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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. Do you have a bank account? Why do people have bank accounts?

    2. What are two reasons for saving money in a bank account?

    3. What happens to the money that people deposit in their bank accounts?

    4. How does a bank help people transfer money securely?

    5. Banks store and lend money. Do they do anything else for their customers?

    6. Which is safer for you; to have cash in your pocket or to have a credit card?

    7. How do people withdraw money from their credit cards?

6.3 Translate the sentences into English:

    1. Хранить деньги дома – ненадежно, т.к. вас могут ограбить, а также деньги со временем теряют свою стоимость.

    2. Деньги на банковском счете приносят проценты.

    3. Предприятия и частные лица кладут деньги на счет в том банке, которому они доверяют.

    4. Вместо бумажных банкнот и монет люди используют кредитные карты.

    5. С кредитной карты можно снять наличные деньги через банкоматы в любое время дня и ночи.

    6. Банки живут за счет того, что берут проценты с кредитов.

    7. Процентная ставка, которую банки взимают с заемщиков и предлагают вкладчикам, разная. Вот как банки зарабатывают деньги.

    8. Деньги, которые люди кладут в банк, не находятся там. Они выдаются заемщикам.

    9. Определенное количество денег остается в банке. Эти деньги – резерв.

    10. Цифра резерва (например 20% всех вкладов) устанавливается центральным банком. Так правительство контролирует количество денег, обращающихся в экономике.

Revision II ( texts 5 and 6 )

1 Circle the word in each group which does not fit.

  1. kinds of money: fiat, commodity, fake (counterfeit), intrinsic

  2. things you can do in a bank: deposit, barter, borrow, make a withdrawal

  3. words for money: cash, currency, customers, coins, notes

  4. what we do with money: borrow, lend, withdraw, guarantee, keep, pay

  5. banks can be: state, private, savings, percentage

  6. clients in a bank are: account, customers, borrowers, savers

2 Give the right word for these definitions.

  1. the money that a bank keeps in its account at the central bank - …

  2. the cost of borrowing money - …

  3. money in your pockets: coins and notes - …

  4. you can make a withdrawal of money from it day and night - …

  5. if money easily circulates in economy, it has - …

  6. salt makes food tasty, it has … value

  7. a person doesn’t pay back the money he/she borrowed from a bank, so he/she - …

3 Translate the following sentences.

  1. Before the use of money, which is taken for granted by people today, the basic system of payment was swapping or bartering.

  2. The first commodity money was metal, salt and other valuable commodities. Such money lacked liquidity, that is the ability to circulate freely, but it stored value.

  3. Fiat money does not have any intrinsic value, but only represents value.

  4. If you save money, you put it in a box under your bed, which is unsafe and unreasonable, or you may put it in a bank account. The money in an account earns interest.

  5. The main service which any bank provides to its customers is lending money. Banks are the most reliable lenders.

  6. If a client defaults on a loan, the bank uses interest to cover the losses. Though most clients pay back their loans, interest serves as a form of security.

  7. A bank’s clients can make withdrawals at any time, as any bank keeps some percentage of the savings received from its clients as the reserve.