your consciousness will then develop infinitely fast.

At the base of this agreement is a simple principle. You must recognize that, for normal development, you need to have an infinite, safe, and systematic future. When you set such a goal, you make problems concrete. You can show that the world and people will not be destroying, that the body is fully restorable through soul knowledge in any space-time location. All these things provide the basis for the infinite development of your consciousness.

While any process is under consciousness control (including a process of your consciousness development), the management accomplishes in only several seconds, or even milliseconds. The process has finite form volume; therefore, the infinite consciousness development has finite form.

It will become clear that the transferring of your consciousness in the process of infinite development accomplishes via your understanding and acceptation of this postulate, of this method. When you will recognize this, your knowledge will begin to expand infinitely. If you implement the time of resurrection as an image in the consciousness development process, then consciousness will achieve control of the resurrection time. This control is not mandatory for resurrection, but such additional control of the resurrection process is important, because you will be able to change the time of resurrection.

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