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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное агентство по образованию


Инженерно-экономический институт

Кафедра экономики

В.Е. Приходский


Учебное пособие на английском языке для студентов специальности «Мировая экономика»



УДК _______ Рассмотрено на заседании кафедры экономики,

протокол № ___ от «___»___________ 2009 г.

Одобрено УМС ЧГУ,

протокол № ___ от «___»___________ 2009 г.

Приходский В.Е. Маркетинг (на английском языке). Учеб. пособие. – Череповец: ЧГУ, 2009. – 121 с. – ISBN ____________.

Учебное пособие «Маркетинг» (на английском языке) предназначено для овладения будущими экономистами основными понятиями маркетинга, а также практикой анализа, планирования, организации и мониторинга маркетинговой деятельности предприятия.

Научный редактор: З.М. Магрупова, канд. экон. наук, доцент (ЧГУ);

Рецензенты: В.Б. Мишин, канд. экон. наук, доцент (ВоГТУ)

С.А. Биглер, доцент каф. мир. экон. (ЧГУ)

© ГОУ ВПО «Череповецкий

государственный университет», 2009

ISBN ____________



1. The Principles and Functions of Marketing 14

Introduction: Develop and review a framework for marketing 14

1.1. What is marketing? 17

1.2. The objectives of marketing 21

1.3. Implementing the marketing mix 23

Test Questions 28

2. Market Research 31

Introduction 31

2.1. What is market research? 34

2.2. Sources of marketing information 37

2.3. Primary research 39

2.4. Market changes 43

Test Questions 45

Case Study ‘Sun Rush’ 47


Introduction 50

3.1. Kotler’s five ‘levels’ of product benefit 51

3.2. The product life cycle 54

3.3. New product development 58

3.4. Product portfolio theory 61

4. Pricing Decisions and Strategies 67

4.1. The Pricing Decision 67

4.2. Cost-Based Pricing 69

4.3. Market-Based Pricing 74

4.4. Competition-Based Pricing 76

4.5. Problems with Demand- and Competition-Based Pricing 77

Test Questions 77

Case Study ‘What Price Promotion?’ 79

5. Customer Service and Sales Methods 81

Introduction 81

5.1. ‘The customer is always right’ 88

5.2. Placing the product – distribution 91

5.3. Closing the sale 97

Test Questions 102

Case Study ‘Company Handbook’ 104

6. Marketing Communications 106

6.1. Targeting an audience 106

6.2. How to reach a target audience 109

6.3. Marketing communications performance 113

6.4. Guidelines and controls on marketing communications 114

Test Questions 116

Case Study ‘Marketing Communication’ 119



The objective of this course is to form students’ competences (knowledge, understanding and skills) for the company’s marketing activity. The course presents the main ideas of marketing, their socio-economic nature, approaches to planning and implementation of marketing activities.

The course is aimed at mastering marketing management, which means that the students are to become competent specialists in:

  • acquiring systemic occupational knowledge;

  • solving occupational problems;

  • social interacting (social competences, ability to effectively participate in solving professional and personal problems and conflicts, as well as ability to achieve one’s goals in the conditions of social interaction).

The concept of this course requires that theoretical knowledge should be presented on the basis of best Russian and international practices, that skills be formed on the basis of knowledge and understanding using proactive methods of teaching and learning, that student fulfill complex practical tasks in working out marketing strategies and tactics for real firms.

The final goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge and understanding of organizing and using marketing, with skills necessary to carry out effective marketing in close cooperation with other units of the firm.

The course requires that the students:

Know and understand

  • Essence of marketing and peculiarities of marketing approach compared to other approaches in managing a company

  • Peculiarities of marketing environment

  • Main methods and frameworks of market research

  • Main methods and problems of product quality assurance

  • Methods of pricing

  • Distribution channels and criteria of their choice

  • Methods of marketing communications and peculiarities of their usage

  • Organisational structures of marketing and methods of marketing control

  • New marketing priorities and management technologies

Have skills in

  • Identifying company’s key features and defining its product boundaries

  • Carrying out systemic analysis of marketing problems

  • Planning market research, designing questionnaires and observations, conducting panel (focus-group) discussions and customer interviews, observing sale chains

  • Using main methods of data analysis

  • Using main models of strategic market analysis (Ansoff’s, Porter’s, BCG’s);

  • Using methods of search for and selection of ideas for improving the product, methods of making product range and line decisions

  • Using methods of cost-based and market-based and competition-base pricing

  • Using various criteria for choosing distribution channels

  • Planning advertising programmes, choosing advertising media and developing direct advertising

  • Developing measures to improve product and firm competitiveness

  • Keeping and improving firm’s competitive advantages

Questions for the final exam

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