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Test 9 computers

Заполните пропуски подходящими вариантами.

1. How are you getting on ......... your new computer?

(a)  at

(b)  with

(c)  by

(d)  for

2. Not too bad but sometimes I just can't get the ......... of it.

(a)  drop

(b)  fall

(c)  hang

(d)  secret

3. Do you mean it drives you .........?

(a) nervous

(b) mad

(d) crazy

(c) out of senses

4. Well, not that often but there are things that completely ......... me.

(a)  disorganize

(b)  mystery

(c)  confuse

(d)  mystify

5. What sort of things do you have in .........?

(a)  thought

(b)  mind

(c)  idea

(d)  think

6. Well, take the times when everything ..........

(a)  frozen

(b)  freezing

(c)  freezes

(d)  frees

7. Yes, I know what you mean that's when you'd like to smash it to ..........

(a)  pieces

(b)  piece

(c)  peace

(d)  peaces

8. Never mind, just think of all the ......... you get from having it.

(a)  beneficiaries

(b)  benefit

(c)  benefits

(d)  benefited

9. Personally I'm looking forward to my holidays when I'll be ......... of it for two weeks!

(a)  free

(b)  freer

(c)  freedom

(d)  freed

Test 10 speaking on the phone

Part 1

Заполните пропуски подходящими вариантами.

- Mr. Jackson, hello. This is Dan Brown ………(1) (here, there, over here). I'm very sorry, but we've got a problem on Wednesday. Could we ……… (2) (update, exchange, change) the date of our meeting?

- Yes, of course. Would you like to ……… (3) (prolong, postpone, keep back) our meeting or ……… (4) (take it, put it, bring it) forward? I’d rather not ……… (5) (finish, stop, cancel) it.

- I think we should definitely meet. Would it be possible to meet ……… (6) (in, at, by) the weekend?

- No, this weekend isn't possible, I’m afraid. But I have time on Thursday ……… (7) (on, in, at) noon and ……… (8) (on, in, at) Friday evening.

- Well, for me it would be convenient to meet on Friday. I'll arrive ……… (9) (to, in, at) London tomorrow. I`ll ……… (10) (support, accept, confirm) my arrival by a phone call. - Deal, Mr. May. So see you this Friday evening. Have a nice flight. - See you soon Mr. Brown. Good bye.

Test 11 speaking on the phone

Part 2

Отметьте подходящий вариант, которым можно заменить выделенные слова/фразы.


1. A: Hello, Dave! How`s life? How about going to the cinema tomorrow?

(a) What about

(b)Where about

(c)When about

2. B: Hm, tomorrow? Let me think. At what time? A: At 12 o`clock exactly.

(a) smart

(b) harp

(c) sharp

3. A: I'm sorry, I can't be there at 12 o`clock. I've got something else planned.

(a) do it

(b) make it

(c) have it

4. B: Well, is 3 p.m. OK? A: Yeah, that sounds OK to me.

(a) that’s fine of

(b) that’s fine from

(c) that’s fine with

5. B: Right, I look forward to seeing you. A: Yes, see you in a very short time.

(a) soon

(b) moon

(c) spoon

6. C: Mr. Taylor, this is Brian May. I'm phoning to ask you if it would be possible for us to meet? D: Yes, sure. I would be glad to meet you.

(a) teased

(b) happy

(c) pleased

7. Why don’t we set an appointment right now?

(a) mend

(b) repair

(c) fix

8. C: Would Tuesday evening satisfy you?

(a) suit

(b) fit

(c) match

9. D: Tuesday evening? Just a moment, I need to consult my diary.

(a) check

(b) scan

(c) study

10. No, I'm sorry. I have another meeting at this time. And shall we stop on Tuesday afternoon?

(a) tell

(b) talk

(c) say C: Tuesday afternoon? Yes, that` s fine. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

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