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4. Овощи и зелень – vegetables and greens

базилик (реган) basil

баклажан aubergine, eggplant

белый гриб cep

бобы beans

болгарский перец sweet \ bell pepper

брокколи broccoli

горох peas

грибы mushrooms

кабачок marrow

капуста белокочанная cabbage

капуста цветная cauliflower

картофель potato

кукуруза corn

лисички chanterelles

лук репчатый onion

лук зелёный green onion

морковь carrot

мята mint

огурец cucumber

петрушка parsley

помидор tomato

руккола rucola

салат lettuce

cвекла beetroot

тархун (эстрагон) tarragon

тыква pumpkin

укроп dill

фасоль зелёная green beans

фасоль стручковая French beans

чеснок garlic

шампиньоны champignons

шпинат spinach

щавель sorrel

ямс (сладкий картофель) yams

Пряности и заправки – spices and dressings

гвоздика сlove

горчица mustard

имбирь ginger

карри carry

корица cinnamon

лавровый лист bay leaf

масло подсолнечное \ оливковое Sun-flower/olive oil

мускатный орех nutmeg

перец чёрный \белый black \ white pepper

розмарин rosemary

уксус vinegar

хрен horseradish

ямайский перец allspice

Рыба и морепродукты – fish and seafood.

анчоус anchovy

гребешки scallops

икра caviar

кальмар squid

камбала plaice

краб crab

креветки scampi, shrimps , prawns

лосось, сёмга salmon

мидии mussels

морской язык sole

окунь perch

омар lobster

осетрина sturgeon

осьминог octopus

палтус halibut

рак crayfish

рыба монах angler \ monkfish

сардина sardine

сельдь herring

скумбрия mackerel

судак pike-perch

треска cod

тунец tuna

угорь eel

устрицы oyster

форель trout

щука pike

Мясо и субпродукты – meat and offal

баранина lamb, mutton

вымя udder

говядина beef

конина horsemeat

кролик rabbit

мозги brains

печень liver

почки kidney

свинина pork

сердце heart

телятина veal

язык tongue

Домашняя птица - poultry

гусь goose

индейка turkey

утка duck

цыпленок chicken

Дичь - game

вальдшнеп, фазан woodcock

голубь pigeon

заяц hare

кабан wild boar

куропатка partridge

лосятина elk

оленина venison

перепёлка quail

рябчик hazel grouse

Фрукты и ягоды - fruit and berries

абрикос аpricot

айва quince

ананас pineapple

апельсин orange

арбуз water-melon

банан banana

барбарис barberry

бергамот \ горький апельсин bergamot\ bitter orange

брусника bilberries/cowberries/fox berries

виноград grape

вишня cherry

грейпфрут grapefruit

груша pear

дыня melon

ежевика blackberries

земляника strawberries

клюква cranberries

крыжовник gooseberries

лайм lime

лимон lemon

малина raspberries

манго mango

мандарин mandarin\tangerine

облепиха sea buckthorn

персик peach

слива plum

смородина currants

финики dates

хурма persimmon

черешня heart cherries

черника blueberries

чернослив prune

яблоко apple

Nuts – орехи:

арахис peanut

грецкий орех walnut

кедровый орех cedar \ pine nut

кешью cashew nut

кокосовый орех coconut

миндаль almond

фисташки pistachios

фундук hazelnut

Молочные продукты, яйца – dairy produce, eggs

домашний (очень мягкий ) сыр cottage cheese

йогурт yoghurt

кефир kefir

молоко milk

сливки cream

сливочное масло butter

сметана sour – cream

сыр cheese

творог curds

яйцо egg

яичный белок egg white

яичный желток egg yolk

Крупы - ceareals

греча buckwheat

кукурузные хлопья cornflakes

манка semolina

мука (ржаная, пшеничная) flour (rye, wheat)

овсяная крупа oatmeal

перловая крупа pearl barley

рис rice Тесто -?

бездрожжевое жидкое тесто (оладьи, блины) batter

бисквитное тесто sponge dough

дрожжевое тесто yeast dough слоёное тесто puff pastry

заварное тесто choux pastry

песочное сладкое тесто sugar (short crust) pastry

тесто для выпечки dough

Кондитерские изделия и десерты - pastry and fruit desserts

выпечка pastry

пирожное cake

шарлотка (сладкий пирог из яблок

или других фруктов и ягод запеченных

в тесте) сharlotte

открытый пирог flan

мороженое ice-cream

джем jam

желе jelly

пудинг (традиционный английский

десерт) pudding

сорбет \ щербет (десерт из замороженного sherbet\ sorbet

сока, фруктов и орехов \ холодный

б\а напиток из фруктового сока с

мороженным или льдом )

суфле (десерт из взбитых белков и souffle


штрудель (рулет из тонко раскатанного

теста с различными начинками) strudel

пирог, фруктовое пирожное tart

парфе (холодный десерт из взбитых

сливок, яиц, сахара, ванили ) parfait

взбитые сливки whipped cream

пирог,торт pie

печенье biscuit

профитроли (пирожное из заварного

теста в виде шариков) profiterole

шоколадный соус chocolate sauce

мусс (пенообразный десерт из фруктов

ягод, сливок с добавлением желатина) mousse

блины, оладьи pancakes

заварной крем custard

брауниз (шоколадные пирожные

с орехами) brownies

пончики fritters\donuts

меренги (взбитые с сахаром и запеченные

яичные белки) meringue.

Технологические глаголы

Shred – шинковать

Pull out - извлекать

Chop – рубить, измельчить

Measure - измерять

String - нанизывать

Boil варить

Bake запекать

Fry / roast жарить

Grill готовить в гриле

Steam готовить на пару

Mash готовить пюре (толочь)

Stew тушить

Stuff \ fill (with) фаршировать, начинять

To dress (with) заправлять

To decorate (with) украшать

To serve (in, with) подавать в…, с…

tear (tore, torn) рвать

celery sticks стеблевой сельдерей

squeeze сжимать; выжимать

Assorted нарезка, ассорти

To fill with фаршировать

To smoke коптить

То сoat with breadcrumbs обвалять в сухарях

slit сделать длинный разрез

isert вставлять

clam съедобный морской моллюск

shell твёрдая оболочка (раковина, скорлупа)

drain вылить

claw клешня

crack расколоть, колоть

extract извлекать

crumble крошить

grate тереть на тёрке

chop тонкий кусок мяса на ребре

spear прокалывать

remain оставлять

strip сдирать, обдирать

Egg yolk - желток

Egg white - белок

Hard / soft - boiled - вареное в крутую \ в всмятку

Poached egg - яйцо пашот (сваренное без скорлупы)

Fried eggs: turned over - жареное с обоих сторон

Scrambled - яичница – болтунья(«яичная кашка»)

sunny side up - яичница – глазунья

omelet (te) - омлет

Muffin кекс

Scone маленькая круглая булочка

Brioche сладкая булка

Danish pastry маленькое пирожное из сдобного теста

tortilla кусок тонкой лепёшки, мексиканский хлеб

twist round наматывать

Wind (wound, wound) up накручивать

Twirl крутить

Cannelloni полые макароны, наполненные мясом или сыром

Bitter горький

Sour кислый

Sweet сладкий

Salty солёный

Delicious вкусный

Tasteless безвкусный

peel снимать кожуру

poudered suger сахарная пудра

stewed fruit компот

burnt подгоревший

corked пахнущий пробкой \ закупоренный

dreadful отвратительный

flat выдохшийся (напиток)

huge огромный

lipstick помада

overcooked переваренный

overdone пережаренный

rancid прогорклый, протухший

rough грубый

slow медленный

sour кислый

stale несвежий, чёрствый

tasteless безвкусный

tip чаевые

tough жесткий

underdone недожаренный

undrinkable невозможно пить

uneatable несъедобный

prepare подготавливать

accept принимать

wrong неправильный


Chapter 1. Unit 1:

1 1. – i; 2. – h; 3. – b; 4. – c; 5. – d;

6. – g; 7. – e; 8. – f; 9. – a.

2. 1. We work daily except Monday.

2. We have a la cart menu in the evening.

3. Are you open every day?

4. When do you close?

5. We are not far from the underground station.

6. How can I find you?

7. Do you serve only Russian cuisine?

8. How many seats have you got?

3. 1. How; 2. When; 3. Where; 4. What. 5. When; 6. What.

7. What. 8. How many; 9. How much; 10. How; 11. What.

4. 1. 21.00., 2. 10. 00., 3. 15.00., 4. 5.00., 5. 13.00.

6. 7 a.m., 7. 6 p.m., 8. ? 9. 11 p.m. 10. 4 a.m.

5. 1. from 11a.m. to 1p.m; 2. on the 1st of January;

3. at 10a.m. 4. on the 2d of June; 5. at 10.30p.m.;

6. at 8p.m., on the 23d of April.

7. 1. How can I find you?

2. Where is the restaurant located?

3. Do you work / are you open every day?

4. What time / When do you serve lunch?

5. What kind of menu do you have?

6. What cuisine do you serve?

7. How much is the children’s menu? /How much does the children’s menu cost?

8. How many seats have you got?

9. 10. G. - And how many seats have you got?

3. W. - Yes, of course, what would you like to know?

13. W. - At 11

1. Waiter - Good afternoon, what can I do for you?

9. W. - No, we don’t, but we have a lot of dishes for children.

2. Guest. - Good afternoon. Could you tell me some words about your restaurant?

12. G. – And the last question is, when do you open?

5. W. - We are close to the underground station Vladimirskaya.

11. W. - Our restaurant is not very big, only 32 seats.

4. G. - The first thing I want to know is how I can find you?

6. G. - Well, and what cuisine do you serve?

14. G. - Thank you very much.

8. G. - Do you have a special children’s menu?

7. W. - Italian.

Проверьте себя 1:

opened; 7. works; 13.Children’s 19. much

not far; 8. is closed; 14. many 20. car

Italian; 9. from; 15. prices 21. close to

seats; 10.work 16.costs

friendly; 11. menu 17. Italy

service; 12.on 18.children

Unit 2.

1. 1 – d, 2 – e, 3 – f, 4 – a, 5 – g, 6 – b, 7 – c.

2. Kitchen, cloakroom, dining room, gent’s, toilet, terrace, smoking section.

3. Kitchen: dishwashing section, vegetable section, pastry section, fish section;

Dining room: smoking section, non - smoking section, dance floor, private dining room.

4. 1. Manager 5. Head chef

2. Waitress 6. Pastry cook

3. Bartender 7. Wine waiter

4. Head waiter 8. Cashier

5. Kitchen: pastry cook, meat cook, chef

Dining room: waitress, headwaiter, wine waiter

Bar: bartender.

6. 1. in; 2. for; 3. in; 4. for; 5. at; 6. at; 7. to; 8. in.

9. 1. A bartender serves guests at the bar and mixes cocktails.

2. A manager is at the head of the restaurant.

3. Chef supervises the work of the kitchen and is responsible for the quality of food.

4. Waiters discuss the menu, take orders and bring dishes

5. A cashier prepares the bills.

6. A Head waiter reserves tables and meets guests. He controls the work of the dining room.

7. A wine waiter is in charge of wines and helps guests to choose the wine.

8. A pastry cook prepares fruit desserts and pastry dishes

Проверьте себя 2:

1- b; 2- a; 3.- b; 4.- c; 5 – a;

6 – b; 7 – c; 8 – a; 9 – b; 10 – c.

Unit 3.


I’d like to reserve a table.

What name shall I make a reservation for?

Can I make a reservation?

How many people for?

Could I have your name, please?

What day for?

Could you spell your name, please?

Could I book a table for Saturday?

6. 1.When would you like to come? (What time /day/date for?)

2. How many people for?

3. Can I have your name, please?

4. Could you spell your name, please?

7. 1 – c; 2 – g; 3 – f ; 4 – a; 5 – d; 6 – e ; 7 – h, 8 – b.

11. 1 - d; 2 – b; 3 – e; 4. – c; 5 – f; 6 – a.

12. 1. speak;








9. H. - Do you have any preferences where to sit?

5. H. - I’m very sorry, but we are fully booked at Christmas.

2. Guest - Good afternoon, can I book a table?

4. G. - On the 7th of January, it’s Wednesday.

6. G. - What a pity! Is it possible to make a reservation for the 8th?

1. Headwaiter - Good afternoon, how can I help you?

7. H. - Well the 8th is possible. How many people for?

10. G. - I’d like a table in a non – smoking section somewhere in the corner not too close to the dance – floor.

11. H. - No problem, what name shall I make a reservation for?

8. G. - A table for six.

15. H. - You are welcome.

13. H. - OK, Mr. Smith, a table for six, for Thursday, the 8th of January in a non - smoking section.

3. H. - What day would you like to come?

14. G. - That’s right, thank you very much.

12 G. - My name is Smith.

14. 1. Unfortunately, the restaurant is fully booked this weekend \ on Saturday \ on the 8th of March.

2. I’ very sorry, but our manager \ headwaiter is out at the moment.

3. I’m afraid; we have nothing left for Christmas \ Easter Day.

4. I’m sorry, but we haven’t any tables left for Sunday \ for the 14th of February.

5. Unfortunately, we are closed this weekend \ Wednesday \ on the 1st of May.

6. My apologies, but we don’t work on Mondays in winter \ on Tuesdays in autumn.

Проверьте себя 3.

1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – b, 4 –c, 5 – b, 6 – a,

7 – c, 8 – b, 9 – c, 10 – a, 11 – c, 12 – b.

Unit 4.

1. 1. would 5. leave

2. your 6. do

3. could 7. not available

4. show

2. 1. Do you have a reservation?

2. Here is the menu.

3. Can I leave my umbrella?

4. I’ll show you to your table.

5. Would you prefer to sit indoors or outdoors?

3. 1. Good evening, how can I help you / what can I do for you?

2. Do you have a reservation?

3. Can I have your name, please?

4. Do you prefer to sit indoors or outdoors?

5. Would you like smoking or non – smoking section?

6. Can I have your coats?

6. Square, medium, corner, oval, horseshoe, round, middle, rectangular, large, entrance, small.


Table position

with a view

in the sun

near the orchestra

Seating arrangement

banqueting style


conference style

Table size


middle sized


Table shape




9 1. I’d like that small square table with a sea view.

2. We prefer sitting on the terrace near the entrance.

3. Is that large rectangular table near the orchestra free \ vacant \ available?

4. We need a middle – sized oval table for 8 people in a non - smoking section.

5. Shall we arrange tables U – shape \ horseshoe or banqueting style?

6. Can I reserve a table in a smoking section, somewhere in the corner near the window, further from the dance floor?

7. Do you like that large round table in the middle of the dining- room?

Проверьте себя 4.

1.waiter 7. Small 13. private 19.terrace

2. cuisine 8. view 14. arranged 20.shows

3. kitchen 9. far 15. style

4. available 10.middle 16. shape

5. live 11. oval 17. leave

6. close to 12. next 18. Outside

Unit 5

№1. 1. ashtray 5. knife

plate 6. napkin

glass 7. tablecloth

spoon 8. candle

2. 1- g, 2 - h, 3 - e, 4 - a, 5 - c, 6 - k, 7 - i, 8 – d, 9 – b, 10 – j.

3. 1 – arranging 5 – butter 9 – right 13 - before

2 – right 6 – fork 10 – above 14 – wine glass

3 – clean 7 – right and left 11 – evening 15 - dessert

4 – napkin 8 - soup 12 – in the middle

4. 1. Check that everything is on the right position.

First place a clean tablecloth.

Napkin is placed on the side plate.

Put the butter knife on the top of the napkin.

Place fork and knife to the left and right of the dinner plate.

A soup spoon is placed to the left of the knife.

A wine glass is above the soup spoon.

Salt and pepper are in the middle of the table.


Tableware for breakfast

Tableware for dinner



meat fork



soup bowl

dessert spoon

sugar pot

meat knife


dessert spoon

soup spoon

butter knife



tea spoon

side plate

milk jug,

salt pot.

7. 1. a cup 6. a dessert spoon

2. slip cloth 7. a meat knife 11. candle

3. a coffee pot 8. a fork

4. a butter knife 9. napkin

5. a teaspoon 10. a jug

8. 1. a table\ a table cloth \ a slip cloth \ a napkin;

2. a jug for milk (milk jug)\ a jug for water \ a jug for juice;

3. a bowl for soup (soup bowl) \ a bowl for cereal;

4. a tea spoon\ a coffee spoon;

5. a soup spoon \ a dessert spoon;

6. a dinner plate \ a side plate

7. a glass for red wine \ a glass for white wine

8. a teapot \ a coffeepot;

9. a salt pot \ a pepper pot \ a sugar pot;

10. a butter knife \ a meat knife;

11. a fish fork \ a meat fork;

12. an ash tray \ a vase for flowers \ candles;

Проверьте себя 5.

1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – c, 4 – a, 5 – b,

6 – a, 7 – b, 8 – a, 9 – c, 10 – b.

Test 1. (units 1-5)

1. 1- g; 2 – f, h; 3 – l; 4 – g; 5 – f, 6 – a; 7 – d, o; 8 – l, n; 9 – c; 10 – e; 11 – a, i, o; 12 – j; 13 – b; 14 – m; 15 – k.

2. 1. Italy (country, others are nationalities).

2. cloakroom (for guests, others are kitchen sections).

3. chef (manager of the kitchen, others are restaurant staff).

4. commis (kitchen worker, others are managers).

5. bowl ( tableware, others cutlery).

6. dish ( to eat, others to drink from).

7. plate (tableware, others are items on the table).

3. 1.Do you have a reservation?

Monday is my day off.

I’d like to come on Wednesday.

How much is a children’s menu?

Guests leave their coats in a cloakroom.

Head waiter is responsible for the service in the dining room.

First we place a tablecloth then we cover it with a slip cloth.

A party starts at 8 p.m.

We serve only European cuisine

Are you open every day?

I’m sorry we are fully booked today.

When would you like to come?

Chapter2. Unit 1.

1. Above the ground: beans, peas, tomato, cabbage, eggplant, cauliflower, pumpkin, bell pepper.

under ground: onion, garlic, potato, beetroot, carrot.


peas, beans.


carrot, cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin , beetroot, egg plant, garlic.


potato, tomato, onion, bell pepper, cucumber, aubergine.



9. This dish is dressed with sunflower \ olive oil.

This dish is served in a pot.

This dish is decorated with parsley \ dill \ mint leaf \ lemon.

This dish is served with horseradish \ lemon.

10 1.beans 4. rosemary

sunflower 5. bell pepper

radish 6. pumpkin

11. 1. in; 2. sun; 3. with; 4. egg 5.with; 6. with; 7. pepper.


9. W. - Well, Greek salad as a starter, Russolnik in a pot, and baked vegetables, is that all?

1. Waiter - Are you ready to order?

8. G. - Then to follow I’d like baked vegetables.

2. Guest - Yes, Can I have green salad as a starter?

5. W. - You can have Russolnik it is very rich and served in a pot.

6. G. - Sounds delicious, I’ll have it.

3 W. - Yes of course, will you have soup?

11. W. - No problem

10. G. - Oh, no, can I else have some fried potato with garlic?

Проверьте себя 1

Spicy cauliflower (cauliflower, tomato, parsley), served with hot garlic sauce.

Gazpacho (tomato, cucumber, onion, garlic, bread), served cold.

Beetroot salad (beetroot, horseradish, vinegar, olive oil, lemon, cinnamon, cloves, pepper).

Green Shchee (sorrel, potatoes, carrot), served with sour- cream, egg and chopped herbs.

Stuffed marrow (rice, onion, tomato, herbs).

Beetroot soup (boiled beetroot, potatoes and egg, fresh cucumber, green onion, dill, parsley), served cold with sour - cream.

Spicy potatoes with peas (green chili pepper, olive oil, cumin, ginger, potatoes, peas, chopped coriander).

Vegetable salad with corn (tomato, cucumber, boiled corn and cauliflower, lettuce leaves), served with sour – cream, decorated with chopped dill.

Boiled new potatoes with dill.

Vegetable Golubtsy - Cabbage rolls(carrot, onion, celery and parsley mince wrapped in a cabbage leaf, stewed with tomato), served in a casserole

Radish and cucumber salad with egg, dressed with mayonnaise.

Mashed potatoes.

Aubergine rolls (aubergine, coriander, garlic, vinegar).

Ratatouille (courgette, aubergine, bell pepper, tomato, onion, garlic, basil, thyme, parsley).

Sauerkraut and soaked apples.

Fried mushrooms with vegetables (spinach, potatoes, onion, garlic, red sweet pepper, champignons).

Peas soup cream (peas, carrot, leek, celery, parsley).

Celery salad with vegetables and nut sauce (celery, tomato, cucumber, lettuce).

Beans stewed with tomato and garlic.

Potatoes with mushrooms (potato, onion, mushrooms, asparagus, tomato, dill, parsley) served on the lettuce leave.

Fresh vegetables assorted (tomato, cucumber, bell pepper)

Tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms (tomatoes, salted mushrooms, green onion and dill)

Pickled mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic.

Steamed vegetables.

Spicy olives (basil, thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, fennel, garlic, red chili pepper)

Pumpkin, stewed with apples and spices.

Cauliflower gratinated.

Cold asparagus with green sauce (parsley, dill, green onion, lemon juice, olive oil, mustard).

Unit 2

4. Fish: cod, sturgeon, herring, trout, sole, pikeperch, eel, halibut.

Seafood: scallops, prawn, octopus, lobster, crayfish, oyster, mussels, squid.

6. Fried plaice, smoked eel, boiled sturgeon, stewed cod, steamed pike perch, stuffed pike, grilled trout, baked tuna, seafood assorted; sole coated in bread crumbs; black caviar served on ice.


5.…W. Carpaccio is made from thin slices of raw fish or meat served with toast.

9 W. Would you like it with fried potatoes or stewed vegetables?

1. Waiter - Are you ready to order?

11 W. No problem, prawns as a starter and then sole fried in cheese with fresh vegetables.

7 W. What main dish would you like?

2. Guest - Not yet, could you recommend any seafood starter?

4 G. Well, what is it made from?

3 W. Take salmon Carpaccio, it is excellent.

10 G. I will have it with fresh vegetables if possible

6 G I’d better take king prawns with dill and garlic.

8 G I’d like sole fried in cheese.

12. 1. What would you like to start / to begin with?

2. Would you like fish as a cold starter? / Would you like cold fish starter?

3. What main dish would you like? /What would you like as a main dish?

4. What / How about fish assorted?

5. What does this dish consist of?

6. What is it served with? / What side dish goes with it?

Проверьте себя 2 .

Cod in mustard (cod fillet, coated in the mixture of olive oil, breadcrumbs, dry mustard and tarragon, baked).

Rice soup with mussels

Prawns in spicy sauce (garlic, tomato, chili, cumin, black pepper).

Karp stewed with mushrooms, celery and onion.

Plaice in cream sauce served with fried potato, cucumber, olives and lemon.

Squid, stuffed with cabbage.

Baked mackerel stuffed (grated carrot, boiled potatoes, dry mustard, parsley, lemon), served with rice and marinated sweet pepper and hot chili pepper.

Lobster soup served with croutons.

Crab salad with corn, dressed with mayonnaise.

Fried salmon with cucumber sauce (cucumber, dry white wine), served with lemon and dill.

Oysters with spicy sauce (horseradish, onion, celery, tomato).

Sea fish ykha (cod, halibut, sea buss, onion, carrot, parsley, potatoes, bay leaf, saffron, dill), served with lemon.

Mussels, baked with spices (garlic, cloves, parsley), served with fried potatoes.

Pike perch with vegetables, stewed in champagne (courgette, potatoes, carrot, bell pepper).

Herring in cabbage leaf (herring stuffed with mint leaf, wrapped in cabbage leaf, baked in foil), served with sauce (cream, garlic and lemon).

Monk fish kebab (tomatoes, onion, ginger, garlic, tarragon, lime juice).

Seafood cream soup (sea buss fillet, prawns, musses, celery, potatoes, pepper, onion, parsley).

Fish cutlets (minced cod, onion, carrot, cabbage).

Mussels and shrimps cold soup with curry.

Sole roll steamed.

Lobster with tarragon.

Jellied sturgeon, served with horseradish.

Fried trout, served in a frying pan, decorated with chopped herbs.

Grilled scallop, served with toasts and butter.

Pike under yellow sauce with saffron, served with boiled potatoes.

Smoked fish assorted (eel, sturgeon, salmon and halibut).

Fried octopus, served with grated cheese.

Black caviar, served with butter and toasts

Unit 3.

1. Rabbit, turkey, veal, chicken, pork, horsemeat, goose, lamb

2. Meat: lamb, veal, beef, pork, rabbit.

Poultry: chicken, turkey, goose, duck.

Game: hare, venison, pheasant, partridge, quail.

4. Venison is out because it is game.

Kidney is out because it is offal.

Turkey is out because it is poultry.

Hare is out because it is not a bird.

6. Pork, gratinated with spices; minced beef, wrapped into cabbage leaves; jellied tongue with mustard, rare beefsteak, well - done veal, lamb ribs stewed with garlic and tomato; turkey fillet with vegetables; chicken breasts, coated in bread crumbs and fried on the olive oil; liver, stewed with onion and pepper.

Check yourself. “Meat, poultry, game and offal”.

Pork chopped with apple sauce (pork, onion, olive oil, apple, cider, black pepper)

Boiled tongue (beef, pork or veal tongue, onion, carrot, parsley, bay leaf), served with mashed potato and green peas, and horseradish with vinegar.

Rome style veal Scallops (rolls made from finely chopped veal, coated in egg and bread crumbs, fried and lean ham with cheese, stewed in white wine), served with sage leaf

Chicken Kiev (chicken breasts stuffed with green butter, coated in bread crumbs, fried), served with fried potato and green peas or marinated fruit.

Cutlets with cheese (minced beef and pork, onion, cheese, egg, coated in bread crumbs, fried, served with fried potato.

Vienna - style salad (asparagus, boiled tongue, green peas, cream, dill), dressed with mayonnaise.

Chicken bouillon with egg and croutons.

Liver pate (beef liver, onion, carrot, butter), decorated with butter and egg.

Boiled veal udder with sour cream sauce and horseradish

Hare with mushrooms (hare, onion, garlic, champignons), served in sauce made from sour - cream, dry red wine, pepper, cloves and dry spicy herbs.

Cold meat assorted (ham, cold boiled veal, tongue, sausage, chicken roll), served with fresh cucumber, tomato, lettuce leaf, horseradish and mustard.

Chicken fillet with vermouth, served with fried mushrooms and onion on the top, decorated with parsley.

Turkey with pepper sauce (turkey fillet, butter, onion, bell pepper, paprika).

Mixed offal Solianka soup (tongue, heart, beef kidney, onion, pickled cucumber, olives), served with sour – cream, herbs and lemon.

Fried rabbit, served with boiled or pickled vegetables

Vienna style beef in horseradish sauce served with boiled potatoes.

Quail, stuffed with thyme grilled, served with apples or wild berry sauce

Galantine (chicken filled with chicken and pork mince with cream, nutmeg, pepper and cognac), served cold.

Home - style duck (duck, onion, potato, bay leaf, pepper), served in a pot.

Lamb baked with aubergine (lamb ribs, white wine, onion, tarragon, tomatoes, aubergine), served with olives.

Lulia - kebab (sausages, made from minced lamb, onion, pepper and basil, fried on skewers on the open fire), served with herbs and red wine.

Golubtzi ( minced beef with rice and onion, wrapped in a cabbage leaf, stewed with spices)

Tripe in bread crumbs, served with chopped parsley.

Christmas goose (goose filled with spices and chopped herbs, roasted with apples), served with apple sauce.

Jellied game (hazel grouse, partridge, wood cock, pheasant)

Pork medallions with vegetables, served in a garlic – sour – cream sauce

Parisian style beef brains, baked, served with white sauce, mushrooms and grated cheese.

Wild boar meat, stewed in beer, served with baked apples and potatoes

Scottish - style egg in mince (boiled egg, wrapped in minceв beef with mustard, coated in bread crumbs, fried in oil), served with sweet sauce.

Horsemeat beefsteak with “Shasser” sauce (champignons, butter, tomato sauce, white dry wine, shallot), served with parsley.

Unit 4.


Ничего нет лучше, чем тост со сливочным маслом или джемом на завтрак

Я предпочитаю чай с молоком без лимона.

Я бы хотел кофе со сливками.

Люди часто едят творог с сахаром или мёдом.

Множество блюд в русской кухне подаётся со сметаной.

Я всегда пью стакан кефира вечером.

На завтрак я обычно ем домашний сыр или йогурт.

2. Semolina, curds, yogurt, cornflakes, cream, buckwheat, flour, oatmeal, cheese.

4 1.Я никогда не ем желтки хоть это полезно.

2. Для этого торта нам нужны только белки.

3. Мой муж всегда ест на завтрак яйцо варёное три минуты, а я предпочитаю яйцо, сваренное вкрутую.

4. Яйцо пашот очень нежное и вкусное.

5. Яичница глазунья выглядит привлекательною

6. Ты можешь украсить яичницу, жареную с двух сторон, нарубленным укропом или петрушкой.

7. Яичница болтунья подаётся с тёртым сыром сверху.

8. Из чего делается омлет?


Poached egg is odd one out, because it is boiled, not fried.

Curds is odd one out, because it is not a drink.

Buckwheat is odd one out , because it is cereal, not bread.

Sour cream is odd one out, because it’s a diary product, not cereal.

Check yourself: “ Cereals, egg, and milk dishes”.

Crispy muesli with fruit (oat flakes, wheat flakes, coconut shavings, sunflower seeds, honey, raisins, nuts), served with milk or yogurt.

Curd pudding with candied fruit (fat curds, semolina, sugar, eggs, raisins, butter, orange)

Omelet with apples and carrot, served on the lettuce leaf with fresh tomato and cucumber.

Cottage cheese salad (cottage cheese, sweet pepper, butter, cumin, mustard, chopped parsley, red ground pepper), served with gherkins.

Spanish omelet with mushrooms (eggs, boiled potato, champignons, onion, tomato, bacon, butter), served with grated cheese and vegetables.

Curd pancakes, served with honey or sour cream.

Curds with tomato (tomato, filled with curds with garlic, tarragon and freshly ground black pepper), served chilled.

Fried cheese (slices of cheese, coated in egg and bread crumbs, fried in oil), served with herbs and fresh tomato.

Cheese board (hard, soft, blue, classic cheese, sheep’s cheese, goat cheese), served with fruit, nuts and mint leaves.

Goorievskaya kasha (layers of semolina kasha, jam, baked milk, nuts, candied fruit, butter, sugar).

Оatmeal porridge with butter.

Buckwheat kasha with milk.

Milk millet kasha.

Vareniki with curds served with sour – cream.

Curds pate (curds, milk, mustard, cumin, butter, pepper), served chilled.

Curd balls (curd, hard cheese, butter, sour – cream) with filling (nuts, marinated mushrooms, gherkins).

Milk soup with rice, served with butter (sugar).

Milk soup with whipped whites.

Milk soup with pumpkin, served with sugar and toasts.

Spaghetti with “Béchamel” sauce (milk, butter, flour).

Macaroni (pasta) with eggs (boiled macaroni, milk, eggs baked), served with butter.

Easter cake with raisins (mixture of curds, milk, butter, sour – cream, eggs, cream, sugar, raisins), served chilled.

Sunny side – up with tomato, served with chopped herbs.

Eggs gratinated served with chopped parsley.

Curds with fresh herbs (lettuce, spinach), served with cold sour – cream and parsley.

Bell pepper, stuffed with cottage cheese and eggs.

Cream yogurt with fruit.

Eggs “Benedict” (poached egg on fried slice of bread with bacon or salmon), served with Holland sauce on the top (yolk, butter, lemon juice, water, salt, pepper).

Unit 5.


currant is odd one out because it’s berry, not nut

coconut is out because it’s a nut that grows on the palm, others grow on the ground.

pistachios is out because it is a nut, not fruit.

grapefruit is a citrus fruit, not berry.

sweet cherry, because it grows on the tree not on ground.

apple is out , because it is not exotic fruit.

5. Pistachios, walnut, cedar, almond, peanut, nutmeg.

7. Торт \ пирожное, шарлотка, открытый пирог, мороженое, джем, желе, пудинг, щербет, суфле, струдель, ?парфе, взбитые сливки, пирог, печенье,

профитроли, шоколадный соус, мусс, блинчики, заварной крем, шоколадное печенье c орехами, пончики, меренги.

8. 1 – e, 2 – c, 3 – a, 4 – f, 5 – b, 6 - d


1. flan, 2.cake, 3. ice parfe 4. jelly 5. pancake. 6. brownies

Проверь себя”Fruit, berry and pastry desserts”

Melon, baked with cognac and cheese mouse (whipped whites, sugar, Sherry, cherries, chocolate, cream “Mascarpone” cheese), served chilled with mint leaves.

Carpaccio with pineapple and kiwi in lemon juice and rum, decorated with lemon peels.

Pomegranate dessert with yogurt, served with sugar biscuits.

Pears in red wine with walnut (pears, boiled in red wine with cinnamon, sugar and lemon), served with custard, decorated with lemon zest and nuts.

Blueberry dessert, served with whipped cream.

Fresh peach with mint and bay leaf syrup (sugar, mint, bay leaf, lime juice), served chilled with whipped cream and biscuits.

Grapes with mint (halves of grapes, mint liquor, covered with sour – cream and brown sugar), served immediately after preparing with a mint leave on the top.

Rhubarb dessert (pieces of rhubarb stem, boiled with dry white wine, lemon juice and sugar), served chilled with whipped with cinnamon cream and biscuit crumbs.

Orange in coconut (slices of orange, covered with grated coconut and sugar), served chilled with sponge biscuits.

Figs with honey (figs, filled with chopped orange zest, nuts, honey with orange juice, baked), served with hot syrup and yogurt.

Bananas in sauce (lemon, orange, honey, raisins, rum, cream, chocolate, candied fruit), served with ice – cream, wall nuts and cherry on the top.

Dessert” Tenderness” (pieces of kiwi, orange, apricot and dates with chilled sauce made from apricot sauce, honey, white dry wine and shredded pistachios).

Swedish apple pie (apples, butter, almond, raisins, rum, sugar, cinnamon, fresh white bread crumbs), served warm with custard.

“Drunk raspberry” (jelly made from raspberry and white semi – sweet wine), served chilled with mint.

Fruit assorted (slices of apple, mango, pineapple, banana, melon), served with whipped cream and shredded walnuts.

“Baskets with sweet cherry” (sugar pastry, sweet cherry, curds whipped with whites and sugar), served chilled.

Almond tart (puff pastry, almond powder, butter, sugar, liquor)

Cheesecake with honey

“Napoleon» ice – cream, served with chilled cognac sauce, chocolate and caramel.

Meringue with cranberry.

Festive cherry in Chou pastry (cherry stuffed with chopped nuts, rum, sugar and cocoa, wrapped in pastry, fried, then coated in cocoa with sugar).

Sponge cake with cream and fruit filling (apples, plumps, curds, rum, yolk, cream) decorated with crushed pistachios and apricot jam.

Profiteroles with ice – cream in white chocolate sauce.

Almond balls (balls, made from chopped almond, dates and dried apricots with cognac, honey and cloves, coated in sesame seed.

Cottage cheese pie with condensed milk and hazelnut.

Carrot cakes with ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg, sprinkled with sugar powder.

Brownies (chocolate, butter, brown sugar, egg, flour, nuts), served with a scoop of vanilla ice – cream.

Peanut pancakes with ice – cream.

Test 3




3, …17,21

main dishes

fish -

poultry -

meat -


2, 24


side dishes



1, 5, 11, 14, 23


Waiter - What appetizer/starter can you suggest?

Guest - I think, you should try seafood cocktail, it contains mussels, shrimps, scallops and octopus.

- Sounds delicious, but I feel like something salty or smoked.

- Then I can recommend you smoked eel or halibut, herring in a mustard sauce or sturgeon caviar.

- Well, I’ll take fish assorted to start with. Do you have any game dishes, hare, for example?

- Unfortunately, we don’t have any hare left, but baked wild boar ribs with berries are excellent.

- No, I’ll have just veal steak then.

- How would you like it cooked?

- Middle rare, and what vegetable dishes have you got?

- If you feel like something vegetable, I can recommend you boiled green beans with spices and garlic or spinach stewed with cream.

- I will take green beans but without garlic if possible.

- Well, so smoked fish assorted as a starter, middle rare veal steak and green beans without garlic as a main dish.

- What about dessert?

- I’d like blackberry pie and ice - cream.

- Would you like your ice - cream with whipped cream, chocolate or almond?

- Let it be all together: chocolate, nuts and whipped cream.

- Will you drink anything?

- Yes, of course, peach juice and a bottle of dry Bordeaux.

- Would you like red or white?

- Red and bring an ash tray, please.


This dish is served in a pot.

What would you like to start with?

Fish plate assorted contains smoked halibut, mackerel and boiled sturgeon.

Baked means cooked in the oven.

I’d prefer mashed potatoes.

Dolma is made from minced meat wrapped in a grape leaf.

Ginger is a spice, but dill and tarragon are herbs.

I’d like my salad dressed with olive oil

Pan cakes are cooked in a frying pan.

Dairy products are: curds, milk and cheese.


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