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Тема №8. Местоимения some, any, no, every и их производные

Упражнение №1

1.any 2. any 3. no 4. any 5. some 6. no 7. any, some 8. any, some 9. no 10. any

Упражнение №2

1. anybody 2. nothing 3. everywhere 4. nobody 5. something 6. everybody 7. somewhere 8. anybody 9. nowhere 10. somebody

Тема №9. Неопределенные местоимения

much, many, little, a little, few, a few

Упражнение №1

1. many 2. much 3. many 4. many 5. much 6. much 7. many

Упражнение №2

1. few 2. little 3. few 4. little 5. few 6. little 7. little

Упражнение №3

1. a few 2. a little 3. a few 4. a little 5. a little 6. a few 7. a few

Упражнение №4

1. much 2. little 3. many 4. a few 5. a little 6. few 7. a little

Тема №10. Объектные местоимения


Вставьте подходящее местоимение:

1. me 2. them 3. her 4. him 5. it 6. you 7. us 8. them 9. it 10. her

Тема №11. Настоящее неопределенное (или простое) время

Present Indefinite (or Simple) Tense

Упражнение № 1

1. speaks 2. writes 3. eat 4. ’m 5. rains 6. meet 7. play 8. go 9. asks 10. is

Упражнение № 2

1. Does her sister study at an institute? 2. Do you often go to the institute on foot? 3. Does your mother usually come home at 6 o’clock? 4. Does his friend live in Paris? 5. Do your parents always spend their holidays in the Caucasus?

Упражнение № 3

1. Where does your penpal live? 2. How many mistakes are there in your dictation? 3. When does your mother usually cook? 4. How do these students answer? 5. Who sings and dances?

Упражнение № 4

1. Does your teacher know one or several foreign languages? 2. Is she his younger or elder sister? 3. Does your friend study at a college or at a university? 4. Does she play the guitar or the piano? 5. Do you have a two or three room flat?

Упражнение № 5

1. The map is on the wall, isn’t it? 2. They don’t go to work on Sunday, do they? 3. You like reading books, don’t you? 4. I’m your best friend, am not I? (или допускается только в разделительном вопросе – aren’t I?) 5. Alison works at this firm, doesn’t she?

Упражнение № 6

1. This girl doesn’t know French. 2. We don’t play computer games. 3. Ben doesn’t have his own business. 4. He doesn’t write letters to his granny. 5. They don’t go to school together.

Упражнение № 7

1. Yes, I do (No, I don’t). 2. Yes, it is (No/ it isn’t). 3. Yes, I do (No, I don’t). 4. Yes, I do. 5. Yes, he/she does (No, he /she doesn’t).

Тема №12. Прошедшее неопределенное (простое) время

Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Упражнение №1

1. Jane made tea for her guests. 2. We knew everything about that event. 3. He thought much about this problem. 4. I was wrong and apologized to him. 5. This man realized his mistakes.

Упражнение №2

1. My sister didn’t really have a wonderful time at her friends. 2. He didn’t spend his winter vacation in Moscow. 3. Her pupils didn’t ask her a lot of questions at the last lesson. 4. My cousin didn’t bring me three magazines yesterday. 5. They weren’t at the concert two days ago.

Упражнение №3

1. Did you like to write compositions? What did you like to write? Did you like to write compositions or essays? You liked to write compositions, didn’t you? 2. Did you go to the cinema together? Where did you go together? Did you go to the cinema or to the disco together? You went to the cinema together, didn’t you? 3. Did she get letters from her son last month? When did she get letters from her son? Did she get letters or telegrams from her son last month? She got letters from her son last month, didn’t she? 4. Did you have breakfast at 8 o’clock? When did you have breakfast? Did you have breakfast or lunch at 8 o’clock? You had breakfast at 8 o’clock, didn’t you? 5. Did she enjoy listening to music? What did she enjoy? Did she enjoy listening to music or watching TV? She enjoyed listening to music, didn’t she?

Упражнение №4

1. Yes, I did. 2. Yes, he did. 3. Yes, he/she was. (No, he/she wasn’t.) 4. Yes, they did (No, they didn’t). 5. Yes, I was. (No, I wasn’t).

Тема №13. Будущее неопределенное (простое) время Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Упражнение №1

1. shall prepare 2. will work 3. shall think 4. will buy 5. will answer 6. will come 7. will be 8. will solve 9. will pack 10. shall come

Упражнение №2

1. He won’t write a letter to his aunt in 2 hours. 2. I shan’t come back on Friday. 3. The train won’t arrive in 20 minutes. 4. We shan’t meet tomorrow. 5. They won’t play tennis on Thursday.

Упражнение №3

1. Will your sister graduate from the university next year? 2. Will you finish your work in a week? 3. Will their parents come on the 10 th of March? 4. Will Bob translate the text in half an hour? 5. Shall we meet our friends on Saturday? (Will you meet your friends on Saturday?)

Упражнение №4

1. Yes, I shall (No, I shan’t) 2. Yes, we shall (No, we shan’t) 3. Yes, they will (No, they won’t). 4. Yes, she will (No, she won’t). 5. Yes, we shall (No, we shan’t).

Упражнение №5

1. I shall go away before my wife comes. 2. You will send me some money as soon as I get there. 3. Tomorrow if the weather is good, we shall go to the country. 4. You won’t go until I know the truth. 5. Mother will bring us cakes when father goes out.

Упражнение №6

1. Я собираюсь в следующем году поступить в университет. 2. Он намеревается провести свои каникулы на морском побережье. 3. Завтра мы навестим нашу бабушку (Мы собираемся навестить). 4. Артур будет изучать немецкий. 5. Они собираются строить свой собственный дом.

Тема №14. Оборот There is/there are

Упражнение №1

1. there is 2. there are 3. there are 4. there is 5. there are

Упражнение № 2

1. Are there many big shops in this street? 2. Is there a pen on the table? 3. Are there some new computers in our computer center? 4. Is there a bus-stop near my office? 5. Is there a museum in our city?

Упражнение № 3

1. How many copy-books are there in your bag? 2. What student is there in your group? 3. Where is there a magazine? 4. How many children are there in the yard? 5. How much water is there in the pool?

Упражнение № 4

1. no 2. not 3. not 4. no 5. not 6. no 7. no 8. no 9. not 10. not

Упражнение № 5

1. Yes, there are. (No, there aren’t). 2. Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t). 3. No, there aren’t. 4. Yes, there are. 5. Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t).

Упражнение № 6

1. Существует несколько вариантов этого текста. 2. Кажется в этом году недостаточно снега на полях. 3. Должно быть какое-нибудь решение этой проблемы. 4. В этом журнале может быть какая- нибудь информация? 5. Туда приходит много народа.

Тема №15. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

Упражнение №1

  1. large – larger – the largest, tall – taller – the tallest, long – longer – the longest, hot – hotter – the hottest, strong – stronger – the strongest, short – shorter – the shortest, wide – wider – the widest, happy – happier – the happiest, low – lower – the lowest, busy – busier – the busiest, small – smaller – the smallest, narrow – narrower – the narrowest, clever – cleverer – the cleverest, dry – drier – the driest, fat – fatter – the fattest

  2. wonderful – more (less) wonderful – the most (the least) wonderful, interesting – more (less) interesting – the most (the least) interesting, beautiful – more (less) beautiful – the most (the least) beautiful, famous – more (less) famous – the most (the least) famous, comfortable – more (less) comfortable – the most (the least) comfortable, active – more (less) active – the most (the least) active, pleasant – more (less) pleasant – the most (the least) pleasant, necessary – more (less) necessary – the most (the least) necessary, popular – more (less) popular – the most (the least) popular

  3. slowly – more slowly – most slowly, quickly – more quickly – most quickly, clearly –more clearly – most clearly, easily – more easily – most easily, early – more early – most early, firmly – more firmly – most firmly, badly – more badly – most badly, rarely – more rarely – most rarely

  4. bad – worse – the worst, good – better – the best, many – more – the most, well – better – the best, much – more – most, old – elder – the eldest, little – less – the least, far – father (further) – the farthest (furthest)

Упражнение №2

1. Балтийское море не такое теплое как Черное море. 2. Новый кинотеатр в нашем районе намного больше, чем старый. 3. Чем больше читаешь, тем больше знаешь. 4. Это самая смешная история. 5. Мой брат не такой высокий, как вы (ты). 6. Чем меньше люди думают, тем больше они говорят. 7. Это самая маленькая девушка среди нас. 8. Лучше поздно, чем никогда. 9. Джон знает русский так же хорошо, как английский. 10. Мэри не такая ленивая, как ее сестра.

Упражнение №3

1. the coldest 2. younger. 3. interesting. 4. clearer 5. more slowly. 6. better 7. funny 8. hotter 9. more 10. the most important

Упражнение №4

1. not so cold as 2. than 3. The , the 4. as … as 6. than 7. the 8. than 9. The, the 10. the

Тема №16. Длительные времена (Continuous Tenses)

Упражнение №1

1. At the moment we are working hard at our French. 2. John and Ann were skating yesterday from 5 till 9 o’clock. 3. At this time tomorrow I shall be taking my examination. 4. Was she working at that problem during three months? 5. They won’t be waiting us at 6 o’clock tomorrow. 6. Are you learning new English words now? 7. I wasn’t watching TV the whole evening yesterday. 8. Will the conference be taking place next week during 2 or 3 days? 9. Jane isn’t speaking on the telephone, she is cooking.

Упражнение №2

1. They are drinking coffee at the moment. 2. Yesterday I was having supper at a restaurant with my friends for 2 hours. 3. Tomorrow at 7 o’clock we shall have some time to go there. 4. What do you to see there? 5. At that moment Alison was standing at the window. 6. The children aren’t sleeping; they hear the noise in the next room. 7. Will your parents be at home tomorrow from 4 till 6? 8. Steve is looking at the watch, but he sees nothing. 9. Tomorrow at this time we will know the results of our exams

Упражнение №3

1. My neighbour was sitting in a café, when I saw him. 2. Where is Timothy? – He is playing football in the yard. 3. When the train comes, my parents will be waiting for me at the station. 4. Yesterday while she was playing the piano, his brother was writing a letter. 5. What are you buying here? – I ’m buying a book. 6. Tomorrow at 12 I will be busy, I shall be writing my report. 7. Where are you going now? – I’m going to the library. 8. Yesterday we met her at half past five when she was walking home. 9. They will listen to music till father comes back home.

Тема №17. Совершенные времена (Perfect Tenses)

Упражнение №1

1. I have just seen Pete. 2. Will you have done this work by next Sunday? 3. Last Friday John had translated the whole text only by eleven o’clock. 4. We shan’t have finished our project by this time. 5. They have never visited this museum. 6. By eight o’clock he had already left. 7. Have you already spoken to him? 8. Yesterday by ten o’clock the rain hadn’t stopped. 9. How many pages will you have read by five o’clock tomorrow? 10. I shall have solved this difficult problem by the end of the week.

Упражнение №2

1. I shall leave for Moscow as soon as I have finished my business here. 2. He won’t see you before I have spoken to him. 3. Jane will return this magazine after she has read it. 4. When they have done their work, they still will have plenty of time. 5. We shall go to Astana on Friday, if you will have passed your exam by this time.

Упражнение №3

1. will have left, arrive 2. comes, shall have had dinner 3. will have examined, buys 4. finish, will have learned (learnt) 5. will have finished, call

Тема №18. Пассивная форма глаголов

Exercise № 1

1. О нем много говорили. 2. Текст уже был написан ими, когда я пришел. 3. Работа будет сделана, когда он придет. 4. Меня часто спрашивают на уроке. 5. Письма были написаны до того, как мы пришли.

Exercise № 2

1. were speaking – Active, Past Continuous; Они разговаривали с ним. 2. ’m working – Passiv, Present Continuous; Со мной сейчас работают. 3. has been finished – Passiv, Present Perfect; Его книга уже написана. 4. won’t be admitted – Passive, Future Simple; Детей до 16 сюда не допускают. 5. were told – Passiv, Past Simple; Нас попросили подождать её. 6. told – Activ, Past Simple; Мы попросили их подождать её. 7. teaches – Active, Present Simple; Она преподает литературу в этой школе. 8. wasn’t given – Passive, Past Simple; Ему не дали мой адрес. 9. will finish – Active, Future Simple; Строители закончат эту работу завтра. 10. will be finished – Passive, Future Simple; Эта работа будет закончена строителями завтра.

Exercise №3

1. The fields will be covered with snow in winter. 2. I’m always invited by my neighbor to his birthday parties. 3. The window was left open. 4. The tests have been written by the students without mistakes. 5. The dictation is being writing by the pupils now. 6. By 6 o’clock in the evening the whole flat had been already cleaned by the children. 7. My favourite salad was made by mother 8. Yesterday from 2 till 3 o’clock in the afternoon this program was watching by thousands of people. 9. This interesting magazine was shown me by a (the) friend of my sister. 10 Private lessons will be given my brother by our new English teacher.

Exercise №4

1. We were shown a very beautiful picture. 2. He was asked a difficult question. 3. She will be met at the station. 4. Yesterday evening this film was watched by all pupils of our class. 5. The students will be examined tomorrow. 6. Our house is renovated now. 7. This doctor is often sent. 8. The report will be finished tomorrow by 3 o’clock. 9. The letter has been just sent. 10. Dinner was cooking when I came home.