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Робоча програма фантастика +Практичні.rtf
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The theme #7: william tenn (1920-2010) – author of and humor stories

Task: 1) Read the story «Betelgeuse Bridge» and find out science-fiction and humour elements;

2) Make up 10 questions to the novella «Betelgeuse Bridge».


1. William Tenn is one of the authors of science fiction novellas and comic stories of XX century.

2. The novella «Betelgeuse Bridge».

3. Linear feature story. The philosophical, psychological and satirical elements in the text. Characteristics of aliens-shaped snails that landed on the Earth and their language and manner of communication.

4. The main invention newcomers – revitalizator which prolongs the life by five times longer.

5. The sudden ending of the story: a rhetorical question why revitalizator are stopped to work.


  1. Suvin, Darko. Victorian Science Fiction in the UK: The Discourses of Knowledge and of Power. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1983.

  2. Suvin, Darko. Metamorphoses of Science Fiction. On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979.

  3. Tenn William. Betelgeuse Bridge. / William Tenn // Science fiction. Selected stories. – Харків : Ранок-НТ. – С. 112-136.

  4. Дрьомов А.К. Мистецтво художньо-наукової фантастики: До проблеми жанру // Радянське літературознавство. - 1984. - № 8. - С. 30-36.

  5. Зинченко В.П. Время - действующее лицо // Вопросы психологии. - 2001. - № 6. - С. 36-54.

  6. Катеринчук Н. Чим людина відрізняється від робота? Два уроки з А.Азімовим. 7 кл .// Всесвітня література і культура в навчальних закладах України. - 2001. - № 12. - С 27-31.

The theme #8: larry niven - American author of Natural Sciences and Science Fiction

Task: 1) Read the story “Neutron star”;

2) Make the cross-word to the text “Neutron star”.


1. American science fiction writer Laurence van Cott Niven. His aesthetic views.

2. Fictional universe of "known space".

3. Its Natural science fiction, combining the principles of serious scientific and theoretical speculation, detective and adventure elements.

4. The story “Neutron star”. The description of outer life in the text.

4.1. Artistic images: neutron star BVS-1, wirepuller – Head of regional branch of “General Products” former space shuttle pilot “Nakamura Lines” Biovulf Schaeffer.

4.2. The manner of narration in the story. The description of main characters and the end of the text.


  1. Moskowitz, Sam. Explorers of the Infinite: Shapers of Science Fiction. Cleveland: World, 1963.

  2. Mullen, R.D and Darlco, S. Science-Fiction Studies: Selected Articles on Science Fiction 1976-1977. Boston: Gregg, 1978.

  3. Niven Larry. Neutron star / Larry Niven // Science fiction. Selected stories. – Харків : Ранок-НТ. 2002. – С. 136-160.

  4. Sawyer, Andy and Seed, David eds. Speaking Science Fiction: Dialogues and Interpretations. Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press, 2000.

  5. Волков А.Р. Часове перенесення із теперішнього в минуле (проблема-мотив-прийом) // Поетика. - К., 1992. – С 42-58.