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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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II. Answer the questions in written form.

  1. What kinds of punishment exist in different countries?

  2. What does the Capital Punishment mean and how do you understand its purpose?

  3. Does our country have the Capital Punishment?

  4. “Imprisonment is revenge, but not rehabilitation” or “Criminals need help more than punishment”: are you for or against these statements? Why?

  5. What is the purpose of punishment?

  6. How should the punishment be organized?

  7. Which punishment do you think is appropriate for theft?

  8. What will happen if people are never punished?

  9. Do you think life imprisonment is the right method to help a criminal go straight?

  10. What crime should be punished by fines?

  11. If you were in prison what wouldn’t you be able to get used to?

  12. What is the purpose of making punishments public in some countries?

III. Translate in written form the first 3 paragraphs of the text.

IV. Complete the table:

Crime criminal verb definition

Murder murderer to murder killing someone







Pick pocketing







Drunken driving



V. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words:

Investigate, deter, break, assault, search, impose a fine, detect, bride, community service, imprisonment, suspend, bail, a life sentence, detention, cell, corporal punishment, death penalty, gassing, abolish, beheading, lethal injection, electrocution, hanging, convict, prosecute, deserter, bigamist, stowaway, traitor, vandal, verdict, oath, accomplice, arson, proof, in custody, commit, arrested, embezzlement, charged, guard, inquest, plain clothes, warders.

VI. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the box:


Punishment, sentence, wave, execution, convict, legally, innocent, prison, research.

In 1987, two academics published a story showing that 23 a)___ people had been executed in the United States. b)___ has shown that capital c)___ is used inconsistently. For example, in South Africa, black murderers are far more likely to be d)___ to death than whites. During a crime e)___ in China in the 1980s, cities were given a quota of f)___ to meet; in a city where there weren’t very many murderers, people g)___ of lesser crimes were more likely to be executed. In addition, while in some countries young people are not sent to h)___ but to special juvenile detention centers, in Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Bangladesh, Barbados and the United States children under 18 have been i)___ put to death.


Wrongdoer; deterrent; law-abiding;

Misdeeds; reform; crime doesn’t pay;

Barbaric; retribution; corporal punishment;

Humane; rehabilitate; death penalty.

What is the purpose of punishment? One purpose is obviously to a)___ the offender, to correct the offender’s moral attitudes and anti-social behavior and to b)___ him or her, which means to assist the offender to return to normal life as a useful member of the community. Punishment can also be seen as a c)___ because it warns other people of what will happen if they are tempted to break the law and so prevents them from doing so. However, a third purpose of punishment lies, perhaps, in society’s desire for d)___, which basically means revenge. In other words, don’t we feel that a e)___ should suffer for his f)___? The form of punishment should also be considered. On the one hand, some believe that we should “make the punishment fit the crime”. Those who steal from others should be deprived of their own property to ensure that the criminals are left in no doubt that g)___. For those who attack others h)___ should be used. Murderers should be subject to the principle “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” and automatically receive the i)___. On the other hand, it is said that such views are unreasonable, cruel and j)___ and that we should show a more k)___ attitude to punishment and try to understand why a person commits a crime and how society has failed to enable him to live a respectable, l)___ life.


Theft; pleaded; fingerprints; found; cell.

Evidence; arrest; oath; investigate;

Sentence; charge; detained; fine;

Court; magistrate; handcuff; witness;

A policeman was sent to a)___ the disappearance of some property from a hotel. When he arrived, he found that the hotel staff had caught a boy in one of the rooms with a camera and some cash. When the policeman tried to b)___the boy, he became violent and the policeman had to c)___ him. At the police station the boy could not give a satisfactory explanation for his actions and the police decided to d)___ him with the e)___ f the camera and cash. They took his f)___, locked him in a g)___, and h)___ him overnight. The next morning he appeared in i)___ before the j)___. He took an k)___ and l)___ not guilty. Two m)___, the owner of the property and a member of the hotel staff, gave n)___. After both sides of the case had been heard the boy was o)___ guilty. He had to pay a p)___ of £50 and he was given a q)___ of three month in prison suspended for two years.