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VI. Give Russian equivalents to the following word-combinations:

  • general muscle stiffness

  • severe muscle contractions

  • the onset of generalized tetanus

  • lockjaw followed by rigidity of muscles

  • surgical debridement of the wound

  • anti-tetanospasmin immunoglobulin

  • to offer a booster shot

  • to arch backwards

  • contamination of wound by bacterial spores

  • tightening of the jaw muscle

  • tetanic seizures

  • drooling and uncontrolled urination

  • to enter the body through a puncture wound

  • the entry of infection

VII. Having obtained the information concerning tetanus fill in the gaps with proper words:

Tetanus, sometimes called _______, is a rare disease caused by bacteria ____ ____. A toxin produced by the bacteria affects the function of the ______ and leads to severe muscle _________ in the abdomen, neck, stomach, and extremities. Tetanus can either be _______ to one part of the body or ________, with muscle spasms throughout the body. The disease has been called lockjaw since the muscle spasms in the face and neck can result in the inability to _______ the mouth. This is the most common _______ of tetanus. Tetanus is a serious illness that is ______ in up to 30% of cases. Tetanus is not ______, so a person cannot acquire the disease from someone who has it.

VIII. Use special medical terms from Ex.1:

  1. The tetanus ___ causes the muscles to tighten up into a continuous ___ contractions.

  2. The jaw is “locked” my musle spasms, giving the name “lockjaw” also called ____.

  3. Spasm and twitching of the muscles, particularly those of the face, hands and feet, caused by a reduction in the reduction in the blood calcium level is called _____.

  4. _____ is a toxin produced by tetanus bacilli in an infected wound.

  5. The toxin diffuses along nerves, causing _____, and may reach the. Spinal cord and brain, when it causes violent muscular spasms.

  6. The position of the body in which the head, neck and spine are arched backwards is called _____.

  7. _________ is an abnormal grinning expression resulting from involuntary prolonged contraction of facial muscles, as seen in tetanus.

IX. Render from Russian into English: Столбняк

Столбняк — это одна из самых тяжелых инфекционных болезней, часто приводящих к смерти.

Заболевание вызывается токсином, который выделяют бактерии (столбнячные палочки), попавшие в рану. Они находятся в поверхностных слоях почвы богатой органическими веществами, в содержимом кишечника человека и животных, на одежде и в домашней пыли. Столбняк распространен в тех местах, где проживает человек, т. е. повсеместно.

Больной столбняком не заразен для окружающих.

Инкубационный период длится от 2 до 56 дней. Чем он короче, тем тяжелее протекает заболевание.

При развитии болезни боли и скованность при движениях нижней челюстью и мышцами живота или спины, затруднение при глотании появляются. Затем больному становится трудно открывать рот, мышцы лица напрягаются и судорожно сокращаются. Лицо больного становится похоже на маску с фиксированной «сардонической» улыбкой. В течение 1—3 суток начинаются очень болезненные судороги, которые приводят к нарушению дыхания. Больной нуждается в срочной госпитализации в реанимационное отделение больницы. Заболевание часто заканчивается смертью.

Для предупреждения болезни проводится плановая вакцинация с 3-месячного возраста с ревакцинацией (повторной вакцинацией) в 2 года, 6 и 16 лет и в дальнейшем — каждые 10 лет.

После каждого ранения, при отсутствии документального подтверждения о вакцинации, проводится экстренная профилактика столбняка путем введения столбнячного анатоксина или противостолбнячной сыворотки, содержащей антитоксины. Экстренная профилактика помогает предупредить заболевание.

X. Describe the disease using this diagram:

XI. Take the Tetanus Quiz


1. Tetanus is caused by a virus.

  • A.True

  • B.False

2. In the world, most cases of tetanus are found in people who are over 60.

  • A.True

  • B.False

3. Adults should get a tetanus booster once every five years.

  • A.True

  • B.False

4. Tetanus is a contagious disease, passed from one person to the next.

  • A.True

  • B.False

5. Symptoms of tetanus infection include headache and difficulty swallowing.

  • A.True

  • B.False

6. Once a person has had a tetanus infection, he or she is protected from future infections.

  • A.True

  • B.False

7. An individual should see a doctor if he or she gets a deep wound.

  • A.True

  • B.False

8. Symptoms of tetanus infection appear within a day of exposure.

  • A.True

  • B.False

(Yale school of Medicine, Yale Medical Group)


XII. Make the list of “Tetanus facts”.

* (definition of the disease)

* (cause)

* (entry of infection)

* (immunization)

* (prevention)


I.Before reading the text master the pronunciation of the following words, find their meaning in the dictionary

leprosy [ ' leprәsi ]

lepromatous [lep 'rәmәtәs]

leprotic [lep`rotik]

tuberculoid [tju: 'bә:kjulכid ]

disfigurement [dis'figәmәnt ]

ostracism [כstrә'kizm]

to shun [ n]

bump [b mp]

lump [l mp]

II.Read the text «Leprosy», use dictionary if necessary:


Leprosy (Hansen's disease) is a chronic infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae that results in damage primarily to the peripheral nerves, skin, testes, eyes, and mucous membrane of the nose.

Because of the visible disfigurement in untreated people, people with leprosy have long been feared and shunned by others. Although leprosy is not highly contagious, does not cause death, and can be effectively treated with antibiotics, the disease still causes widespread anxiety. As a result, people with leprosy often suffer psychologic and social problems

More than 1 million people worldwide have leprosy. Leprosy is most common in Asia (especially India and Nepal), Africa, Latin America, and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. About 4,000 people in the United States are infected, most of them in California, Hawaii and Texas. Almost all cases of leprosy in the United States involve people who emigrate from developing countries. The infection can start at any age but most commonly begins in the 20s and 30s.

It is not clear how leprosy is spread. However, one way the disease is likely passed front person to person is through droplets expelled from the nose and mouth of an infected person and breathed in or touched by an uninfected person. But even with the bacteria in the air, most people do not contract leprosy. About half of the people with leprosy probably contracted it through close, long-term contact with an infected person. Casual and short-term contact do not seem to spread the dis­ease. Leprosy cannot be contracted by simply touching someone with the disease, as is commonly believed. Health care workers often work for many years with people who have leprosy without contracting the disease. Other potential sources of Mycobacterium leprae are soil, armadillos, and possibly bedbugs and mosquitoes.

About 95% of people who are exposed to Mycobacterium leprae do not develop leprosy because their immune system fights off the infection. In people who do develop the disease, the infection can range from mild (tuberculoid -leprosy) to severe (lepromatous leprosy). The tuberculoid form of leprosy is not contagious.

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