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Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers.

  1. How many colours are there in the rainbow?

  2. What is your favourite colour?

  3. Do you know what are primary and secondary colours?

  4. What colours are the rooms in your house painted?

  5. Do you associate colours with certain qualities or situations?


L isten to the text

R ead and translate it

Color Psychology and Graphic Design

Colors have psychological impacts, they are attributes of eyes, but are the chemistry of the mind. Colors are perceived though pupils and its effects are produced with associated nerves to the brain neurons.

Light reflecting through objects in different wavelengths and frequency stimulates different "cones" or color receptor cells of the retina in the eyes and makes perception possible for different colors.

Colors influence people through psychological changes and are associated with certain feelings and meanings. Colors exist everywhere else, it is omnipresent.

Colors represent cultural, social customs and emotional values and its use in arts, printing, designing, websites, graphics, etc. - these days are unavoidable.

Choosing proper color is an essential constituent for your website and its graphics; as visitors to your website first encounter colors and graphics before they read your textual descriptions.

Colors are used in website design and graphic design for various forms; use of colors can be for backgrounds, navigation, logos, and navigation buttons to emphasize, highlight, symbolize your text description and outlining your site.

Despite the fact that your website is enhanced and fabricated with textual and graphical design, if you are using the wrong color combinations, then you are annoying your own visitors rather appealing them.

As a result, to attract your customers, it is important to understand psychological behavior of your customers to your websites chromatics. The use of wrong colors results in the wrong impression.

Below are the details for color interpreted through different professions, culture, and physiology science;

Red: Red is a color of intensity, stimulants, love, gaudiness, blood, war, excitement, speed, heat, leadership, masculinity, power, passion, strength, energy, financial loss, Danger, fire, radicalism, aggression, stop, anger, and revolution.

Blue: Blue is a color of peace, unity, harmony, depression, coldness, ice, tackiness, winter tranquility, calmness, coolness, confidence, water, ice, loyalty, conservatism, dependability, cleanliness, technology, winter, idealism, and obscenity.

White: White a color of peace, innocence, cleanliness, simplicity, security, humility, sterility, winter, reverence, purity, coldness, surrender, cowardice, and fearfulness.

Black: Black is a color of power, sophistication, Evil, death, fear, anonymity, anger, sadness, mystery, formality, elegance, wealth, style, remorse, mourning, and unhappiness.

Green: Green is a color of nature, spring, good luck, illness, greed, vigor, generosity, go, grass, wealth, money, fertility, youth, environment, envy, misfortune, jealousy, aggression, and inexperience.

Purple: Purple is a color of spirituality, royalty, nobility, enlightenment, sensuality, creativity, wealth, gaudiness, ceremony, mystery, wisdom, mourning, profanity, exaggeration, confusion, arrogance, and flamboyance.

Brown: Brown is a color of richness, stability, anachronism, dirt, dullness, filth, heaviness, poverty, roughness tradition, calm, depth, natural organisms, and nature.

Yellow: Yellow is the color of joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, gold, summer, hope, air, sunlight, hazards, dishonesty, avarice, weakness, cowardice, and illness.

Orange: Orange is a color of energy, flamboyance, сталкиваются, balance, heat, fire, enthusiasm, overemotional, warning, danger, fire, aggression, arrogance, flamboyance, and gaudiness.

Even choosing color is a professional skill in graphic design business, as it is not only just the colors, but are the color that stimulates the mind of your viewers. Graphic designs inevitably comes with colors, and selecting the best ones for your business is an expertise.

Author: Bharat Bista

II. Vocabulary

  1. to encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə ]

I happened to encounter her in the back corridor.

  1. background [ˈbækˌɡraʊnd]

Try not to make the background too dark

  1. to emphasize [ˈemfəsaɪz ]

She emphasized its importance to me

  1. to highlight [ˈhaɪˌlaɪt ]

When you’re working on a window, its title bar is highlighted

  1. to outlinе [ˈaʊtlaɪn]

It should outline a shared vision for the future

  1. to enhance [ ɪnˈhɑːns]

This trend really enhances the quality of life.

  1. to attract [əˈtrækt]

He shouted to attract attention.

  1. leadership [ˈliːdəʃɪp]

His latest book is simply titled Leadership.

  1. confidence [ˈkɒnfɪdəns]

May the New Year bring to our home peace, rest and confidence in the day coming!

  1. sophistication [səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃn]

A man of his education, sophistication, should not be reduced to killing the food he ate.

  1. security [sɪˈkjʊərəti]

Computer security is a very hot topic

  1. remorse [rɪˈmɔːs]

Now she felt no sorrow or remorse, no fear or amazement.

  1. mourning [ˈmɔːnɪŋ]

But the mourning was not for long

  1. vigor /vigour [ˈvɪɡə]

Their parents were of unusual vigour

  1. nobility [nəʊˈbɪləti]

I love you for your culture and nobility of soul.

  1. enlightenment [ɪnˈlaɪtnmənt]

The center of intellectual enlightenment had moved to the great Library of Alexandria.

  1. hazard [ˈhæzəd]

Computer monitor is a source of serious hazard to eyes

  1. value [ˈvæljuː]

Colors represent cultural, social customs and emotional values


Я как‑то столкнулся с ней в служебном коридоре.


Фон не должен быть слишком темным

подчёркивать, акцентировать

Она подчеркнула, как это важно для меня.


Когда вы работаете с окном, его строка заголовка подсвечивается.

отражать, обрисовать

В нем должны быть отражены общие взгляды на будущее

усиливать, улучшать

Эта тенденция действительно улучшает качество жизни.


Он закричал, чтобы обратить на себя внимание.


Его последняя книга называется просто «Лидерство».


Пусть вместе с Новым годом в наши дома придут мир, покой и уверенность в завтрашнем дне!

изысканность, утончённость

Человек образованный и утонченный, он никогда бы не опустился до такой степени, чтобы есть то, что он сам и убивал.


Компьютерная безопасность представляет собой тему, которой посвящено очень много исследований

угрызения совести; раскаяние; сожаление. Ни горя, ни угрызений совести, ни страха, ни удивления она больше не чувствовала.

грусть, печаль, скорбь, траур

Но траур не мог длиться долго

сила, энергия, энергичность Их родители отличались необычайной энергией

благородство, великодушие; величие (ума, поступков) Я люблю вас за образованность и благородство души.


Центр интеллектуальной жизни и просвещения уже переместился в великую Александрийскую библиотеку.

риск, опасность

Монитор компьютера является источником повышенной опасности для глаз

ценность Цвета представляют культурные, социальные традиции /обычаи и эмоциональные ценности.

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