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3. A) Соотнесите претензии 1-8 с ответами a-h так, чтобы получились диалоги.

Example: 1 – d.

  1. Excuse me, we ordered our drinks 20 minutes ago.

  2. Excuse me, this steak is really overcooked. I asked for it medium-rare.

  3. Excuse me, we haven’t got any bread left.

  4. Excuse me, this coffee is too cold.

  5. Excuse me, it’s very noisy here. Can we go to somewhere quieter?

  6. Excuse me, this beer is flat.

  7. Excuse me, I think, my bill is wrong.

8. Excuse me, there is a lipstick on my glass.

  1. I’m sorry, madam. I’ll get you a hot one straight away.

  2. I’ll get you another immediately.

  3. My apologies, madam. I’ll ask the manager to check it.

  4. I’m sorry, we are short-staffed tonight. I’ll be with you in a moment.

  5. I’ll bring you some more right away.

  6. I’m sorry, madam. I’ll change it immediately.

  7. I’m sorry, sir. I’ll speak to the chef and bring you another one.

  8. One moment, sir. I’ll see if I can find another table.

b) Практикуйте диалоги в парах.

4. Завершите диалог предложениями a-d.

  1. I’m very sorry. We are short-staffed this afternoon.

  2. I’ll be right back with your starters and drinks.

  3. My apologies, sir. Would you like to order your drinks while you are waiting?

  4. Would you like some starters with your drinks?

Guest: Excuse me, we ordered our meal 20 minutes ago.

Waiter: ...............................................................................

Guest: Well, this is terrible service.

Waiter: .................................................................................

Guest: Yes, we’d like a bottle of house red wine and some still mineral water.

Waiter: ..................................................................................

Guest: Yes, please. Some garlic bread and oysters would be nice.

Waiter: .........................................................................................

Guest: Thank you.

5. Ответьте на претензию. Пользуйтесь образцом.

- My fork is dirty. (get/another)

- I’m sorry. I’ll get you another one straightaway.

  1. These vegetables are overcooked. (speak/bring/another)

  2. The wine is too sour. (check/ wine waiter)

  3. The meat is so tough that is difficult to cut. (get/another)

  4. This bread is really stale. ( get /fresh bread)

  5. The bill is huge! I haven’t had any wine! (the manager/check)

6. Прочитайте и переведите рассказ. Напишите свой рассказ о негативном опыте посещения ресторана или кафе.

A new restaurant opened in town last week, so I decided to go there to see what it was like. After a few minutes a waitress came over to the table and gave me a menu, but she wasn’t very friendly. I ordered chicken and chips. Half an hour later, the waitress brought the food. The chicken was tough, and it had a rather strange taste. The chips were even worse; they were half cold and very greasy. I couldn’t eat them at all.

I called the waitress and asked her to bring me the bill. The bill came to $42. I asked to see the manager. I told him that I thought $42 was too much for such a bad meal. I gave him $10, and then walked out of the restaurant. I’ll certainly never go that restaurant again.

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