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  1. Подчеркните правильное слово:

1. The gym is on\ in the basement; it is at the bottom \ on the top.

2. Go past\ pass the lobby bar and continue walking along \ alone the corridor.

3. Car hire office is at \ in the end of the corridor you will see it on \ in your left.

4. Private dining room is close to\ with cloakroom, just cross the hall.

5. When you come out of \ to the lift turn right\ to right

  1. Прочитайте и переведите короткие диалоги:

1 - Excuse me, where is the beer bar?

- It’s on this floor, next to the Gift shop.

2 – I’m trying to find the swimming pool.

- Take the lift to the basement you will see it facing you.

3 – I’d like to speak to your Headwaiter.

- Cross the dining room, turn left, there is a manager’s office, and our headwaiter is there at the moment.

4. – Could you tell me where the toilet is?

- When you come out of the dining room, turn right and go past the cloakroom you will see it on your left.

5. - I’m looking for a conference room.

- Go upstairs to the first floor, turn right and walk along the corridor. A conference room is immediately around the corner.

6. - Is there a restaurant in the hotel that is still working?

- Yes, there is. Italian Restaurant is open till midnight. It is on the top floor. When you come out of the lift, go along the corridor to the right, past the hairdressers’, and then, turn left. But I better show you to the restaurant I work there!

6. Переведите диалоги с русского языка на английский:

1 – Я пытаюсь найти кабинет управляющего.

- Это на втором этаже. Поднимитесь по лестнице, пересеките холл, вы увидите бизнес центр, его кабинет следом за ним. Но в данный момент он в службе приёма, вы можете пойти туда.

2. – Вы не подскажете, где я могу зять напрокат машину?

- Спуститесь вниз по лестнице в цокольный этаж, вы увидите офис проката напротив лестницы.

3.- Я бы хотел поговорить с шеф – поваром. Как я могу его найти?

- Кухня на другой стороне зала. Пройдите мимо танц пола, вы увидите дверь в углу.

4. – Я ищу кондитерский цех.

- Он следом за банкетным залом, справа.

5. – Простите, вы не скажете где спортивный зал?

- Это внизу. Когда вы выйдите из ресторана, вы увидите лифт, спуститесь на первый этаж, вход рядом с лестницей прямо перед вами.

6. - Вы не могли бы сказать, где находится парикмахерская?

- Парикмахерская на этом этаже. Пересеките холл и идите по коридору мимо магазина «Подарки». Вы увидите её в конце коридора.

  1. Опишите местоположение помещений Ресторана по данной схеме:

Используйте слова: next to….?

---------------------------------рисунок ресторана—кухни и подсобных помещений--------------------------------------------------------___________________________________________---------

Прочитайте и постарайтесь запомнить:

City objects – городские объекты:

Art gallery галерея искусств

Bridge мост

Cathedral собор

Cinema кинотеатр

Circus цирк

Museum музей

Square площадь

Theatre театр

Zoo зоопарк

1. Заполните пропуски буквами:

S _ _ _ _ E, C _ _ _ _ A, C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L, B _ _ _ _ E, C_ _ _ _ S, T _ _ _ _ E,

M _ _ _ _M.

2. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский:

  1. I am looking for the art gallery.

  2. How do I get to the Zoo?

  3. How can we find the nearest cinema?

  4. Cathedral is in the very city center.

  5. I am trying to find the town square.

  6. What time do the bridges raise?

  7. What is the shortest way to the theatre?

Прочитайте и постарайтесь запомнить:

Bank банк

Chemist’s\ drugstore аптека

Department store универмаг

Hospital больница

Nightclub ночной клуб

Police station полицейский участок

Post - office почта

Supermarket супермаркет

University университет

3. Сопоставьте слова по смыслу

Example: 8 -b

1. Disco a. Chemists’

2. Food b. Police station

3. Shoes c. Bank

4. Money d. Nightclub

5. Doctor e. Post office

6. .Students f. Supermarket

7. Telegram g. Department store

8. Policemen h. Hospital

9. Painkiller i. University

4. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский:

1. When you come out of the restaurant, turn right.

2. Is there a hospital near hear?

3. The department store is at the end of the street and there is a supermarket there on the ground floor.

4. You can change money in the bank, it’s not far.

5. The post office is close to the hotel.

6. Is the drugstore far from here?

7. There are nine big universities and plenty of colleges in our city.

Прочитайте и постарайтесь запомнить:

Transport and street terms - транспорт и уличные знаки

By bus\ by car\ by boat… на автобусе \ на машине \ на катере

Catch \ miss the train успеть \ опоздать на поезд

Change the line пересесть на другую линию метро

Crossroads перекрёсток

Embankment набережная

Get on \ off the trolleybus сесть на \ выйти из троллейбуса

On foot пешком

Pavement \ Pedestrian Street тротуар \ пешеходная улица

Public transport общественный транспорт

Railway station железнодорожный вокзал

Stop остановка

Stuck in a traffic jam застрять в пробке

Take a taxi ехать на такси

Traffic lights светофор

Underground \ US Subway метро

5. Вставьте пропущенные слова по смыслу:

(off, pedestrian, traffic, public, jam, boat, change, foot)

  1. Cross the street when the ………… lights are green.

  2. Get on the trolleybus at Stockman and get …… at Sadovaya Street.

  3. You can stuck in a traffic …….. at this time.

  4. It’s not far, just 5 minutes on ………. .

  5. ………. transport is cheap here.

  6. Go by Underground and …… the line at University station.

  7. You can travel by ……. when the weather is nice.

  8. There are no cars on the ……. Street

6. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский.

    1. It’s just two stops by bus.

    2. Traveling by boat is very exciting.

    3. If you want to catch the train, take the taxi.

    4. If you don’t want to stuck in a traffic jam, go by Underground.

    5. Our restaurant is on the Embankment, at the end of the Bumajnaya Street.

    6. There are five Railway Stations in our city.

    7. You’d better go on foot.

    8. You can stuck …. a traffic jam at this time.

Прочитайте и постарайтесь запомнить:

Around the corner за углом

Carry on going along the street продолжайте идти по улице

Go straight ahead идите прямо

It’s about a five minute walk. это около 5 минут пешком

Opposite the restaurant напротив ресторана

Take the first left \ right первый поворот налево \ направо

Walk towards the church. идите по направлению к церкви

How long does it take to get to ..? сколько времени нужно, чтобы добраться .

It’s rather far, it takes an hour… это довольно далеко, займёт час…

7. Вставьте нужные предлоги:

( towards, on, about, opposite, on, to, in, by)

  1. It’s half an hour … foot and 5 stops ….bus.

  2. The bank is ….. the restaurant.

  3. Walk ….. the Embankment.

  4. How long does it take to get … the airport?

  5. It’s …… 10 minutes walk.

  6. Carry … going along the Nevsky Prospect.

  7. You can stuck …. a traffic jam at this time.

8 . Составьте предложения о том, как вы добираетесь до различных объектов в вашем городе и сколько это занимает времени.

Example: I go to the bookshop on foot. It’s not far. It takes me 7 ninutes.

I get to my college by subway. It’s rather far. It’s 5 stops and I have to change the line.

Yow long does it take you to get to the cinema\ chemist’s \ …?

9. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги с английского языка на русский


- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Main Square, please?

- It is in the city center.

- Is it far to walk?

- Yes, it’s rather far, you’d better travel by trolleybus number 22, it’ s about six stops.

- And where is the stop?

- Turn right outside the restaurant and go straight ahead to the crossroad, don’t cross the street, you will see the stop on your left.


- Sorry, I am looking for the University.

- The Underground station is opposite the Railway station . Get on the train there and change the line on Zvenigorodskaya street, then three stops to the University station. When you go out, turn left and carry on going along the street. The University is next to the big Supermarket.


- I’m sorry, is there a Post office near hear?

- It’s near the restaurant. Just a five minutes walk. Go along the street and take the first left, it’s immediately around the corner.


– How long does it take to get to the theatre by bus?

- Usually it takes 15 minutes. But at this time there are traffic jams in the center. It would be better to go on foot, it’s not very far. Cross the street on the traffic lights and walk towards the church, past the chemists’, take the second right you will see the old blue beautiful building on your right. It is the theatre.

10. Переведите диалоги с русского языка на английский.

1.- Как мне добраться до улицы Карнаби?

- Выходите из ресторана, поворачиваете налево, идёте прямо и поворачиваете направо. Затем идите вдоль по улице мимо магазина «Подарки» и следом вы увидите банк, это там.

2. - Не могли бы вы подсказать мне путь к ресторану китайской кухни?

- Это недалеко. Идите вдоль по улице мимо аптеки, затем второй поворот налево, и сразу же за углом вы увидите ресторан прямо перед вами.

3.-Я ищу торговый центр, не могли бы мне помочь?

- Садитесь на автобус.

- Я не хотел бы ехать на автобусе, я могу добраться туда пешком?

-Это довольно далеко. Поверните после светофора, идите вдоль по набережной по направлению к центру города, пересеките дорогу, мимо моста, затем третий поворот налево.

4. - Как мне найти театр?

- Это легко. Идите прямо по улице, второй поворот налево, мимо станции метро, вы увидите театр справа от вас.

5. - Это далеко отсюда?

-Да, поезжайте на автобусе, но лучше воспользоваться метро, в это время всегда пробки, но вам придётся сделать пересадку.

11. a). Прочитайте и переведите текст с английского языка на русский.

Hereford is a small market town in the west of England. The High street is very short with a big square at the end of it called High Town. There are a lot of attractive shops in High Town and there are no cars. You can visit the beautiful Old House which is a museum in the middle of High Town. There is a post office behind the Old House opposite the bookshop. There is a bank with a cash machine opposite the library in Broad Street. There is an indoor food market in High Town between Grimond Street and Widemarsh Street. Behind the Market is a small shopping mall called Maylord Orchards. There is a big Chemist’s shop in the High Street opposite the newsagent’s. At the end of Church Street there is a small park and the Cathedral. In Broad Street on the same side of the road there is a library, a very good hotel and the restaurant called The Green Dragon.

The tourist information office is on the corner of Broad Street and King Street opposite the library. Wednesday is market day and the town is very busy.

b). Найдите и подчеркните следующие словосочетания в тексте:

на западе Англии, привлекательные магазины, почта за Старым Домом, банкомат, напротив библиотеки, крытый продовольственный рынок, торговый центр называется Сады Мэйлорд, напротив newsagents, на той же стороне дороги, информационное агентство на углу.

с). Прочитайте текст ещё раз, отметьте галочкой верные предложения, неправильные исправьте:

1. It is a small town in the East of France.

2. The High Street is very short.

3. There are many cars in High town.

4. A Museum is in the middle of High Town .

5. There is a Police station opposite the Old House behind the book shop.

6. A bank with a cash machine is opposite the library.

7. There is an outdoor food market.

8. A big Chemist’s shop is opposite the newsagent’s

9. At the end of Church Street there is a big square.

10.In Broad Street on the other side of the road there is a library.

d) Cоставьте аналогичный рассказ о вашем городе \ микрорайоне.

Stop and Check

10.Прочитай те и переведите текст1

Restaurants in Saint Petersburg (текст заменю )?

Nowadays Saint Petersburg features a large variety of restaurants presenting the culinary traditions of different countries of the world. Today the restaurants of Saint Petersburg attract the visitors by unusual design and cozy atmosphere.

Some of Saint Petersburg’s restaurants continue the traditions that were started before the October Revolution of 1917. Such venues distinguish themselves by interiors styled as the restaurants of the beginning of the 20th century. The menu features the dishes typical for Russian cuisine, such as pancakes with red or black caviar, Siberian ravioli, baked sturgeon, and so on. The guests of such restaurants are entertained by Russian romances or songs performed by Gypsies.

Oriental cuisine is getting more and more popular in Saint Petersburg. Japanese, Chinese, Korean restaurants are attractive not only because of the exotic taste of Oriental cuisine, but also because of irreproachable service, delicious dishes and, as a rule, reasonable prices. In Saint Petersburg there is even a restaurant serving Indonesian cuisine, and this is the only restaurant of such a type in Russia so far.

Those who respect European culinary traditions will appreciate the restaurants offering French, German or Austrian cuisines. The lovers of joyful feasts, substantial meat meal and good wine are welcome to check out the restaurants specializing in Caucasian cuisine.

In Saint Petersburg, a Latin American culinary culture is presented by several restaurants offering tequila and various dishes typical for Mexican and Brazilian cuisines. Most restaurants feature the special menu for the vegetarians.

Fast food restaurants of Saint Petersburg always welcome those who like nice and inexpensive meal. There is a bunch of small cafes all over the city where one can find a dish for his or her taste.

Check yourself Test 3


The listings below are your best bets for good food served honestly for $10-15 a meal.

At Koreiskii Domik (i.e., Korean House), a full meal runs about $12 per person, including tea, rice, spicy pickled vegetables, and an entree like chapche (noodles with vegetables and meat), lapsha (noodles and meat in broth), or pulgogi (spicy Korean-style meat cooked on a burner on your table). Quick service, English menu. And I've drunk their filtered water and never gotten sick. In summer especially, try to reserve at tel. 259-9333 (daily 13:00-22:00). It's at Izmailovskii prospekt 2, at the intersection with the Fontanka canal and near the blue-domed church; the entrance is on Izmailovskii. It's easiest to taxi there along the Fontanka, but you can get there by foot in 15-20 minutes from Metro: Teknologicheskii Institut, walk west to Izmailovskii, then take a right to the canal.

Sadko's, the cheapest of the three restaurants in the Grand Hotel Europe, is St. Petersburg's yuppie American hangout. Inside it feels like Manhattan. The menu is chalked on blackboards, and parts of it vary daily. Main dishes, which vary daily, cost about $9.50-15; desserts (they have great cakes) go for $4-6. Beverages are expensive (Cokes, $3). Visa, MasterCard, and AmEx accepted. No non-smoking section. Live music every evening after about 9:00 or 10:00. Ask a lady at the bar what her name is, and she'll answer "$200." (Daily 12:00-1:00, last orders at 00:30; at the corner of Nevsky Prospekt and ulitsa Mikhailovskaya, almost across the street from Gostinii Dvor; tel. 329-6000 for reservations.)

Restaurant Tandoor serves normal Indian food near St. Isaac's Cathedral for about $15 per person. Service could be faster and portions larger, but for St. Petersburg it's not bad and the staff speaks English and accepts credit cards (Voznesenskii prospekt 2, at the corner of Admiralteiskii prospekt, tel. 312-3886, daily 12:00-23:00).

Carrols, Nevsky 45 at the corner of ulitsa Rubinshteina, serves the best fast food in the center — a burger, fries, and Coke for about $4. Another branch is at ulitsa Vosstaniya 3, near the Moscow Station (daily 9:00-23:00).

Count Suvorov is a not-bad place to get real Russian food for lunch in between a day's sightseeing. For about $12 you can get, for example, borscht, chicken Kiev, and your choice of "garnishes" (potato, cauliflower, or french fries) well-presented on big plates in this small modern restaurant near the south end of the Gostinii Dvor department store (ulitsa Lomonosova 6, tel. 315-4328, daily 12:00-24:00).

Kavkaz is a good Georgian restaurant which you should try if you won't make it to Moscow (see our Georgian food ordering guide in the Moscow section). A meal in the restaurant section will run you $15-20. There's also a cafe section (right on the corner of the street) with the same food for much lower prices (e.g. khachapuri costs less than a dollar for a quarter-pie). Avoid the "Georgian national soup" (khashi). Take the metro to Novocherkasskaya, then walk downhill towards the river and the bridge one block; it's on the far right corner (ulitsa Stakhanovtsev 5, tel. 221-4309, restaurant open daily 12:00-23:00, cafe Monday-Saturday 9:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-19:00).

In summer the Afrodite restaurant at Nevsky 86 runs a beer garden in its courtyard (go through the archway; daily 12:00-1:00).

La Cucuracha is a Mexican restaurant staffed by Cubans with $6 enchiladas (naberezhnaya Reki Fontanki 39, a block and a half south of Nevsky along the inner side of the Fontanka, tel. 110-4006, Sunday-Thursday 12:00-1:00, Friday-Saturday 12:00-5:00).

Bars: The St. Petersburg bar scene centers around Galernaya ulitsa, near St. Isaacs; Senat, at Galernaya 1, and Tribunal, at Senatskaya ploshchad 1, are two popular places.

Extra reading…



Ancient Beginnings

To understand the current processes of serving food, it’s necessary to look at how kitchens became what they are today and how cuisines (styles of cooking) developed. Cooking for large groups dates back to the kings and emperors of ancient Egypt, Persia, and Israel, who held feasts for sometimes thousands of guests. Large households required quality production for quantity consumption.

When Rome began to establish its empire, it adopted the foods, cooking, and culinary arts of the countries it conquered. Roman cooks were typically Grecian slaves who had a highly developed skill in cooking and cuisines, and therefore were in great demand. Foods were cooked over open fires in pots, and meats were roasted on spits. The head of the kitchen stood on a platform overseeing the work of the other slaves. The cuisine was highly spiced and heavy, consisting mainly of meats, fish, and poultry, as well as fruits and vegetables.

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