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5. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

родом из; крепленое вино; хорошо известное; такое как; улучшается; виноградники; юг; север; юго-западный; самые лучшие в мире; регион; также.

6. Соотнесите марку вина в колонке а со страной или регионом, где оно производится, в колонке в:

Example: 1. – d.


  1. Port a. France

  2. Sherry b. New Zealand

  3. Champagne c. Australia

  4. Sauvignon Blanc d. Portugal

  5. Frascati e. California

  6. Zinfandel f. Italy

  7. Chardonnay g. Spain

  8. Merlot h. Chile

7. Подчеркните верное по смыслу слово:

Example: 1 - south

1. South Africa produces wine in the Stellenbosch and Paarl vineyards in the south/ east of the country.

2. Rioja comes from an area west/ north of Madrid.

3. Portugal is most famous for port which comes from Porto in the north/south.

4. Champagne comes from a district east/west of Paris.

5. Further south-west/ south-east we have the Medoc, St. Emilion, and Graves wines of the Bordeaux region.

8. Заполните пропуски словами из текста:

Example: (1) - champagne

1. Champagne (1) is the famous sparkling wine produced east of Paris.

2. St. Emilion is also produced in ……… (2) in the …….. (3) region.

3. Two ……… (4) wines include Chianti from the Florence region and ……… (5) near Rome.

4. ……… (6) comes from Portugal and ……. (7) is from the south of this country.

9. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

Example: 1 – Port comes from Portugal.

1. Where does port come from?

2. Where is sherry produced?

3. Where is Rioja region?

4. Where is Bordeaux produced?

5. Where does Beaujolais come from?

6. Where is the Burgundy wine region?

7. Where is Champagne produced?

8. Where does Riesling come from?

9. Where is Chianti region?

10. Where is Frascati produced?


  1. Sherry is produce in Southern Spain.

  2. The Rioja region is north-east of Madrid.

  3. Bordeaux is produced in the south-west of France.

  4. Beaujolais comes from the east of France.

  5. The Burgundy wine region is in eastern France.

  6. Champagne is produced east of Paris.

  7. Riesling comes from western Germany.

  8. The Chianti region is south of Florence.

  9. Frascati is produced south-east of Rome.

Useful information about the wines. – Полезная информация о винах.

Прочитайте и постарайтесь запомнить:

Замерзший frozen

Согласно чему-то according to

Поздней сборки late-gathered

Марочное вино quality wine

Коллекционное superior quality wine

Высохший withered

10. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык. Какая важная информация о винах отсутствует в тексте? Дайте ответ на английском языке.

Wines are very popular all over the world. But what do you know their serving rules? What should a wine waiter know about them?

There are several rules you should remember:

  • White wine should be served at 8-10 C;

  • Red sweet wine should be served at 16-18 C;

  • Percentage of alcohol varies from 6,5 up to 10% by volume;

  • There are three categories of wine: table wine, quality wine and superior quality wine;

  • There are special laws governing wine:

  • Cultivation area;

  • Vintage year;

  • Detailed mark of origin;

  • Percentage of alcohol;

  • Official registration number

Ответ: не указано –

  • Rose wine should be served at 8-10 C;

- type of wine;

- quality;

- taste (dry, medium, sweet);

- wine producer

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