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smacking - чмоканье

is considered - считается

society - общество

resound - звучать

burp - отрыжка

custom - обычай, традиция

acceptable - приемлемый

social occasion - общественное событие

appropriate - соответствующий; подходящий

behavior - поведение

keep in mind - помнить

prevail - преобладать, господствовать

keep abreast ofё - не отставать, идти в ногу с…

expert - опытный, искусный

In the following short paragraphs you will read about how to behave at the table, e. g. how to use a fork and knife, where to put used flatware, how to drink different beverages, where to put a napkin, etc.

When to Begin Eating

At a large banquet, each guest proceeds to eat when served. At small party, guests should wait until the hostess has been served and picks up a fork as a signal to begin eating.

proceed - продолжать делать что - либо

pick up - поднять

How to Use a Knife and Fork

In the American method, if you are right-handed, you cut the food with the fork in you left hand, lay the knife down, change the fork from the left to the right hand, and eat with the fork tines up. In the continental style, the forks stays in the left hand, tines down, and the knife stays in the right hand.

tine - острие вилки

lay - класть, положить

A – American style eating

B, C – European style eating

Where to Place Used Flatware

Used flatware should not be left on the table or in a cup of bowl. Place flatware on the plate so that it won’t slide off the plate as it is removed. Place the knife with the blade facing in and the fork to the left of the knife. For American style eating, leave the fork tines up; for continental style eating, leave the fork tines down. If soup is served in a large soup plate, you may leave the soup spoon in it. If you are served dessert in a stemmed glass on a service plate, leave the dessert spoon on the side of the plate. If a soup plate or sauce dish is used for dessert, you may leave the spoon in the dish.

slide off - соскользнуть

blade - лезвие

stemmed glass - бокал на ножке

Tipping a Dish

In order to enjoy the last spoonful of soup or dessert, you may tip the soup or dessert dish, as long as it is tipped away from you. Soup or bouillon served in a handled cup or very small Oriental – style bowl may be drunk instead of spooned. If there is food in the liquid, this should be spooned before you pick up the bowl to drink. Any food left in the bottom of the bowl should be spooned. Soup should be sipped, and care taken not to make slurping sounds.

tip - наклонять

instead of - вместо

sip - пить медленно, маленькими глотками

slurping sound - звук шумно втягиваемой жидкости

Beverages at the Table

Beverages should be sipped only after the mouth is empty and has been wiped with a napkin. Hot liquids should be tested by taking a careful sip from a spoon. Large stemmed glasses should be held with the thumb and first two fingers at the base of the bowl. Glasses with chilled white or rosé wine should be held by the stem so as not to warm the wine. Small stemmed glasses should be held by the stems. Hold a brandy snifter with both hands to warm the drink, and hold a tumbler by the base.

wipe - вытирать

thumb - большой палец руки

test - проверять

brandy snifter - стакан для бренди

tumbler - стакан

Handling the Napkin

Place the napkin on your lap as soon as you are seated (at a large banquet) or as soon as the hostess takes her napkin (at a small party). Luncheon napkins should be entirely open on your lap; dinner napkins should be folded in half lengthwise. Do not return your napkin to the table until you are finished with the entire meal or after – dinner coffee. When you are finished with the napkin, simply fold is casually and place it on the table.

lap - колени

entirely - полностью

fold - складывать

Jellies and Sauces

Mint jelly, currant jelly, horseradish, and cranberry sauce should be spooned onto the plate and pushed onto the fork with the meat or fowl. Liquid sauces should be poured directly over the food.

push (зд.) - макать

fowl - птица

Finger Bowls

Finger bowls are generally used only at formal meals or after eating semi – finger food such as lobster in the shell or steamed clams. To use a finger bowl, lightly dip the fingers of one hand, and then the other, in the water. Then quickly dry your fingers on you napkin in your lap. You can also touch your lips with your moistened fingers and pat the lips dry with you napkin. After you are finished with this, place your napkin to the left of your place at the table. Never give the impression that you are using the finger bowl for a serious cleaning.

clam - морской моллюск

dip - окунать

moisten - смачивать, увлажнять

pat - легко похлопывать

give the impression that - создавать впечатление, что…

Elbows on the Table

In the past, elbows and hands on the table were never permissible. Today, however, it is considered acceptable to put your elbows on the table between courses, but never while eating. You may also rest your hands on the table with your wrists leaning against the table’s edge. It is inappropriate to tap the table with the fingertips or to play with the flatware, dishes, or other table accessories. For good posture at a table, feet should be kept flat on the floor and the base of the spine against the back of the chair.

elbow - локоть

it is considered - считается

acceptable - приемлемый

rest your hands on - опереться руками о…

table accessories - столовые принадлежности

wrist - запястье

lean - прислоняться, опираться

edge - край

inappropriate - неуместный

tap - стучать, постукивать

posture - поза, положение

spine - позвоночник

Leaving the Table

Guests should not leave the table until the host or hostess leaves. Once they leave, everyone should follow. If, however, you suddenly feel ill or have an urgent need to visit the rest room, simply excuse yourself for a moment. You don’t need to apologize or make any excuses.

urgent - срочный

simply - просто need - необходимость

make excuses -объяснять причины, оправдываться

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