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XI. A) Note the difference in meaning of the given words

to exterminate


to kill all the creatures or people in a place, or all those of a certain kind so that they no longer exist

to eradicate


to put an end to something bad or undesirable; to get rid of completely

to eliminate


to remove or get rid of completely something that is unnecessary or unwanted

b) Render these word – combinations from English into Russian. Pay attention to discrimination of the verbs “to eradicate” and eliminate”

  • to achieve global eradication

  • to estimate global savings from eradication

  • the efforts to eradicate the disease

  • to have so far eliminated transmission of spores

  • regional elimination programs

  • to be eradicated by humans’ undertakings

  • global eradication certified by a commission of scientists

  • to be eliminated from large regions of the world

  • eradication efforts based on making drinking water supplies safer

c) Fill in the gaps with proper words in the box. Some of them are used more than once.

Eliminating; eradicated; to exterminate; elimination; eradication; eradicable; eliminated

1. Due to the development of the smallpox vaccine, the disease was officially … in 1979.

2. The reduction of оn infectious disease prevalence in a regional population to zero, or the reduction of the global prevalence to a negligible amount is called ……….. .

3. As of 2011 further 32 countries were in the process of …………malaria from all or part of their territory.

4. The Global Malaria Action plan aims at its eventual global ……… .

5. The strategy for ……….. transmission of lymphatic filariasis is mass distribution of medicines to …………..microfilariae and stop transmission by mosquitoes in endemic communities.

  1. In 1960, Czechoslovakia became the first country certified to have …….polio.

  2. The WHO defines “……………”as having no domestic transmission for the past three years.

8. Five infectious diseases, namely - measles, mumps, rubella, lymphatic filariasis and cysticercosis are identified as potentially ……….with current technology.

9. Once formed, the spores of anthrax are very hard……….. .

XII. A). Make the definitions of adjectives complete:

  1. emaciated

  2. vulnerable

  3. communicable

  4. excruciating

  5. susceptible


a.(of pain) extremely bad

b. extremely thin, esp. from hunger or illness

c.(esp. of illnesses) that can be (easily)passed from one person to another

d. likely to suffer from

e. weak, not well protected, easily harmed, hurt

B).Use the adjectives from part A to fill in the gaps in the given sentences:

1. I’ve got an … stomachache due to food poisoning.

2. The sick was terribly … after an attack of malaria and could hardly walk.

3. She is rather … to infections diseases because of compromised immune system.

4. Chickenpox is considered to be a highly … illness caused by the varicella – zoster virus, a type of herpes virus.

5. Some groups of people including children and pregnant women, aboriginal people and seniors are more … to infectious diseases as a result of physical differences.

XIII. Define the part of speech of the given words, translate them into Russian:

decontamination; excruciatingly; vulnerability; eradicable; contagiousness; emaciated; sporulation; communicably; susceptibility; contaminator; emaciation, transmissibility

XIV. Supply synonyms to the following words:

1. to transmit

  1. eschar

  2. carrier

  3. origin of infection

  4. rash

  5. vaccination

  6. to become infected

  7. liable

  8. sample

  9. causative agent

  10. contagious

  11. to eliminate

XV. Render the following symptoms characteristic of infectious diseases into English:

  1. повышенная температура

  2. потрясающий озноб

  3. характерные розовые пятна

4. тупая головная боль

5. урчание в животе

6. отсутствие аппетита

7. зловонный стул

8. изнуряющая рвота

9. болезненная опухшая селезенка

10. вирусная диарея

11. кровотечение из носа

12. беспокойство

XVI. Fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences below. Choose from the following. Some of the prepositions are used more than once.

about, against, by, down, from, in, into, of, on, to, with

1. Disease can spread to another person through direct contact ______the patient.

2. Infection may be carried in water contaminated sewage.

3. Malaria is transmitted ____ the bite of a mosquito.

4. Toxins released ______ the blood circulation may produce fever.

5. A rash is probably due ________ a viral infection.

6. The severity of the disease depends the particular viral strain.

7. A secondary infection can be treated appropriate antibiotics.

8. There are six patients suffering______ 'flu'.

9. Patients must be warned the dangers of secondary infection.

10. The measles rash appears _____ the forehead and then spreads the body.

11. The German measles rash consists pink macules.

12. Girls should be vaccinated rubella if they have never had it.

13. Laryngeal spasm may cause difficulty swallowing.

14. Antibiotics are effective _______ the Bordetella pertussis bacillus.

15. In the past many people died______smallpox.

16.Children are routinely immunized ____polio, whooping cough and other diseases.

17. Typhoid fever is caused Salmonella typhi.

18. Precautions must be taken to prevent the spread infection.

19. Children are often concerned a rash on their skin.

(Professional English Medical by Alison Pohl, Penguin English Guides)

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