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Структура предложения

11. В английском простом утвердительном предложении существует строгий порядок членов предложения.


подле сказуемое дополнение обстоятель

жащее ства

We signed a contract on Monday.

Мы подписали контракт в понедельник.

Иногда обстоятельства ставятся перед подлежащим.

The next day I made a loan of 2 mln pounds.

На следующий день я взял ссуду 2млн. фунтов стерлингов.

Подлежащее бывает простым, состоящим из одной группы существительного или личного местоимения/I-я;he-он;she-она;it-он, она, оно;we-мы;you-ты, вы;they-они/, и распространённым, состоящим из нескольких групп существительного. Это правило распространяется на дополнения и обстоятельства.

Our students study economics at the Academy.

Наши слушатели изучают экономику в академии .

(подлежащее, дополнение и обстоятельства простые).

Students of the first year study general and special subjects at the Finance-Law Academy.

Слушатели первого курса изучают общие и специальные предметы в финансово-юридической академии. (распространенные).

Упр.11 . Проанализируйте подлежащее и скажите, в каких предложениях оно простое, а в каких распространённое. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I was born in 1970 in Moscow in the family of an employee. 2. People do different types of business for a profit. 3. A limited liability company or a corporation is headed by the board of directors. 4. They are responsible for the management of a company`s affairs. 5. The company secretary may also deal with enquiries for information concerning other firms. 6. The information given by the candidate will be helpful in assessing (оценка) the candidate`s suitability for the post. 7. An inflationary development is characterized by rising prices within a certain period of time. 8. He or she may be one of the directors of the company. 9. Financial planning begins with the establishment of goals and objectives. 10. A manager must be professionally well educated and be competent in the field of psychology, sociology, management, economics and modern type of business running (управление) policy.

12. Некоторые предложения бывают безличными. В них нет конкретного действующего лица. Обычно предложения такого типа начинаются с местоимения «it», за которым следует глагол «to be» в личной форме + прилагательное или причастие II. В таких предложениях «it is/was не переводится, а прилагательное или причастие II переводятся наречием, кратким причастием или оборотом типа «говорят, считают» и т.д.

It’s necessery to know how to apply this knowledge.

Необходимо знать, как применять эти знания.

Упр. 12. Переведите следующие безличные предложения.

1. It is quite normal for the candidate to be interviewed by more than one person. 2. It is impossible to manage a business operation without accurate and timely accounting information. 3. It is necessary for banks today to handle many aspects of commercial transactions. 4. It is good for bankers to become computer literate(грамотный) and telecommunications friendly. 5. It is well to remember that assets of a company are not just cash funds. 6. It is clear that he is a good specialist. 7. It is better to have a little than nothing/Syrys P/. 8. It’s easy to be brave from a safe distance/Aesop/. 9. It is especially important for top managers to have an analytic skill.10. It is common knowledge that doing business has become very popular everywhere.

Упр. 13. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


Mr John Turner is 30. He is married and he has got his own family. He has a wife, a daughter and a son. His wife is an economist. Her name is Jane. The names of their children are Kate and Peter. They live in a small house in Greenwood. Greenwood is a small place not far from London.

John works in London. He is the manager of a big trade firm. His firm sells the goods to various countries. In the morning he always goes to his office in London on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He doesn`t go to his office on Saturday and Sunday. These are his days-off.

John frequently meets the representatives of English and French firms. They discuss the prices, terms of payment and delivery. He begins his working day at 9. Every morning John first looks through fresh newspapers. He takes much interest in the latest political and business news. Sometimes John goes to different cities to discuss business with their customers. He is a very busy man. He always has a lot of work. He looks through mail, reads telegrams and letters, speaks on the phone with the customers. He also makes appointments with his business partners.

At twelve he has lunch. After lunch he sometimes stays in the office and discusses business matters with director or customers. He finishes his working day at 6 o`clock in the evening. He usually comes home at 7.

Linda Foster is a secretary to Mr John Turner. Her office is not large. She has got a computer, a fax and a telephone on her desk. Linda comes to her office at nine every morning from Monday to Friday. At the beginning of her working day Linda usually looks though the mail. She receives both snail-mail and e-mail. At 11 o`clock she comes into her manager`s office with the letters and telegrams. The manager reads them and gives answers to the letters. Linda writes everything in her book and goes to her office. There she types the answers on her computer. She also receives and sends e-mail correspondence.

In the afternoon Linda usually has lunch at the office but sometimes she has lunch at the café with her friend Alex. She stays in the office till 6. In the evening Linda has her French lessons. She learns French for two years already. Linda wants to know French well because she wants to work with French firms and customers.


  1. own - собственный

  2. trade firm - торговая фирма

  3. frequently - часто

  4. customer - клиент, заказчик

  5. representatives - представители

  6. prices - цены

  7. terms of payment - условия платежа

  8. delivery - доставка

  9. look through - просматривать

  10. discuss business - обсуждать деловые вопросы

  11. business matters - дела, деловые вопросы

  12. take interest in - интересоваться

  13. speak on the phone - говорить по телефону

  14. make appointment - назначать встречу

  15. business partners - деловые партнеры

  16. inspector - приемщик

  17. mail - почта

  18. snail-mail - обычная почта (snail - улитка)

Упр. 14. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Is John Turner married?

  2. How ojd is he?

  3. Has he got his own family?

  4. What is his wife`s profession?

  5. What are the names of their children?

  6. Where do they live?

  7. What is John Turner`s profession?

  8. What does his firm sell?

  9. What are John Turner`s working days?

  10. What are John Turner`s days-off?

  11. What does he do during his working day?

  12. What is Linda Foster?

  13. What does she do during her working day?

  14. What does she learn French for?

Упр.15. Переведите на английский язык:

Зимин - менеджер. Он работает в торговой фирме. Его фирма продает товары в различные страны. Зимин часто встречается с представителями английских и французских фирм. Они обсуждают цены, условия платежа и поставки. Зимин начинает свой рабочий день в 9 часов утра. У него всегда много работы: он просматривает почту, читает телеграммы и письма, говорит по телефону с заказчиками. В одиннадцать у него обед. После обеда он остается в офисе и обсуждает деловые вопросы с инженерами или директором. Зимин заканчивает свой рабочий день в 6 часов. Он обычно приходит домой в 7.