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тесты 2 курс eng - копия_06102012.docx
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12. On a forearm apply a bandage:

* the circular

* bandage Dezo

* spiral bandage

* as the turtle

* spike-shaped

! On an elbow apply a bandage:

* the circular

* bandage Misinformation

* spiral bandage

* as the turtle

* kolosovidny.

! On upper arm apply a bandage:

* the circular

* bandage Dezo

* spiral bandage

* as the turtle

* spike-shaped

! Usually T -shaped it is imposed on:

* on a perineum

* on an extremity

* on a basin

* everything is true

* everything is incorrect

! The bandage Dezo is imposed at fracture:

* elbow

* clavicles

* shank

* femurs

* basin

! What bandage is imposed at getting wound of a thorax:

* the wadded and gauze

* the air-tight

* spike-shaped

* all above-mentioned

* any of the listed

! The bandage is imposed with:

* two arms

* left arm

* right arm

* has no value

* everything is true

! The spiral bandage is imposed:

а) from below up

* from top to down

* from right to left

* from left to right

* everything is true

! To begin applying of bandage it is necessary from that place, where diameter of a surface extremity:

* from less diameter to bigger

* from bigger diameter to less

* from left to right

*from right to left

* on the middle of extremity

! Apply a bandage on a head:

* the circular

* bandage Dezo

* spiral bandage

* as the turtle

* cap


! Reanimation it:

* the section of clinical medicine studying terminal states

* unit of a multi-field hospital

* the practical actions referred on restoration of vital activity

* the section of clinical medicine studying an intensive care

* all above-mentioned

! Reanimation are obliged to carry out:

* only doctors and nurses of intensive care units

* all experts having medical education

* all adult population

* rescuers

* all above-mentioned

! Reanimation is shown:

* in each case of death of the patient

* only at sudden death of young patients and children

* at suddenly developed terminal states

* in all listed cases

* in one of in each case of death of the patient

! Three main signs of clinical death are:

* cyanosis, absence of consciousness, expansion of pupils

* absence of pulse, cyanosis, absence of consciousness

* absence of pulse, consciousness and respiration

* absence of consciousness, expansion of pupils, absence of respiration

* absence of respiration, absence of consciousness, expansion of pupils

* all above-mentioned

5. The maximum duration of clinical death in usual conditions makes:

* 10-15 min

* 5-6 min

* 2-3 min

* 1-2 min

* 6-8 min

! Artificial cooling of head (kraniogipotermiya):

* accelerates offensive of biological death

* slows down offensive of biological death

* doesn't render influence on offensive of biological death

*accelerates offensive of clinical death

* slows down offensive of clinical death

! An extreme symptom of biological death is:

* cornea opacification

* cadaveric spasm

* livor mortis

* expansion of pupils

* deformation of pupils

! The insufflations of air and thorax compression at the reanimation which is carried out by one resuscitator, are carried out in the ratio:

* 2: 12-15

* 1: 4-5

* 1: 15

* 2: 10-12

* 2: 30

! The insufflate of air and thorax compression at the reanimation which is carried out by two resuscitators, are carried out in the ratio:

* 2: 12-15

* 1: 4-5

* 1: 15

* 2: 10-12

* 2: 30

! The indirect cardiac massage is carried out:

* on a border of the top and middle third of a breast bone

* on a border of an average third and low third of a breast bone

* on 1 cm above a xiphoid process

* on 1 cm lower a xiphoid process

* on the right of a breast bone

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