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Dialogue 6 drawing and withdrawing money from the account

- Good morning.

- Good morning, sir.

- I’d like to take out some money, please.

- Certainly, sir. Do you know the number of your account?

- No. I’m not sure of it.

- What’s your name?

- Klaus Bright.

- Is it a checking account?

- Well, I’ve got a checking account and a savings account.

- And which account would you like to draw on?

- I’d like two hundred dollars from my checking account.

- I’ll just check the number, sir. It’s 53.875, sir. Could you sign here, please… and here. Thank you. One moment, please, sir. How would you like it, sir?

- Two bills of a hundred, please. Thank you. Good morning.

The words to be introduced and checked by the teacher:

checking account - специальный счет, с которого снимаются деньги по чекам клиента; счет, позволяющий в любой момент вносить и снимать деньги (до востребования)

savings account - депозит, депозитный счет; сберегательный счет

Syn: deposit account

balance account - балансовый счет, счет платежного баланса

private account - счет частного лица или фирмы

correspondent account - корреспондентский счет (мелкого банка в крупном)

draw on – снимать со счёта (деньги)

bill - банкнота, купюра

bank note – банкнота

note –банкнота, банковый билет

cash - наличные деньги, наличный расчет

Dialogue 7 changing foreign currency Part 1

- Good afternoon.

- Good afternoon, sir.

-I’ve just arrived from Boston and I’ve got some foreign currency. I’d like to change it into roubles. Is that possible?

- We can take the bank notes but I’m afraid we can’t take the small change.

- Then could you change these notes, please?

- Certainly, sir. I’ll just check the exchange rates.

The words to be introduced and checked by the teacher:

currency – валюта

bank note – банкнот

note - банкнота, банковый билет

small change - мелкие деньги, мелочь; разменная монета

exchange rate - валютный курс

extra - добавочный, дополнительный; лишний

cash - наличные деньги, наличный расчет

coin - монета, мелкая монета, разменная монета

interest - проценты (на капитал)

Dialogue 8 changing foreign currency Part 2

- Good morning.

- Good morning, sir.

- I’ve just come back from a trip to Russia and I’d like to change on these roubles, please.

- We can change but I’m afraid we can pay a very low rate of exchange on Russian currency, sir.

- Oh, that doesn’t matter. I can’t use them anyway.

- All right, sir. Just one moment, please.

The words to be introduced and checked by the teacher:

rate of exchange - валютный курс

Oh, that doesnt not matter at all. – О, это не имеет никакого значения!

Dialogue 9 computers

- How are you getting on with your new computer?

- Not too bad but sometimes I just can't get the hang of it.

- Do you mean it drives you out of senses?

- Well, not that often but there are things that completely mystify me.

- What sort of things do you have in mind?

- Well, take the times when everything freezes.

- Yes, I know what you mean that's when you'd like to smash it to pieces.

- Never mind, just think of all the benefits you get from having it.

- Personally I'm looking forward to my holidays when I'll be free of it for two weeks!

The words to be introduced and checked by the teacher:

to get on – делать успехи, преуспевать

to get the hang ofразг. научиться, натаскаться (делать что-л.); раскусить, понять (секрет кого-л., какой-л. профессии, занятия, устройства чего-л. и т. п.)

to drive out of senses - сводить с ума

to mystify - озадачивать; вводить в заблуждение; смущать, ставить в тупик, сбивать с толку

to freeze – зависать, виснуть (о компьютере)

to smash to pieces - разбить вдребезги

benefits – выгоды, полезный результат

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