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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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XIII. Translate the sentences with the Gerund and the Infinitive:

1. The government proved incapable of protecting the Republic. 2. Congress, offering peace, prepared for war and went on collecting an army. 3. William the Conqueror began confiscating the lands of the English barons. 4. During the Middle Ages there had been many plays dealing with religious subjects. 5. The Church was interested in preserving and strengthening the feudal system. 6. Alexander the Great dreamed of conquering the entire world. 7. The United Kingdom was the first country in the world to become highly industrialized. 8. To protect themselves from robbers, the merchants united into groups. 9. They were sorry to have suffered heavy losses. 10. To examine these classes separately will be the best way to outline the social history of this period. 11. The next move of the rebels was to surround the Tower. 12. The work to be divided up among them was hard. 13. Sometimes they were glad to have been given any work. 14. British warriors crossed the Channel to help their Gaulish kinsmen. 15. The Egyptians were the first to make paper from papyrus. 16. Napoleon’s great wish was to crush the Russian army and to capture Moscow. 17. The government measures were aimed at improving the living conditions of the workers. 18. Having defeated all his opponents Caesar came to Rome and called himself emperor. 19. The rebels insisted on handing power over to the Revolutionary Committee. 20. In the 14th century Moscow played a significant role in uniting the people of Russia. 21 Having reached the Balkan Peninsular, the Persians occupied Northern Greece without any fighting. 22. I remember reading about it in one of the historical novels. 23. The job of a reporter is to expose and to record. 24. Tom went on talking. 25. If it came to losing him, would she suffer?

XIV. Decide if the conditions in the sentences are real, unreal in the present (future), or unreal in the past. Translate the sentences.

  1. Where should we go if we had no classes?

  2. He wouldn’t fail the exam if he paid more attention to this subject.

  3. If he had had more practical experience, the scientific work would have taken him less time.

  4. If you see Alec, tell him I have done what he asked me to.

  5. You might have got a better grade if you hadn’t made so many mistakes.

  6. If it doesn’t stop raining, put on your raincoat and take your umbrella.

  7. If he were here, he would help us.

  8. He suggested that the decision of the question be postponed.

  9. I should very much object to this statement.

  10. If you had taken the medicine then, you would be well now.

Список использованной литературы.

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