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Учебник по английскому языку.doc
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XII. Потренируйтесь в чтении следующих слов и предложений:

a: cake, game, name, table, hat, bag, dad, hand, car, park, mark, hare, Clare, care, Kate, make a cake.

Sam has a black cat. Mark, it is dark in the park. Mary, take care of the hare. Jane has a cat, a car a hare. Jane, Sam, Mark and Mary are in the park. Mark and Mary take the hare to the park. Take it easy. – Успокойся, не нервничай.

e: bee, he, meet, Pete, see, pen, ten, bed, Ted, test, her, here.

Pete, meet Ted, please. Tell Ben to help Ted. Bert is a German person. Here you are. Pete sees a bee in a green tree. Tea? Yes, please. Tea for me, please. Cheese? Yes, please. Her perfume is here. Eager beaver – трудяга, трудоголик

i: nine, five, nice, hi, pig, wig, Miss, milk, girl, sir, bird, fire.

Mike and Ida like white rice. Nick, sit still. Stir the tea, girls. Fire on the wire. Tim and Mike like milk, chips, pies and nice fine gifts. These girls like white shirts and skirts. Mike, Tim and Chris like to sit by the fire with their girls and to drink wine with pies and eat fish and chips. In the chips – богатый, иметь много денег. Zip your lip – держи рот на замке.

o: rose, no, hello, pot, Tom, dog, port, morning, sport, score, more.

Rose, go home and phone Tony. Stop the clock, Tom. A cock, a fox, a frog are on the clock. Big frog in a small pond – считать себя важным, быть шишкой на ровном месте. For a song – Даром. Ни за что.

u: tube, blue, cup, bus, mug, turtle, turn, purple, surname, turkey, cure, pure, sure.

Sue is on duty. Gus runs in the sun with nut buns. It is such a fun to run. Ursula, return the purse to the nurse. Sue and Gus cut tulips in June. Sue and Gus like music, tulips, nuts, buns and pure plum juice.

y: by, my, type, myth, system, Byrd, tyre, yes, yesterday, yellow, young, you.

c: [s] перед e, i, y; [t∫] в сочетаниях ch, tch; [k] в остальных случаях.

Cecil and Cyril are in the city in the circus. Clare can cook cakes for coffee. A cup of coffee, Carol? Choose a peach, Richard. Nick has a stick. Richard, Cecil, Carol and Cyril took a camera and went to the circus. They saw clever cats, crocodiles, camels, cocks and chicks there. After circus they had lunch with a chicken and chips, a cup of cocoa and coffee on the bench under a cherry tree in the orchard. Proverbs: Choose an author as you choose a friend. Cut your coat according to your cloth. – По одежке протягивай ножки.

g: [dʒ] перед e, i, y; [g], [-]

George, turn the page. Greg has a good grey dog. Don’t laugh at night. George, Roger, Gloria and Gregory took sausage, goose, porridge and oranges from the fridge, put them into a picnic bag and went to meet granny and grandpa in the garden near the bridge. It was night when they got home. Proverb: He laughs best who laughs last! – Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последним. All that glitters is not gold. – Не все то золото, что блестит.


Множественное число существительных



Единст-венное число

Множест-венное число

1. После звонких согласных и гласных



a boy

a dog

a hand




2. После глухих согласных



a book

a cat



3. После шипящих и свистящих звуков, которые дают следующие буквы и буквосочетания:

s [s], ss [s], x [ks], ch [t], tch [t], sh []



a bus

a box

a brush

a match





Особые случаи образования множественного числа:

Man (мужчина) – men

Woman (женщина) – women [‘wimin]

Foot (нога) – feet

Child (ребенок) – children

Fish (рыба) – fish

Hair (волос) – hair

Fruit (фрукт) – fruit

Упр. 1. Прочтите следующие существительные, обращая внимание на правильное произношение окончаний множественного числа:

Books, pens, pencils, bags, windows, pages, boxes, pictures, walls, desks, tables, girls, boys, teachers, cities, towns, rivers, glasses, rooms, dresses, processes, inches, maps, names, pupils, students, studies.

Упр. 2. Переведите на английский язык:

Две ручки, 5 учеников, много учителей, хорошие манеры, молодые женщины, счастливые дети, два сына, две дочери, много фруктов, трое мужчин, большие города, много картин, хорошие студенты, белые стены, красные карандаши, седые волосы, большие комнаты.