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VI.Read the text and answer the questions following it:


Disinfectant is an agent that destroys or removes bacteria and other microorganisms on surfaces. It is used to cleanse surgical instruments and other objects. The most natural disinfectant is sunlight, but most popular chemical disinfectants are carbolic acid, phenol, chlorine, and iodine. Dilute solutions of some disinfectants may be used as antiseptics or as preservatives in solutions of eye drops or injections.

Disinfectants work best on smooth surfaces like plastic, but they often do not exterminate all bacteria and those that survive an attack by chemicals will produce a resistant generation. Therefore, there is a tendency to create conditions which discourage the growth of microbes rather than trying to kill them.

a) What are disinfectants used for?

b). Could you name a common chemical disinfectant?

c). What is the disadvantage of disinfectants?

d). How do modern health care establishments prefer to deal with microbes?


What are the differences between disinfectants, antibiotics, and antiseptics?

VII.Mix and match:

Types of infectious Organisms

1.Microscopic, singl-celled organism. Examples are Streptococcus pyogenes (strep throat), a)fungus Escherichia coli (urinary tract infection)

2.A small infectious organism-much smaller than a fungus or bacterium-that cannot reproduce on its own; it must invade a living cell and use that cell`s machinery to reproduce. b) parasite Examples are Varicella zoster (chicken-pox, shingles), Rhinovirus (common cold) c)bacterium

3.This type of the infectious organism is actually a type of plant. Yeasts, molds, and mushrooms are all of this type. Examples are Candida albicans (vaginal yeast infection), Tinea pedis (athlete`s foot)

4.An organism such as a worm or single-celled animal d) virus that survives by living inside another (the host). Examples are Enterbius vermicularis (pinworm); Plasmodium falciparum (malaria)

VIII.Make the sentences complete: Rickettsiae

Rickettsiae is a group of very small nonmotile….

cellular structure and method of asexual reproduction

They resemble bacteria in their….

arthropods (ticks, mites, etc)

Like viruses they cannot…..

transmitted to mammals in which they can cause severe illness

Rickettsiae infect……

reproduce outside the bodies of their hosts

Through arthropods they can be…..

spherical or rod-like parasitic organisms

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