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Control: Tests

!Three main preventive antishock actions at patients with traumas

* introduction of vasoconstrictive preparations, stopping of external bleedings, oxygen inhalation

* oxygen inhalation, anesthesia, introduction of vasoconstrictive preparations

* anesthesia, stopping of external bleedings, immobilization of fractures

* stopping of external bleedings, oxygen inhalation, introduction of vasoconstrictive preparations

* immobilization of fractures, introduction of vasoconstriction preparations, anesthesia

! Absolute signs of fractures of bones treat:

* pathological mobility, shorting or extremity deformation, bone crepitation

* a hemorrhage in a trauma zone, an osseous crepitating, a morbid tumescence in a trauma zone

* shorting or extremity deformation, pathological mobility

* an osseous crepitating, a morbid tumescence in a trauma zone

* a morbid tumescence in a trauma zone, a shorting or extremity deformation

! Relative signs of fractures treat

* pain in a trauma zone, a morbid tumescence, a hemorrhage in a trauma zone

* a morbid tumescence, a hemorrhage in a trauma zone, a crepitating

* a hemorrhage in a trauma zone, a crepitating, pain in a trauma zone

* a crepitating, pain in a trauma zone, a shorting or extremity deformation

* a shorting or extremity deformation, a morbid tumescence, a hemorrhage in a trauma zone

! At fracture of bones of a forearm the splint is imposed:

* from a radio carpal joint to the top third of a brachium

* from finger-tips to the top third of a brachium

* from the basis of fingers to the top third of a brachium

* from the basis of fingers including a humeral joint

* from a radio carpal joint including a humeral joint

! At fracture of a humeral bone the splint is imposed:

* from fingers to a scapula from the sick party

* from fingers to a scapula from the healthy party

* from a radio carpal joint to a scapula from the healthy party

* from a radio carpal joint to a scapula from the sick party

* from a radio carpal joint to a humeral bone

! At open fractures the transport immobilization is carried out:

* first of all

* in the second turn after a bleeding stopping

*in the third turn after a stopping of bleeding and bandage applying

* it is not carried out

* after gypsum applying

! At fracture of bones of an shank the splint is imposed:

* from finger-tips to a knee

* from finger-tips to the top third of a femur

* from an ankle joint to the top third of a femur

* from an ankle joint to a knee

* from finger-tips to a hip joint

! At femur fracture the splint is imposed:

* from finger-tips to a hip joint

* from finger-tips to an axilla

* from the bottom third of an shank to an Achilles

* from finger-tips to the bottom third of an shank

* from the bottom third of an shank to a hip joint

! At fracture of ribs by optimum situation for the patient situation is:

* lying on a healthy side

* lying on a sick side

* sitting

* lying on a back

* lying on a stomach

! Absolute signs of getting wound of a thorax are:

* dyspnea

* paleness and cyanosis

* a wound gaping, air hum in a wound at an inspiration and an exhalation, a hypodermic emphysema

* air hum in a wound at an inspiration and an exhalation, a wound gaping, a dyspnea

* hypodermic emphysema, wound gaping, paleness and cyanosis

! Before a splinting it is necessary to make mild extension of an extremity with correction of an axis by the last:

* at the closed fractures

* at open fractures

* at brachium fracture

* at femur fractures

* at fractures

! Before applying the splint should be wound with a soft material:

* At the opened and closed fractures

* At the closed fractures

* At all fractures

* Don't carry out

* Carry out according to indications

! Before applying the splint should be model

* At the opened and closed fractures of extremities

* At the closed fractures

* At all fractures

* Don't carry out

* Carry out according to indications

! When it is necessary to set fragments acting in a wound?

* At open fractures

* At the closed fractures

* At all fractures

* Don't carry out

* Carry out according to indications

! Mesh splints are suitable for an immobilization:

* ossicles

* large bones

* hip joint,

* knee and injuries of a femur

* brachium

! Diterichs splint allows to make an immobilization and extension at damage:

* arms

* feet

* hip joint and femur

* basin

* brachium

! Direct indications for a splinting Diterichs are damages:

* hip joint and injury of a femur

* knee joint

* brachium

* brushes

* shanks

! Scalene splints treat:

* Kramer's splints

* splints Diterikhsa

* Shants's splints

* all listed

* the mesh

! At damage of cervical department it is applied:

* splint Diterichs

* Kramer's splint

* Shants's splint

* all listed

* the mesh

! Transport splints should provide an immobilization besides the damaged segment of an extremity at least:

* two adjacent joints

* three adjacent joints

* one joint

* any joint

* four adjacent joints

! What splints it is used at fractures of extremities:

* Kramer's splints and Diterikhs’s splint

* Diterikhs’s splints

* Shants's splints

* all listed

* the mesh

! At fracture of a hip joint and a femur mobil:

* Kramer's splints

* Diterikhs’s splints

* Shants's splints

* all listed

* the mesh

! At what fracture by optimum situation for the patient situation is sitting:

* at fracture of ribs

* at fracture of a fibular bone

* at fracture of a tibia bone

* at femur fracture

* backbone

! Direct indications for Shants's splinting are damages:

* at fracture of ribs

* at fracture of a fibular bone

* at fracture of a tibia bone

* at femur fracture

* at fracture of cervical department of a spine

! At what fractures the transport splint immobile two adjacent joints:

* at fracture of ribs

* at fracture of a fibular bone

* at fracture of a tibia bone

* at fracture of bones of the top and bottom extremities

* at fracture of cervical department of a backbone

Wounds. Bleeding stop.

Control: Tests

! What it is necessary to make first of all to stop external bleeding?

* to impose fresh napkins on bandage already applied and impregnated with a blood.

* to carry out digital pressing of an artery

* to press a wound a pure or sterile napkin

* to move the victim far away from danger

* To put in regenerative situation

! Choose symptoms of internal bleeding:

* frequent low pulse and hurried breathing

* hurried breathing, nausea and vomiting,

* nausea and vomiting, a skin discoloration in the field of damage

* excessive thirst and frequent low pulse

* a skin discoloration in the field of damage and a frequent low pulse

! In most cases the best situation for the victim with

nasal bleeding:

* situation sitting with the lowered head

* situation sitting with the head thrown back

*a standing position with the head thrown back

* a standing position with the lowered head

* situation sitting

! The main danger conjugated with wounds:

* strong bleeding and becoming infected

* becoming infected and extremity discoloration

* pulse disappearance on the extremity periphery

* discoloration of an extremity and strong bleeding

* all listed

! Primary survey shows that the victim has no consciousness, there is a respiration and

strong bleeding. Your further actions:

* To put to bed

* Not to touch

* to stop bleeding and to revive

* To revive salt ammonia

* All listed

! At what bleedings Blackmore's probe is applied.

* the internal

*the hidden

* from a nose

* from a stomach

* at all

! Choose mistakes at the tourniquet use:

* an applying a tourniquet without sufficient indications

* an applying a tourniquet on a naked skin

* the wrong choice of a place for an applying a tourniquet

* wrong tightening of a tourniquet

* all above-mentioned

! The tourniquet is applied to a stopping of bleeding at:

* arterial bleeding

* internal bleeding

* capillary bleeding

* parenchymatous bleeding

* all above-mentioned

! What way of a hemostasis is the tamponade?

* way of a temporary hemostasis.

* method of a constant hemostasis.

* any of them

*all listed

* way of a venous hemostasis

! Correctness of an applying a tourniquet is checked:

* the bleeding termination from a wound and pulse disappearance on the extremity periphery

* pulse disappearance on the periphery of an extremity and an extremity discoloration

* a discoloration of an extremity and the bleeding termination from a wound

* any of the listed signs

* all listed signs

! Vessel pressing on an extent consists that press a bleeding vessel:

* in the field of the wound,

* above the wound

* from the right from a wound

* in one of the listed ways

* in all listed ways

! Vessel pressing on an extent at wound of arteries consists that press a bleeding vessel:

* above the wound

* below the wound

* in the field of the wound

* in one of the listed ways

* in all listed ways

! Vessel pressing on an extent at wound of veins consists that press a bleeding vessel:

* above the wound

* below the wound

* in the field of the wound

* in one of the listed ways

* in all listed ways

! The raised position of the damaged part of a body is applied at wounds of extremities more often:

* at venous bleedings.

* at arterial bleedings.

* at capillary bleedings

* at any

* in all listed cases

! What of the methods listed below are included by a temporary stopping of bleeding?

* all listed

* digital pressing of the main arterial trunks;

* the maximum flexion of an extremity in a joint;

* compressing bandage applying;

* applying a tourniquet;

! Depending on what vessel bleeds, bleeding can be:

* arterial, venous and capillary

* venous, parenchymatous

* arterial and internal

* parenchymatous and venous

* the internal, parenchymatous

! A compressing bandage as a way of a temporary stopping of bleeding apply:

* internal bleedings

* at small bleedings (capillary)

* arterial bleedings

* massive bleedings

* internal bleedings

! What help will you render, if deal with the polluted wound in the absence of bleeding?

* Will wash out a wound an antiseptic and apply a bandage

* Impose bandage with Vaseline and bandage at will

* Impose on a wound a sterile napkin and will bandage

* All together taken truly

* Any of listed incorrectly

! The haemostatic tourniquet is imposed:

* at arterial bleedings

* at capillary bleedings

* at venous bleedings

* at parenchymatous bleedings

* at all above-mentioned bleedings

! In a cold season the haemostatic tourniquet is imposed:

* for 15 minutes

* for 60 minutes

* for 1 hour

* for 2 hour

* for 40 minutes

! At the base of hemorrhagic shock lies:

* oppression of the vasomotor center

* vasodilatation

* decrease of volume of a circulating blood

* cardiovascular failure

* vasospasm

! In the summer the hemostatic tourniquet to children is imposed:

* for 15 minutes

* for 60 minutes

* for 1 hour

* for 2 hour

* for 40 minutes

! To what bleeding there correspond signs a frequent low pulse and a hurried breathing:

* internal bleeding

* nasal bleeding,

* capillary bleeding

* lymphatic bleeding

* hemorrhage

! At gastric bleeding it is applied.

* Fallo probe

* Esmarch's irrigator

* Janet's syringe

* Blackmore's probe

* heater


! Apply of an air-tight bandage at getting wound of a thorax is carried out:

* immediately on a wound

* over a wadded and gauze napkin

* over an air-tight bandage

* all above-mentioned is true

* all above-mentioned is incorrect

! At getting wound of abdomen with abasement of organs it is necessary:

* to set the organs which have dropped out outside and to apply a bandage a wound

* to apply a bandage a wound and to enter an anesthetic

* to give inside hot drink and to enter an anesthetic

* to enter an anesthetic and cold on a stomach

* cold on a stomach and to apply a bandage a wound

! When overlaying bandage in what arm there should be a bandage head:

* in the right arm

* in the left

* in both arms

* has no value

* everything is true

! When overlaying bandage in what arm there should be a bandage extremity:

* in two arms

* in the left arm

* to the right arm

* has no value

* everything is true

! A bandage on area of a knee joint impose on type:

* the turtle

* cap

* spike-shaped

* the spiral

* the fixing

! When applying a bandage to stand:

* the right side to the victim

* faced to the victim

* the left side to the victim

* everything is true

* everything is incorrect

! To begin bandage appliance in the direction

* from below up

* from top to down

* has no value

* everything is incorrect

* everything is true

! The first round of a bandage is necessary for fixing:

* surely

* unessential

* it is desirable

* everything is true

* everything is incorrect

! The subsequent round to impose:

* on a half of the previous.

* one third of the previous.

* on two thirds of the previous

* everything is true

* everything is incorrect.

! As a rule, to change a bandage follows:

* in 2-3 days,

* in 3-4 days,

* after 4-5 days

* in 1 day

* every day,

! On a fixating bandage it is necessary to put ice bag at:

* dislocation

* sprain

* fracture

* in all listed cases

* in one of the listed cases

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